Man Charged With Murder, Assault

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First let me make it clear I think this guy should get the chair. However consider this, two motorcyclists get cut off by a drunk driver and what do they do? They break the guy's mirror. Do they deserve to die for this? Of course not. My point is we do have a lot of control over what happens on the road by controlling OUR reactions; relying on the reactions of cagers is a surefire receipt for disaster. Let's not escalate the stupid things that happen on the road.

My prayers go out to the families of these victims.

It seems to me the bikers did not use common sense. Sure as hell would piss me off if I got cut off, but you've got to think getting an idiot mad who has a 5000 pound SUV weapon is not a smart move. If you don't out run them, you will lose. I feel sorry for the riders, and for the family left behind, but I also have to think they could've avoided this. A little macho mirror breaking BS probably made them feel good right up to the point they got rear ended. Damn shame all around. There have been times I've wanted to break a mirror or two, maybe I will have to think twice now.

Coming back from WFO-4, Bluestreek and I caught some traffic on I-5 in Seattle. We came upon a line of cars in a left lane off-ramp. As I started to pass one guy went ballistic . He was raging in his car, slipping me off, flailing his arms, etc., etc., then grabbed his cell phone and made a call. He was being so crazy I pulled back and paced him until he got off the highway since there was no room to get "clear" around him without being trapped in traffic. I kept giving Bluestreek the "What the heck" signal and he just shook his head. When we stopped South of Olympia we talked---nothing wrong, nada, zilch, zip---no idea what set this guy off.

Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of man?

Still, as others have mentioned, these bikers were in "some" control. Had they merely rode away from the initial incident perhaps nothing would have happened. Still, the retaliation was premeditated, but even that may be mitigated, in the eyes of the court or D.A., by the bikers actions. There are no "winners" here...everyone loses. How sad.

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