I was a pacifist til today

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Well-known member
Oct 26, 2006
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Louisville, KY
Had a consult about an hour east of where I live. Forecast, 52 and sunny, well, time to take the bike!

Decided to take a long route home and hit some twisties.

Along the way, there is this area where the road drops off steeply on each side, to allow a drainage tunnel for a stream or something like that.

I notice two heads down there, and as I get closer I see just a little bit of these 2 kids heads. Next thing you know, they start slinging rocks at me!

I don't think I've ever been so pissed off. I slam the brakes and jump off the bike leaving it in the middle of the road on the kickstand. The kids at this point start to run.

I thought for a split second about chasing them down, and delivering the firm beatdown they deserved, but then my common sense came back.

I yelled out, "That's really funny, huh? It would be real funny if you made me crash, I died, then my wife and son would be alone. Wouldn't that be F*ing funny to you? Wouldn't that be hilarious if you ruined my families life!" (Note, I don't have a wife or a kid!)

So after that I jumped back on, decided to let it go, and enjoyed the next 100 miles of twisty country roads!

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There seem to be alot of those punks in Kentucky. There were some firing rocks or something off one of the pedestrian bridges that spans I-64 on the west side of downtown Louisville. My car is still pretty new to be taking a rock, but luckily for me they were born Kentuckians, and can't throw for a shit. :p

There seem to be alot of those punks in Kentucky. There were some firing rocks or something off one of the pedestrian bridges that spans I-64 on the west side of downtown Louisville. My car is still pretty new to be taking a rock, but luckily for me they were born Kentuckians, and can't throw for a shit. :p
As Scab has pointed out, KY still makes good jelly!

There seem to be alot of those punks in Kentucky. There were some firing rocks or something off one of the pedestrian bridges that spans I-64 on the west side of downtown Louisville. My car is still pretty new to be taking a rock, but luckily for me they were born Kentuckians, and can't throw for a shit. :p
This post..., hell, this thread, ... is America. I love this shit. Does anyone know what I'm saying?

(Did I just invite a jimmykick?)

We had a spat of rock thrwing kids around Sydney a few years ago.

In the worst case a kid dropped a brick from a motorway over pass into the path of an on comming truck. On impact the brick smashed through the trucks front window hitting the driver in the head which killed him. The truck now traveling at 60mph (100Kmh) with no effective pilot then took out a few car. Fortunatly the only death was the truck driver, although by no means was he fortunate.

Such a stupid childish act that ended in absolute devestation.

I had a 2 boys of about 10 throw rocks at me afew years ago when I was riding my XT. I spun around rode up the foot path and progressed to chase them across peoples front yards. They of course ran straight home as best they could. At their house I grabbed them and wanted to speak to their parents. And guess what?? No parents are home.. They were probably at the pub or something.

I therefore had a talk to these 2 boys (likely brothers) about how serious an isse this was and that I didn't want to call the police because they would likely go to prision etc. You know how it goes trying to put some fear into them.

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Same thing in Edmonton several years ago. Kids dropped a concrete block, I believe and hit a School Bus Driver killing him, luckily the bus was empty.

About 2 weeks ago, I witnessed a gang of about 10 mid-teens stood at the side of the road, throwing a tennis ball at passing cars, and filming it with their phones, hoping for a crash no doubt. They should be rounded up and at the very least stopped from breeding. As there were a lot of them and the ball didn't hit my car I didn't stop but phoned it straight in to the cops.

A few years ago I had some older teens throw some rocks at my Jeep. I turned around and chased after them across some farmer's field. One of them got away but the other got a beating he probably still remembers. I am definitely not a pacifist.

There is nothing wrong with a bit of old fashioned


There seem to be alot of those punks in Kentucky. There were some firing rocks or something off one of the pedestrian bridges that spans I-64 on the west side of downtown Louisville. My car is still pretty new to be taking a rock, but luckily for me they were born Kentuckians, and can't throw for a shit. :p
This post..., hell, this thread, ... is America. I love this shit. Does anyone know what I'm saying?

(Did I just invite a jimmykick?)
I know what you're saying.

...and I might add: of course Kentucks can't throw for shit; they can sure as hell chunk, though. :p

Too bad it wasn't more to the south-west of Louisville....I have a friend who is a cop in Radclif. He could pass as the model for the original GI-Joe. :D Bet he could throw a scare into those kids.


Around here it is mostly snow balls that kids throw, and even that is much less frequent than in the past. I think the kids are just not spending much time outdoors anymore.

We did some rocks thrown off of overpasses and it escalated to bigger rocks and bricks until a couple drivers were killed. That was probably ten years ago. Most overpasses now have high chain link fences so kids can't drop anything off.

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Several years ago I took the day off from work and had 4 new tyers put on my wife's Honda, then went to hunting camp. After dark on my return home, rural setting 2 lane road, as I entered the apex of a right curve, a small kid about 8 was squatted down w/his back toward me, just on the pavement edge, only 1-2 feet from the travel lane. As my headlights picked him up, given his location as though that didn't scare me enough already, suddenly I see a lit object flung out into the road right in front of the car, turns out to be a small pack of firecrackers. While they did no damage to the car, I was required to lock my breaks, wifey's Honda back at that time and model did not have ABS and all 4 new tyres got flat spotted.

