Knee Replacement and FJR

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Ack! I accidentally stumbled into the old men's medical forum. Where are the motorcycles? :rolleyes:
Ouch! I'll have you know I am 41 years young and on this form that makes me a pup! :D

Actually I am seven weeks out from surgery and this week I finally feel things are really coming together. I had my FJR on the center stand and I decided to just sit on her and give her a try. In on motion I put my left leg on the peg and my toe was at the shifter. Yesterday we purchased my 16 year old son his first car. Of course he had the bright idea that my FJR's bay was better suited to his new steed. I moved my JFR off of the center stand and walked it around to in front of my Jeep with no problems and placed it back on it's center stand.

I actually feel I am a week out from a test run. The doctor told me I was free to give it a try when I felt strong enough. Moving it around the garage under leg power really gave me confidence. I still think I could use another week but am getting very encouraged.

Thank you to everyone for the information and well wishes. :thumbsup:

Junior's heap should stay outside.

My garage is full of Yamaha's and tools.

My garage will never see a car.

Since this is not completely off topic I posed this here. Admins please move if there is a more appropriate place.

I had my left knee replaced on February 1st. This is my fist total knee replacement and I am learning that this thing takes more time to recover from than six weeks. I am curious how long it has taken others to recover from this surgery to a point they felt safe riding their FJR. I love my Feejer and am in no hurry to drop it by trying to ride before I am ready but must admit as the weather clears I am feeling the itch and it is getting hard to scratch.

I want a realistic expectation and there is nothing better than advice from people who have been there. All input is welcome.
I had my right ACL completely replaced and part of the medial meniscus carved away last year, May 2010. I hasnt been a year yet, and I can tell you that I am good for about MAX 45minutes before the knee joint starts hurting. Fortunately it was my right knee, as I use my left leg down first at stops. I am still not comfortable riding 2up yet though. I don't know when that will be, thus, the wife and I havn't been on a ride in over a year. I use the FJR for my short 20-25min commute now, and keep it to that. It hurts more though sitting in traffic in the car for an hour crawling at 5mph.

Physical therapy man. You cannot get enough of it when getting that knee to heal. Stretches, and leg exercises are crucial. I had my surgery in May, and it wasn't until about mid July/August that I was riding again, and I was extra extra nervous and careful until that ligament grew strong enough. My doctor (Stanford Medical) wouldn't give the thumbs up to ride until 6months post-op...October. The biggest thing is putting that leg down too quickly and twisting it....snapping that ligament. I figured if I was gonna go down while I was moving, my knee would be the last thing I would worry about, #1 being coming out of it alive. Still though, ACL surgery is not fun, it's the whole recovery that sucks. I lost almost 30lbs in about 4 weeks, and my right leg was about half the size of my left, I lost all muscle in my thigh and leg, it was just skin and bones. The physical therapy will kick your ass gotta keep that knee joint moving and working, get it built back up, do those leg lifts, I was doing a few hundred leg lifts an hour. If you sit and watch tv, every commercial break I was leg lifting, Ice, Compression, movement, and still my knee hurts today..10months post op. I can walk, run, everything, but it gets stiff fast and I am still not 100% confident with it.

Good luck, go easy when getting back on that bike.

Give me a shout if you wanna discuss more.


I had my right ACL completely replaced and part of the medial meniscus carved away last year, May 2010. I hasnt been a year yet, and I can tell you that I am good for about MAX 45minutes before the knee joint starts hurting. Fortunately it was my right knee, as I use my left leg down first at stops. I am still not comfortable riding 2up yet though. I don't know when that will be, thus, the wife and I havn't been on a ride in over a year. I use the FJR for my short 20-25min commute now, and keep it to that. It hurts more though sitting in traffic in the car for an hour crawling at 5mph.

Physical therapy man. You cannot get enough of it when getting that knee to heal. Stretches, and leg exercises are crucial. I had my surgery in May, and it wasn't until about mid July/August that I was riding again, and I was extra extra nervous and careful until that ligament grew strong enough. My doctor (Stanford Medical) wouldn't give the thumbs up to ride until 6months post-op...October. The biggest thing is putting that leg down too quickly and twisting it....snapping that ligament. I figured if I was gonna go down while I was moving, my knee would be the last thing I would worry about, #1 being coming out of it alive. Still though, ACL surgery is not fun, it's the whole recovery that sucks. I lost almost 30lbs in about 4 weeks, and my right leg was about half the size of my left, I lost all muscle in my thigh and leg, it was just skin and bones. The physical therapy will kick your ass gotta keep that knee joint moving and working, get it built back up, do those leg lifts, I was doing a few hundred leg lifts an hour. If you sit and watch tv, every commercial break I was leg lifting, Ice, Compression, movement, and still my knee hurts today..10months post op. I can walk, run, everything, but it gets stiff fast and I am still not 100% confident with it.

Good luck, go easy when getting back on that bike.

Give me a shout if you wanna discuss more.

Russ, thank you for your experience. I had my ACL in my right knee replaced in '86 when in high school. I can say that the pain went away but it is what led to my left knee getting replaced. That said it took from '86 until '11 for my left knee to fall apart from compensating for my right knee.

I notice when riding my FJR that my right knee is really good. I only really had pain in my left knee. In 2009 I rode with a buddy from Indiana to Nevada and back home. In something like fourteen days of riding I my knees held up pretty well. I am hopeful that now that my left knee is new I am able to pound out the miles with little difficulty. I know for a fact that the right knee is going to be replaced but hoping to put it off as long as I can. Right know focused on getting back on the bike as soon as it is safe.

Ride safe and good luck with the knee!

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