Question for American 2008 FJR owners re: odometer

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Well-known member
Jul 21, 2007
Reaction score
Belmont, ON
Hi All.

I'm close to buying a bike in NY and importing it into Canada. I looked at the latest version of the Operator's Manual on the Y-USA site and it doesn't say anything about being able to switch the odometer mode from miles to kilometers. The FAQ here says that the older models will but I want to make certain that the latest (hopefully greatest) supports that as well.

Can someone verify that their new 2008 FJR will toggle to kilometers by holding down the Select button and please post the results here?

As an aside, has either the oil filter or drain seals changed in the Gen II bikes? I still have a supply from my '03 (may it rest in peace/pieces) and doubt that my local dealer will be interested in trading them for me if I buy a bike out of country.



:bike: (looking forward to being back in the saddle again)

I've got a Gen II 2006A that I imported into Canada last fall and NO it will not change to Km's so I doubt that the 08 will either.

I use a Garmin 2720 on any longer rides so I just have it set for Metric in Canada and switch to Imperial when South of the boarder!

If telephone poles start looking like a picket fence, but you're only going 120Km/Hr and can't understand why... you are experiencing a "brain fart"! Keep trying to remember, those are MILES PER HOUR on that dial!!

Or just keep going and wait for some nice PO remind you of the facts (in a most painfull way $$$)

Yamaha told me that on the Gen II (06 and up) the European instrument cluster will toggle between kilometers and miles but the US models are miles only and Canadian models are kilometers only. Seems kind of silly but that was their answer. I wonder if one could simply plug in a European instrument cluster and have it work without changing any sensors?

Yamaha told me that on the Gen II (06 and up) the European instrument cluster will toggle between kilometers and miles but the US models are miles only and Canadian models are kilometers only. Seems kind of silly but that was their answer. I wonder if one could simply plug in a European instrument cluster and have it work without changing any sensors?
Well fancy that! My US model, Gen 1 displayed miles at first, then KM for a while when I pressed the wrong button. Had to resort to reading the manual to get back to something I understood. :)


Thanks for your responses.

Anyone with a 2008 actually tried switching the odometer?

Any Ontario riders imported a bike with miles only odometer? Any problem with getting the safety check pass?



I didn't have any problem getting my 06 through the safety inspection in Alberta. Since the odo clearly specifies it reads in miles there's no issue. I think they give you a sticker for the odo if it doesn't state one way or the other. I doubt you'd have any problem getting it through the inspections in Ontario.


The Gen 1's had a speedo that could be toggled between miles and kilometers but they did away with it on the Gen II's. Strange why they would do that.

