Office White Board: Aristotle, motorcycles, and metaphysics

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James Burleigh

Well-known member
Dec 16, 2006
Reaction score
San Francisco Bay Area
I think enterprise risk management appeals to me because it's very Aristotelian: Here I am in my office working a priori on a Supreme Model of the Risk Universe for the campus, trying to categorize and account for all the risk-related influences and their relationships.

It's exactly like Aristotle coming up, first, with his Physics, followed by his Metaphysics. Exactly, sort of.


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You dummies! Extensive research has shown that living causes death in 100% of those who try it.
That is Really Good Stuff. Even the fact that you said it does not rob it of its eloquence.

The fact is that just existing still results in the same ending. Continuing to dwell on the consequences of living a happy life seems just a bit too gloomy and depressing for me. Instead of worrying about what can go wrong, I wish to focus on what will go right. I think I will leave this deep dark pondering of dire consequences for Hans and do something happy instead. I am going to plan my Next Big Ride.

I must be getting smarter.
I knew who started this thread just from the title.

Yes, Hans, you're just like Aristotle Socrates!
La Pregunta para SacramentoMiguel: Does hemlock grow well in Beserkely? Inquiring minds DO want to know! jes' sayin' and nuff said, ese!

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Why we ride -- a DVD I really enjoyed.

Why we ride? -- a NEPRHT (never-ending, pointless recurring Hans thread)

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Yes, Hans, you're just like Aristotle.
Onassis? I didn't know Hand had that much money.

I call BS. If so, why would he still work in an office with a whiteboard and do risk analyses? Wouldn't he just pay someone else to do that?

If you are talking about that old Greek guy (with no last name), then i don't think JB is very much like he was, really. That Aristotle was a firm believer in empiricism, which requires one to actually experience something to have real knowledge about it, not the innatism of sitting around in a cubicle doing mental gymnastics.

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