Put Out to Pasture

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Arrhythmia and Blues
Jul 7, 2005
Reaction score
San Antonio, Tx
Greetings fellow followers of the feej,

Last friday night i was playing guitar as a guest at a local biker bar and my heart went straight into whats called V-Fib...the hearts death quiver...somehow i remained concious as my defibrilator put 41 joules straight into my heart, twice, 30 seconds apart..they said i lifted off my stool about a foot...I put down my Gibson Johnny A and walked outside and other than being a little shocked (pun intended ) i felt better than i had all day...i've had 9 heart attacks and a quintuple bypass 7 years ago so heart issues arent new to me, so i finished the set and played 2 more sets actually...my device pages my dr and others and they called and told me to come in first thing Monday. As i sat there looking at all the harleys i realized my riding days were over....and i had been a stupid arrogant asshole for putting others in potential danger...this was confirmed by my dr and he pulled my drivers liscense, car and bike...i am bummed...i'm 49, divorced, 100% disabled, and now after 40 years and over 20 bikes and at least 300K I am done...i will put zig up for sale in the next few weeks...if i thought it would be just me in danger, no biggie...but i know my luck...i'd lose control smashing through a crossing guard whilst running over 13 blind children carrying deaf dalmation puppies only to wrap myself around a pole breaking both my hands and spine...then i'd be in a wheelchair unable to talk or play guitar while other folks change out my shitbag and wipe up the drool...i cant seem to live right or die wrong...anyway, i'm back on strong heart meds again and depression meds until i adjust...believe it or not, i considered giving it up recently as i've had far too many close calls with dodge rams with tap-out stickers all over....people are just plain meaner drivers these days and i wont miss that.

I've been on this board a long time and i still will be although more from an armchair point of view...Thanks to everyone who has shared, whether technical expertise or riding prowess and i've always appreciated the attitude around here...if we were politically erect we'd all be on wings...yawn! At least now i'll have some money to get a computer and maybe even cable tv, and i can still perform, just a little mellower now. Enjoy every ride folks..i'll be there with ya in spirit if not deed.



Best wishes to you Bobby. Seems you have a good attitude about it. Lot's of us that are long in the tooth know we can't ride forever. But we can cherish all our riding memories. Also experienced Exriders like yourself can always surf the forums and offer sage advice when appropriate. Hope to read some future posts from you.


Damn, Bobby. I'm sorry to hear that -- you're way too young for all that ticker shit, but you gotta go by what the doc tells you. Glad you're going to stick around here, though. Funny thing is that just the other day I was wondering about what had happened to you, as well as a number of other members from back in '05 who haven't posted in some time.

Chill out, play your git fiddle and keep on gettin' older with us.

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Sorry to hear of your ordeal Bobby.

49 is too young to have to sit and watch life, however God has a higher purpose for everyone.

If it's playing the Gibson, or teaching the next child prodigy how to play, one never knows.

So, watching life passing you buy is not an option, your just slowing down to help someone

else catch up to you and sponge your experiences and knowledge...so put yourself in the right place

to help a bunch of the lost young ones out there who need just the knowledge you have.

It's an awesome blessing to have 9 HA's and still be around, so 'HE' must be leaving you hear to be

a blessing to others......Get to Blessing.


Well except for the divorce part it sounds like you had a pretty good life so far. I have a long way to catch up to you. 20 bikes and 300K I hope I can get that far.

Good luck in the future.


Sooner or later we all have to move on to other things.

Dude, I'd LOVE to be able to play guitar but can't carry a tune in a wheelbarrow!

If you've gone through 9 heart attacks, there's gotta be a reason!

Damn Bobby.. It sucks to hear that. :(

Glad you are going to stick around these parts, we seem to be loosing our established members for some reason.

Brother Bobby, you've a great attitude towards life and I'm glad you're part of our biker community. You've adjusted to guitars and your music and you'll excel there too!!!

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We can't do everything we love forever. As much as I love riding, I can say I would stop if I needed to, as you now need to. Be grateful that you've done more of it than 99.999% of living Americans, and move to something different you can do.

Long story short, the funnest thing I've ever done is riding 2-strokes dirtbikes at the local sand dunes. I quit years ago after circumstances demanded it (near-death experiences and serious injuries, friends and family members).... and, well life goes on and something different now...

Best of luck. :)

If it's playing the Gibson, or teaching the next child prodigy how to play, one never knows.

So, watching life passing you buy is not an option, your just slowing down to help someone

else catch up to you and sponge your experiences and knowledge...so put yourself in the right place

to help a bunch of the lost young ones out there who need just the knowledge you have.
Music is one of the other things that make my heart soar... it can have such an impact on the musician as well as the listener. You have that gift and now get to focus on that one on the next part of your journey. I'm glad that you have it there for you and who knows what direction it may take you? Ya just never know what the powers that be have in mind for you. Run with it! :)


Wish I was in Texas to say hey and hear you play. God isn't done with you by any stretch of the imagination, just sending you down a new path, ya know? Lots of wisdom in those words. As I heard someone say once "Your attitude determines your altitude". Sounds like your flying high and straight.

Peace Brother,


Bobby, I like your sense of humour and you've got a good attitude there. You're not quitting, you're just changing gears. Sharing and giving of your other talents sounds like a great thing to do. You've got more bike riding in than I'll ever hope to do or many others. Hang in and Rock on!!

I can't imagine how much it would suck to give up all driving. If you decide to fight back, here is a good article that deals with the fitness to drive issue for people with heart disease. Your risk of death or injury on a motorcycle are certainly higher if you experience a blackout, but the likelihood of taking out a group of blind children with you seems pretty remote. If life can still have quality and fun without the driving, and you can do it based on living where you have access to transportation, friends and family, that is probably the way to go. I still have this ideal of going down swinging, but it would be shocking to experience defib as a regular occurrence. :angry:

you got options,dont sell the bike,find a buddy and buy a sidecar.better than not tooling around at all.just a thought.

Since you figure you have nothing to lose, and are no longer a productive member of society.... have you considered going into politics?

It might or might not be a step up, you know.

Seriously,.... hang in there buddy.

Bobby, you have been a wonderful contributor to this forum, please don't stop now.

Move on to geetars and wimmens, and keep us up to date here.

We'll do our best to keep you amused with our antics of deer slaying, high ticket prices, and car tires vs moto tire discussions.

Peace to you Bobby -


I would go ahead and ride the Bike... what they going to do, pull your license?

If you won't tell, we promise we won't!

May the Force be with you...

(P.S. Most Cop cars only go 130 mph, the FJR can do 155 mph... I like the odds!)

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