Riding...A family affair?

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Jul 22, 2011
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Terra Firma
It struck me this morning after me, my wife and my 11yr old son took off early on a ride together for breakfast and some country 2-lane riding that I really don't ever see many RR that include kids / grandkids? I've seen a few but 98% of them don't have pictures of kids riding. With the amount of motorcycling enthusiast on this forum I find that...odd!

I have 15yr & 11yr son's. I started them both out riding when they turned 10yrs old. I wanted them to be physically big enough to comfortably fill out the rear seat. My oldest liked it, but I could tell it really wasn't his thing. However my youngest loves it. He really enjoys it and whenever I ask him if he wants to ride he always says yes. I've gotten him up to doing about 200 mile rides in the 3-4 hr range. I think pretty soon he'll be ok with all day 500 mile rides up into the Appalachian's. My wife has been riding for 9yrs and while she typically likes to ride 2up with me on long trips, she also likes to ride her Ninja 650 on these shorter 1/2 day rides.

My point is riding can be a family affair. Motorcycling is not just a solo pursuit for middle aged single males. While my 11yr old has no problem sitting in front of the Xbox for hours on end playing "Call of Duty" or "Assassin's Creed" I want the kid to be exposed to the outdoors, to nature, to motorcycle riding as well as a number of other things. But If his Dad doesn't take the time to include him on my riding journeys how is he ever going to know about it?

Earlier this Spring we went to a cabin on a N. Georgia mountain lake and I took him fishing along with my other son & step daughters. As dusk settled in and we started walking back the trail along the lake back to the cabin my youngest said to me "Dad thanks for taking us here. I really like fishing and just looking at the mountain peaks. I don't even care if I catch anything. It's so peacefull"....put a big smile on my face and any other fathers out there know what I'm talking about. Nice to know a little kid can have a appreciation for things usually reserved for adults.

With his interest in motorcycle riding it appears I might have a little riding buddy. I really want to take him on a overnight trip in the mountains and throw in some side hiking trips along the way because he enjoys them as well. It's amazing what kids can appreciate & enjoy...if we just take the time to show them.

I ended up riding this 182 mile loop route.


So we got up and left about 8am this morning and headed out to a coffee house in Senoia, GA.

**** Forgot my real camera...so these crappy cell phone images will have to tell the story today...sorry bout that! ****


Senoia, GA is a cute little town that has quite the history in the film industry. Movies such as "Driving Miss Daisy", "Fried Green Tomatoes", "Footloose" as well as several others have been filmed here. What has been more recent is the popular T.V. series "The Walking Dead". So at the local coffee shop you can get your own Zombie Coffee. lol


We passed on the Zombie coffee and got our Caps, Lattes, muffins & danishes and sat outside in the pleasant morning air and enjoyed our breakfast.


After breakfast we saddle up again and headed south and found a roadside lake that looked to tempting not to stop and enjoy for a few minutes.



After several minutes at the lake we headed further south and stopped at a covered bridge. We had it all to ourself to check out. Right after we left about 50-60 bikers with a Police escort made their way here as part of some sort of charity ride.







The weather was great...who says a Gen I can't give you the outside air temp??? lol


Our ride continued further south around Warm Springs, GA. There is a great little 15 mile gem of a road that straddles the Pine Mountain ridge which puts you up 400' - 500' above the surrounding land giving you nice long range views. This stretch of "mountains"...if you want to call them that....is the highest elevation in the southern east coast. South of here it's all flat land that heads it's way to the ocean. But being that it's so close to our home its a favorite spot to ride to.




I met a nice guy on a Victory Vision and had a nice 10 min conversation about motorcycles. He was out doing the same thing, just enjoying the day on 2-wheels. He was solo...of course. He commented on how his wife rarely rides with him and seeing my wife ride her own bike he said that made him think of how his wife would never consider doing such a thing. Not sure what his point was...but I think he appreciated seeing all three of us riding. He was a real nice dude and he was kind enough to take a picture of us all together.


After the PIne Mtn ridge ride we looped it back home on country roads past pastures, creeks & lakes. We stopped back in town for one last picture.


It was a good 4-5 hours of time spent together. Nice to have my wife riding behind me and my son riding with me. We broke bread together, rode together, saw sights together and shared our love of motorcycling together. It was a good start to the weekend...and it won't be the last time we do something like this!


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That is excellent stuff! Funny, your cell phone pics still look better than my camera shots...

My thoughts recently have been churning in this same direction. I just returned from purchasing two use Yamaha dirt bikes, a 50 for the boy and a 250 for me. Hoping for the best...

Excellent report and photos!!
I really enjoyed it!!

Thanks for sharing with us!!

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Nice RR 'Roller. My son [now 19] went on a few overnite / day trips with me when he was younger, nice memories. Take it while you can, they grow up much too quickly.


I think the reason you don't see more parent/child ride reports here is that most of us are old farts and our kids are grown!