I U turned and w/out speaking to the kid drove up his long winding gravel drive up to his house w/new tyre receipt in hand and the kid's momma met one pissed off dude on her porch. I will say that momma snatched that child up by the collar of his jacket and flung him inside the house and advised him to go to his room and she would deal with him later. It's a good thing I was not shot going up to a strangers house after dark in my pissed state. Not only did I go over the danger of that kid being so close to the road after dark, but also the little matter of 4 new flat spotted tyres. Unfortunately it was painfully obvious that momma did not have the finances to replace my new tyres.........where was dad?? I have no idea. :angry:

Unfortunately, there are very few fences on overpasses out here in the Midwest. From my hometown of Fairmont, Minnesota just last August, this took place on an overpass with no exit ramps to it or fences on it:

Blake D. Bents, 17, of Fairmont, faces charges of first-, second- and third-degree felony assault and first-degree criminal damage to property, along with conspiracy to commit.

The remaining four —Andrew J. Fellersen, 18, of Fairmont; Brock M. Frolik, 17, of Fairmont; Benjamin C. Carlson, 18, of Granada; and a juvenile not named because he was 15 when the alleged crime was committed — are charged with aiding and abetting and conspiracy to commit first-, second- and third-degree assault and aiding and abetting and conspiracy to commit first-degree criminal damage to property.

According to information from the Fairmont Police Department and the Minnesota State Patrol:

In the early morning hours of Aug. 26, truck driver Theodore Maki, 54, of Missoula, Mont., was driving a semi-trailer truck east on Interstate 90 in Martin County when he was struck in the head by a bowling ball that came through his windshield. He was knocked unconscious. The semi ended up crossing the other lanes of traffic and crashed 200 feet into a cornfield. Because of his injuries, Maki needed to be airlifted to St. Marys Hospital in Rochester.

On Wednesday, Fairmont’s school resource officer received information about the group that participated in dropping the bowling ball off the overpass. All five were interviewed Thursday.

Fellersen was interviewed at Fairmont High School and initially denied being at the scene, but later admitted he was there but was not the one who dropped the bowling ball. He stated the group was out when they stole a bowling ball off a fence post from a backyard in Fairmont. The group then drove to the overpass, and were rolling the ball around. Fellersen said he talked about a time when someone threw a cinder block off the bridge and hit a trailer, and said he thought it was funny, but not safe.

According to Fellersen’s statement, the group then dropped the bowling ball off the bridge onto the Interstate below to see if they could make the bowling ball crack. They then went down and got the bowling ball and brought it back up. They were then going to try to drop it on the trailer of a semi. They saw a semi coming toward the bridge in the eastbound lane and tried to time the drop, but Bents dropped the ball too early. Fellersen said he knew dropping a bowling ball on the trailer would scare the driver.

Because Fellersen was 18 when the incident occurred, he was arrested and placed in the Martin County Jail. The other four were held at the juvenile detention center in New Ulm upon their arrest.

Bents also was interviewed. He at first denied he was the one who dropped the ball, but eventually admitted he never meant to hurt anyone, that it was meant to be a practical joke, even though he knew it would be really bad if things went wrong.

Interviews with the other three boys yielded stories similar to those given by Fellersen and Bents.

Damage to the semi was in excess of $3,000, and there also was damage done to about 200 feet of corn.

At their initial hearings on Friday, all the defendants were released on their own recognizance, with the exception of Bents, who was given the option of staying in the juvenile detention facility in New Ulm or voluntarily being admitted to a mental health clinic.

“These are the most serious allegations I’ve seen in a juvenile proceeding,” Martin County Judge Robert Walker said during Bents’ hearing, stating that the actions of Bents were “... literally a number of seconds away from the death of Mr. Maki.”

All five were placed on house arrest with electronic home-monitoring, with school attendance being the only exception. The five are not allowed to have more than incidental contact with each other, and none are allowed to drive a vehicle.

Bents is charged with first-degree assault and the other four are charged with aiding and abetting first-degree assault. Each charge carries a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison and a $30,000 fine. Second-degree assault, including aiding and abetting with a weapon and causing bodily harm, carries a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison and a $20,000 fine. Third-degree assault, including aiding and abetting, carries a maximum penalty of five years in prison and a $10,000 fine. Two counts of first-degree criminal damage to property, including aiding and abetting, carries a maximum penalty of five years in prison and a $10,000 fine.

Each of the defendants also faces conspiracy to commit charges for each of above crimes. Conspiracy to commit maximum penalties are half of the maximum penalty for each charge.

Call the police if you see kids near a road that they don't need to be. It could save a life.

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Fer hell sakes.... DOWNHILL from you.... Knock them little assholes off their feet with yer own rocks..... Yer tossin downhill........ You got the range dooooode and gravity is a big friend just now..... OK I am an asshole........ Stay outta range.. I live in snowball tossin country
