OK Midwesterners--Who Rode Today

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I agree with you Murph. Getting home one night with purple hands made a wimp out of me! That and the lecture from the wife about frostbite blah blah blah.
Isn't that what they make gloves for?

Had cold weather gloves on. Found out the hard way that around 35 and below at speeds over 50mph they DON'T work! ATGATT :)

I agree with you Murph. Getting home one night with purple hands made a wimp out of me! That and the lecture from the wife about frostbite blah blah blah.
Isn't that what they make gloves for?

Had cold weather gloves on. Found out the hard way that around 35 and below at speeds over 50mph they DON'T work! ATGATT :)
Didn't I read somewhere the V-Strom OEM hardguards fit on the FJR? I only ask because I'm rode in 32 degree weather with the guards on my Wee Strom, Olympia winter gloves, and my hands are toasty after a 40 mile at 65-75 mph. Take them off after winter if you dislike the look... I'm glad I didn't invest in heated grips. Great $50.00 farkle if you ride in the winter.

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25 degrees for my ride in this morning...I don't need no stinkin heated gear. I think most of the people in my office think I'm just a little crazy :crazy: :fool: :hyper:

Just got back from doing 1018.2 miles in the last two and half days MO,IL,WI.IA. Temps ranged form mid 30s to mid 70s.

Fantasitc ride with my nephew...

Hey Guy's Put 323.4 on the clock today but hey who's countin.. Just sittin down to post this. Weather was between 59 when I left this mornin, and 64 in southern Ohio by 1:00 this afternoon. For those of us who are privledged to live around here, no explanation is necessary!!!!! Obviously my vote goes to S E Ohio for the 09 EOM. Here comes the snow tonight so maybe it's time to stoke the woodburner. Dave

6/10ths of a mile today!!! Yeah gas went below 2 bucks so I drove through a raging downpour just to verify. Din' buy none of that shit, Jus drove down the road to check. Bought a case of Beer, Pack of Smokes, Comic book, an a Condom.

Nuttin' like rubbin off with the Fantastic Four whilst drunk ;)


I rode to work today. Not too bad, about 42 as I left the garage, up to 65, maybe more by lunch, but the bottom dropped out by 5. Light rain, temps back into the 50's by 5. Still, a good day to ride to work.

Rode to work Friday. temp in :ph34r: mid to upper 30's. Live an hour south of Greebay, WI>Now down to myself and one other die hard at work. People starting to think I may have a mental issue.

Hey Stew,

Makes perfect sense to most of us here on the Forum. My cut off point is 32 degrees, and thats only because I don't want to run across any ice in the corners, if you know what I mean. Wet leaves and wet tar snakes are bad enough this time of year. Enjoy yourself, most of us here are half nuts too!!!!!


I know I can't be the only one that rode today.

15 degrees on the ride in, but it should be in the high 20's for the ride home. The fingers and forehead were a little chilly by the time I got to work. Other than that and some fogging issues it wasn't bad. This was on a KLR and I haven't installed heated grips yet.

Let's keep this thread going all winter. :cold:

They're calling for 26 F tomorrow. Not so bad you say (compared to the Midwest guys) but this is frigging S.C.............................I will ride tomorrow though. Fortunately I've only got an eight mile commute (just the time I don't think I can stand if anymore, I'm at work so no worries).

I did.. but we haven't got the weather the Midwest has seen over here in New England (been in the 30's to 40's here). Rode yesterday too, through two snow squalls in the Bershire's (small mountain range in the west of Massachusetts - not at all like the mountains of the Rockies!) in temperatures in the high 30 to mid 40s.

Even the leaves are all gone now.. get lots of looks on the road since many riders are starting to begin their hibernation.

As long as the road stay clear of sand /salt, I'll be trying to keep riding.


I was out for about 1 1/2 hours the other day when it was 25 degrees. My feet were mighty cold!

Coldest ride of my life, cuz I was young and stupid, was from OK City, OK to Sherman, TX at Thanksgiving time (1980) to visit my only closeby relatives, an uncle and aunt who were building their retirement home at the time. The temperature as I left the north side of OK City was 29F and falling with flakes starting to come down.

I had my leather jacket, some workboots, a sweater, jeans, cotton socks, a 3/4 face helmet and an unfaired XS850. Since I was leaving from my blue collar job, my t-shirt and socks were wet from sweat.

I was already cold by the time I got to the south side of OK City.

But I was NOT gonna miss being with relatives at Thankgiving. Period.

The LONGEST FRICKIN' RIDE OF MY LIFE...I stopped at a greasy spoon somewhere in southern Oklahoma for some chili, hot chocolate, hot anything and defrost myself. I have no idea where the cafe was on the southbound Interstate, but it had broken floor tiles and a drop ceiling that was partially "dropped". Once my core temperature felt like it was back up to 98F, I headed out to the bike, took a few gulps of Blackberry Brandy and started up again.

I followed semi after semi in a cold staring gaze trying to shield myself from the cold in the "still" air behind the trailer going 80mph. Cold and stupid.

Finally, after an interminable amount of time, I made it to Sherman. Stopped at a phone booth and called my Uncle to come lead me to his house in the outskirts. Followed him through the snow back to his place. Never felt so good to be stopped and in a warm house with family. It was a great time to be with them...

I am glad I didn't know how much grit it would take to get there, but get there I did...and would do it again.

This time..better prepared.

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Still going for my record. Only down to 25 last night on the way home. I'll get there but I'm riding everyday dammit. I do get tired of being stared at. Geez people, live and let live. :glare:
