Shakin' All Over

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Call me James Burleigh. Some hours ago--never mind how long precisely--having little or no chores at home, and nothing particular to interest me on TV, I thought I would ride about a little and see the twisty part of the world.

It is a way I have of driving off the spleen, and regulating the circulation. Whenever I find myself growing grim about the mouth; whenever it is a damp, drizzly November in my soul; whenever I find myself involuntarily pausing before coffin warehouses, and bringing up the rear of every funeral I meet; and especially whenever my hypos get such an upper hand of me, that it requires a strong moral principle to prevent me from deliberately stepping into the street, and methodically knocking people's hats off--then, I account it high time to get on my bike just as soon as I can.

This is my substitute for pistol and ball. With a philosophical flourish Cato throws himself upon his sword; I quietly take to my bike. There is nothing surprising in this. If they but knew it, almost all men in their degree, some time or other, cherish very nearly the same feelings towards motorcycles with me.

But before I got on the Feejer, I thought maybe I'd f**k with the front pre-load as recommended in this thread but never done. And so I did. I tightened it down (not the clicker, but the wrenching part) from four to two notches (washerlike thingies). Well, it seems my wobble's gone.

Now, if only I could find that White Whale! :lol:


Ole TWN, might I suggest a WFO clinic? I promise to be quiet and take good notes.
Rumor has it that a true suspension guru will be there and if we're all real nice to him and fill up his order book, I'm SURE me and O'vale can talk him into a tuning seminar for those of you who are interested. ;)
I am interested in a suspension seminar if it is geared specifically to the FJR.

[...]By the way, where's Mr. Wobble, hissownsef, Howie?
Right here, ya ornery ol' bastiche.

Been in lurk mode for several weeks, since I can't seem to hang out without pissin' someone off. :)

But, been reading this thread with GREAT interest, seein's how I get smacked about whenever I bring up the subject of steering damper or wobble.


Got interested in the Avon Storm threads posted back in, what was it, December? So I put a set on. Did the wheel installs myself, so it took the "unknown" quantity out of the mechanic'ing. The VERY last thing I did before driving on the new shoes was to leave the front axle semi-loose, the pinch bolt semi-loose and rocked the bike up and down VERY hard on the front forks by locking the front brakes and forcing the front end up and down. I'd read in MANY forums that little trick helps assure a correctly lined-up fork assembly. Then I torqued the front end.

I'm happy to report that MY 48mph wobble is completely gone. Nada. Zilch. Zero.

I'm crediting the Storm with 99.44% of the cure and my "lining up" the forks with the pumping action as .56% of the cure.

Regardless of the REAL reason the wobble is gone, it's gone.

However...I'm feeling a bit vindicated by this thread when most of you phuquers poo-poo'd my complaints about a decel shake.

I believe it was Iggy who told me it was too bad I got the only bad FJR in the 2004 run? That FJRs don't wobble? Er..Um..sure!


Well, RadioHowie I wouldn't be to sure your "lining-up" the forks isn't more like 99.4% and the Storms are only .56%! I have an '06 which had a slight decel wobble with OEM Metz tires when new. (Top case on) When I had the Storms put on the technician didn't worry about trying to match the tire to the rim as far as balancing and just slapped on an appropriate amount of weight per balancing (spin) machine. Well, I now have a much more pronounced "wobble". Worst wobble is at 45-50 mph. I think I need to check steering head nut and have someone that knows how set the suspension. However, Your "lining-up" theory is very interesting. I watched the tech put the wheel back on and he certainly just wrenched them down...Come to think of it I don't think he owned a torque wrench, as one was never in use.


