My Friend's Son Died

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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formerly SouthernFJR
Jun 26, 2005
Reaction score
Birmingham, AL
I'm sorry if I bring down someone's "high" with this post... but, today, I attended the funeral of the son of a friend of mine. This just ain't right.. burying the kid before the parents. Those that know me from this and the other "un-banned" board know that I enjoy humorous repartee. But tonight... I don't feel very humorous. God Bless his soul.

I also suffered the loss of a close friend earlier this year, I feel your pain.

My condolences also and my prayers are with the family and friends.


This is all bad. And as a father of eight children, one of my greatest fears.

I shall light a candle tonight for your friend's son.


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My deepest condolences bro, I'm with Warchild on this one, a parents worst nightmare. Please give our best wishes to your friends family and thank you for sharing this...should make us all greatful just to be.



Burying parents is sad, but part of the circle of life.

Burying children is tragic.

As a father of 1 son (home-brewed), and just 4 days away from adopting our 2nd son--we finally pick him up Tuesday--I can't imagine a greater loss than one's children.

The older boy is 10 and dying to see his new baby brother, even though they will be 10 years apart--he can't wait.

I have two boys. I can't fathom the posibility of losing either.

My sincerest sympathies to your friend and his family. Unfortunately, this will become a hole that they can never fill.

If you don't mind me asking, was this due to a motorcycle related accident?


I can't possibly think of what I would do if I lost one of my own. My prayers go out to you and your friends family.

Sorry to hear that. That sucks.

I lost a few friends when I was young and I wouldn't want to go throught what their parents did.


Thanks guys for the replies / condolences / prayers. This forum is about more than motorcycles.

If you don't mind me asking, was this due to a motorcycle related accident?
Negative BrunDog... they suspect a blod clot.

In memory of those who died

We weep and walk away.

Tears run into swollen streams.

No trace of us remains.

Even those who grieve are gone,

And those that grieve who grieve,

And those whose lives are ravaged by

A frantic urge to be,

And those who wander silently

Among the empty rooms:

Immortality is theirs,

Though they must vanish, too.

We bear astonished witness to

The passage of the soul.

No bridge exists that can connect

Our passion to the whole.

Domenico Scarlatti.

In Memoriam