Your son is benefitting from something a lot of kids don't get in their lives, parents that care enough to involve them in their lives and give them an example of wholesome, simple pleasures. Good on ya!

My thoughts recently have been churning in this same direction. I just returned from purchasing two use Yamaha dirt bikes, a 50 for the boy and a 250 for me. Hoping for the best...
That's cool! That should be a blast for you guys!!!

Thanks for sharing with us!!
Thank Mihalis!

Nice RR 'Roller. My son [now 19] went on a few overnite / day trips with me when he was younger, nice memories. Take it while you can, they grow up much too quickly.
As I get older I certainly know that to be a true statement. Seems like just yesterday my oldest was going to his first day of Kindergarten...now a Sophomore in HS we're talking about college...crazy how fast they grow!!!

I think the reason you don't see more parent/child ride reports here is that most of us are old farts and our kids are grown!
Well that's why I mentioned "Grandkids" as well.

Your son is benefitting from something a lot of kids don't get in their lives, parents that care enough to involve them in their lives and give them an example of wholesome, simple pleasures. Good on ya!
I just don't understand why some folks have kids if their not going to actually be involved parents. And don't even get me started on the current lack of values/morals that this country promotes. If families are the backbone of a country then I'm not liking what I'm seeing overall. There are many good/strong/involved families out there, but it just appears to me that they might be in the minority these days. People & Society in general appear to be mostly selfish and its all about me, me, me and then we wonder why so many young people are jaded, without direction or lacking basic common sense & values. Raising kids is not rocket science, you just give them some time, encourage them when they do good, correct them when they do wrong and show love & support in the meantime and lead by example not just by words. Its not all that complicated.

Sorry for the mini-rant! lol

Well I always had visions of taking scenic trips with my wife and then maybe kids. Only problem is my wife absolutely hates motorcycles and that I ride, period. One of our 'agreements' over the years is that I would not encourage or push my passion onto the kids which I abide by as long as they show no interest themselves. The deal is - I won't encourage, but if they show interest, they'll learn to ride from me. I don't want them learning from one of their teenage buddies whose parents thought getting him a 1000RR was a good idea.

So far my sons, who are a sophmore in college and a junior in HS have showed no interest. My 11 year old daughter, on the other hand, may be a different story. Whenever she comes out to the shop to see what I'm doing, she makes a beeline over to the FJR to have a seat but no ride requests yet.

So I'm pretty much on my own when it comes to riding but its not an issue. I have sports and school activities with all my kids that monopolize my time (no complaints) and the opportunities to ride is my time.

Thanks for the great thread here Roller!

Someone else mentioned it above, but I wonder if the lack of RR's with kids is because many of us have older children. I started both of my kids off on dirt bikes and ATV's and took them on rides all the time.

I have a boy and girl that are both in college now, one a senior and one a sophmore. They both have had their motorcycle licenses since they were 16. When they are home for the summer, I can't keep them off the FZ6 or the SV650.

It puts a smile on my face everytime they come back from a ride grinning ear-to-ear. I'll have to look for a few pictures of them on rides with my wife and I.

Better yet, I'll have to find some time to get a few RR's done. I sure appreciate all the ride reports that everyone does here.

My 11 year old daughter, on the other hand, may be a different story. Whenever she comes out to the shop to see what I'm doing, she makes a beeline over to the FJR to have a seat but no ride requests yet.
That's cool! The little lady might be the rider of the bunch. Its pretty cool to bring a kid along that truly enjoys it. You can have some nice conversations with your kids at the stops that normal everyday life doesn't normally allow for.

Better yet, I'll have to find some time to get a few RR's done. I sure appreciate all the ride reports that everyone does here.
Yeah please do. Feel free to post any family riding pictures on this thread as well if you want to.

Wondering where the lake is in the 4th and 5th pic? I can't place it.
Lake Meriwether - Woodbury, GA

Good thread GR

I just found it, I really enjoy your pics and ride reports.

As my kids get older it seems I have less time to ride.(2 11yo girls, 2 boys, 12 & 14)

All of my kids like to ride to some degree. My wife also rides.

This summer in particular my wife seems to ride more than I do.

My truck transmission called it quits, and I have a company vehicle (only can be used for work, company policy) so I didn't get it fixed right away.

It became normal to be coming home only to see my wife going the other way with one of the kids on the back to take them to some activity.

The kids seem to get the their helmet and riding jackets out first now, they don't want to go in the minivan if they don't have to.

No long trips except with the oldest to our place up to New Hampshire.

One daughter recently asked me to plan a father/daughter over night camping trip on the bike. It blew me away!

Of course I said yes. I don't know how but plan on getting it done before it gets to cold. It needs to be fun for her. she might be my new riding partner.

My wife and I don't seem to ride together much. she loves to ride, but schedules interfere, and after kids she worried one accident could take us both.

So I'm envious of your trips you get with your wife.

But it is really cool, we both now take our kids out riding and they love it.

I never thought to take pictures, I guess I need to because as already stated, they grow up fast.

