Isle of Man Coroner gives TT Marshals a bad rep over deaths last year.

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In the U.S., that would be a precursor to a huge lawsuit by the victim's families.

I assume from the article that they are going to police any "run-off area" and make sure that the safety areas are clear. I wonder if they will stop the race if someone ventures into that area and not begin anew until the miscreants are arrested or escorted from that site? I'd be majorly angry if it were my timed laps that were stopped because of a spectator wandering into that area!

This could get very interesting.


Thanks for the post.


Not sure how all the accidents occurred but, one thing about being a marshal, track worker, or spectator, being at the races is DANGEROUS. I understand they try to make it as safe as possible; however, there is that chance that something will go wrong and people will get seriously hurt or die. I attend drag races and boat drag racing as well as bike racing. When cars are going at 300mph and get airborne, who knows where they'll end up.

When I go to these events I like to be close to the action, but I also look for a safe place to watch. You see those car rallies in Europe where people line up on the outside of the turns, perfect example of cars losing traction around the turn and going into the crowd. Get in a safe spot.

Let's talk air plane racing, as in heavily modified WWII craft flying around pylons at Stead, Reno, Nevada. In the old days, you could actually sit 'inside' the pylons and safely watch the birds roar above you at 50'. Now, all spectactors must be *outside* the pylons... directly in the path of the crash. Not to smart IMHO...

I've been to Reno several times. The planes never fly over or in the direction of the crowd. Anyone that breaks the deadline is DQed. There were 3 crashes in 2007 and all fell inside the pylons.
