Sena 50S

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Motorcycle Mayor

Well-known member
FJR Supporter
Oct 15, 2018
Reaction score
San Carlos,CA
A quick report on my new Sena 50S (I upgraded from a 20S I've owned for several years).

Packaging, as always with Sena stuff, looks great. Nicely organized. The product itself looks slick, also as per usual. Lots of instructions...which leave out a few key/essential details about the software.

Installation into my Shoei was simple (of course I had the older 20S layout as a guide).

Output sound quality is >>much<< improved. And that's before I turned on the "enhance bass" setting in the firmware. More on what that sounds like after I take it out for a spin.

Microphone sound quality is great according to the couple of people I did test calls with. That may be because I used the default boom mike this time rather than the non-boom glue on mike I was using with the 20S. But still, good pickup, at least at home (more on that, too, when I take it out for a spin).

I really like being able to reach my iPhone's Siri interface by just saying "Hey Siri". Assuming it works okay with air noise that'll be much easier than reaching up to punch a button on the device.

Now the bad news...

I really, really dislike Sena's hardware/software engineering team. Meaning that the software (a) isn't well-tested before it's released, (b) often fails in obscure ways that are hard to work around and (c) never works, out of the box, like the documentation says it should.

In the case of the 50S one of the neat new features is it can connect to your home wifi network while it's turned off and charging and automatically update the firmware as needed.

Except that, at least up through firmware version 1.0.2 (which is what I received) it don't work. When you follow the directions to connect to your wifi network via your phone it almost always fails and, when it does succeed, the connection lasts for no more than 5 seconds before dropping completely.

I struggled for almost an hour trying to get this "simple" process to work. I was particularly disturbed to read, on Sena's community support forum, about many other users having the same problem. And sometimes being able to work around it by changing their wifi network's name (SSID) and password to not include spaces or special characters. Which, in 2020, is b*ts**t crazy and a sign of monumental incompetence in a software development team.

Luckily -- and luck plays a bigger role in getting Sena's products to work the way they claim they can in my experience -- updating the firmware to version 1.0.3 via the desktop update software (different from the phone-based updater) solved the problem. At least to the extent the phone software could connect to the Sena's wifi point and configure it to work with my home network. All without having to change my home network's name, which contains spaces, or its password, which contains (as it should, for security reasons) special characters.

But, great ghu, what a lot of work to solve a problem which should've been caught before the first unit was shipped!

Again, I'll update with a road report as soon as I take it out for a spin.

- Mark

Not sure I either (a) ran the battery down and didn't realize it or (b) the unit has a problem linking to my iPhone. I'm recharging it now and will do a test ride ASAP.

Of course, first I have to recharge the battery on my bike as I let that run down, too. Which took a lot of effort :(. Some days...

Sorry about not following up on this thread sooner. Life intervened :).

I've been using the Sena 50S in solo-mode (i.e., I haven't tried out the mesh capability) for several weeks. The sound quality, both in the speakers and picked up by the microphone, is superb! I've yet to hear any tune cause the speakers to break up, which happened fairly frequently with the 20S.

I did have one minor problem early on where the 50S would drop its bluetooth connection to my iPhone after I'd set it up (and gotten on the road). Which was really annoying. But it hasn't happened in the last half dozen times I've been out so maybe it was something I did/didn't do, or maybe the firmware has been updated yet again (which it does whenever you plug it into the wifi-enabled charging cable...after you've first upgraded the firmware to at least 1.0.3, because the earlier firmware versions can't connect to wifi networks exact under weird circumstances).

Overall I'd rate the 50S a solid 'B'. If it weren't for the initial setup/configuration/firmware problems I'd probably nudge it up to an A- or A...but when you pay that much for a supposedly well-designed device it has to at least work out of the box. As my initial posts described, the 50S failed that test. But hopefully later purchasers won't run into those kinds of problems.
