Terrell Owens (formerly of the Philly Eagles)

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Well-known member
Jul 20, 2005
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San Diego, CA
Man am I sick of this guy. Anybody that watched the Monday Night Football game got an earful of TO-this and TO-that. He's the poster-child for all the self-centered, arrogant, classless athletes in the league. Mike Irvin spent the entire evening kissing ass every time they mentioned TO. They're friends but as a FRIEND I'd probably tell him that he's not going to do himself any favors come contract time.

I'm actually a little torn about bringing up this issue because I feel like I'm giving him his way. He loves the attention and they always say that any publicity is good publicity.

I wish the league would just black-list this idiot and no one take the time to hire him. It's a shame that sports (and fans) will value winning at ANY cost. I think some owners would probably sell their souls to the devil if it meant winning a Superbowl (T.O. may not be Satan but he sure acts like he's possessed).

If he manages to come to San Diego (which I seriously doubt) I'll be voting with my dollars - I'd instantly cancel my season tickets.

It's just sad that the game doesn't seem to be as much fun anymore with the likes of TO, Moss, etc. Too many over-priced babies... :angry03:

It's a simple business decision - does the benefit outweigh the risk? Andy Reid thought that it didn't, so, to the bench he goes. Way to go, Andy. Any teams considering picking him up will take a long hard look at his actions to see if it's something they want to deal with. I think he can kiss long-term deals goodbye, though.

I'm just saying I wish there was a way to make this guy kiss ALL deals goodbye. We've all gotten accustomed to "looking the other way" and giving them a "fresh start" when they move to another team.

This IS a business decision. I just think they should have TRUE performance-based contracts. When you play well, you probably should get a larger portion of the proceeds. When you play or ACT terrible, how about giving money back?! You've wasted the time and money of the organization to train you to learn their system. If you're making $200k per game then you're not an insignificant investment. They should recoup some of those dollars so they can train your replacement. It's a one-way street if you ask me.

When you watch youth sports it's no wonder kids are getting to be such terrible sportsman... <_<

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Small potatoes. Just another big-mouthed receiver, like Jeremy Shockey or Keyshon Johnson. Football is a team sport and NOBODY wins alone.

When Latrell Sprewell was picked up by the New York Knicks after repeatedly trying to strangle P.J. Carlissimo, any and all affection I ever had for the Knicks vanished totally. They went from Bill Bradley, Dave DeBuschere, Earl the Pearl Monroe and Willis Reed to that criminal SOB who should be caging for the orange jump-suit set. I have never rooted for them or followed them since--and I grew up a Knicks fan.

Like picking up O.J. Simpson as a running back coach.

OK, I'll be the first.

'Like picking up O.J. Simpson as a running back coach. '

Yeah, but you have to admit, he can really cut and run.

Hey, stop throwing shit! I take it back!

I guarantee that T.O. will be picked up next year. He'll get a one year contract full of incentives. That way if he plays well and doesn't piss everyone off he'll make a ton of money. If he pisses off his new team and they sit him, the team will not be out a bunch of money.

Seahawks, Dolphins, Broncos, just to name three will make a push for him.

As much as I think he is a POS as a team player, he is the most talented receiver out there and is not afraid to make a catch across the middle. You will not find anyone better, unfortunately.

I'm not a T.O. fan, but just understand that football is a business and owners will go to any length for a ring. Steinbrenner does the same thing in baseball....he is just $1 billion poorer after 5yrs of $200+million payrolls that haven't done shit for him.hahahahahaa :p


my beloved Broncos would never make a mistake like that

from the coaching staff to the front office ,, they are about TEAM

TO ,,well ,, he thinks he's bigger than the game ,,

there have always been bigger than life players ,, like Jerry Rice ,, Elway ,, so many others who loved the game ,,

Owens belives his own made up hype

I for one dislike what he is doing to the NFL as a whole ,, not to mention what his actions have done to the Eagles ,, he is a spoiled brat ,, this guy needs a serious reality check ,, like to be bounced for the season without pay ,,

In case you hadn't heard the latest. The team suspended him for 4 games, then plans to bench him. However, the players union wants the suspension revoked, and if he's not going to be played, turned into a free agent.. ugh.

In case you hadn't heard the latest. The team suspended him for 4 games, then plans to bench him. However, the players union wants the suspension revoked, and if he's not going to be played, turned into a free agent.. ugh.
The union can file a grievance against the suspension, but, they can't do anything as long he's being paid, right? Do you really think they would put him out as a free agent?

I don't know that I completely understand the financial aspect behind football, but, if he were put out as a free agent, whoever picks hip up has to cover his salary, right? If so, I would imagine that most teams that could afford him are skating very close to the salary cap and they would have to release someone with a pretty hefty contract in order to free up the $$$ to cover his contract. Since the other team would also have to free up a roster spot, perhaps the only thing they could do is put someone up for free agency that is on the disabled list and out for the rest of the season.

Anyway you look at it, he's still an :asshat2:

As I understand it, when you are a free agent, you have no contract. So, you could be signed (if you wanted) for the league minimum. However, the issue with TO is who wants to touch him? There might be some, but even Dennis Rodman became too hot to touch after a while.

Small potatoes. Just another big-mouthed receiver, like Jeremy Shockey or Keyshon Johnson. Football is a team sport and NOBODY wins alone.
When Latrell Sprewell was picked up by the New York Knicks after repeatedly trying to strangle P.J. Carlissimo, any and all affection I ever had for the Knicks vanished totally. They went from Bill Bradley, Dave DeBuschere, Earl the Pearl Monroe and Willis Reed to that criminal SOB who should be caging for the orange jump-suit set. I have never rooted for them or followed them since--and I grew up a Knicks fan.

Like picking up O.J. Simpson as a running back coach.
Made me think of Dave Letterman.

The other night, during his monologue, he mentions the 25th anniversary of "Cats" being performed at Madison Square Garden.

So Dave says "If I want to see a bunch of pussies at the Gardens, I'll go watch the Knicks play."

I thought I was gonna bust a gut. :rolf:

I think under the CBA in football, the team can suspend a player without pay for a max of 4 games. The unioon will argue that the 4 game max should be for severe conduct, and that TO's trash talking of other players on his team does not rise to that level (players get 4 games for bar fights, dui's, etc). They will say the max penalty is not warranted here. If the arbitrator agrees, then he can shorten the suspension, which means it will cost the Eagles more to just have TO sit inactive.

The other thing I read that they are going to argue is that a 4 game suspension is the max penalty under the CBA, and that making a player inactive after the maximum negotiated penalty has been served, is additional punishment outside the bounds of the CBA. If the arbitrator agrees with that, the Eagles could be forced to allow TO to come back to practice and come to games. Then their only recourse would be to waive him (similar to free agency). Then any other team could claim him by picking up the remainder of his contract. And, if they were willing to agree ahead of time to renegotiate TO's contract, they'd be getting a happy TO capable of scoring a TD per game.

I guarantee you this is exactly what Rosenhaus is going to try to do. He works the details of the CBA like a wizard, and I would not be surprised to find out this might have been a scheme of his since the beginning. Did anyone see TO's press conference? Rosenhaus was asked what he had done for his client besides getting him kicked off the team. Rosenhaus wouldn't answer, but TO got a BIG grin on his face, almost like he had just been figured out.

OK, I'll be the first.
'Like picking up O.J. Simpson as a running back coach. '

Yeah, but you have to admit, he can really cut and run.

Hey, stop throwing shit! I take it back!
Can't believe I have to enlighten you guys.

OJ didn't do it.

On that fateful night OJ's teenage son came to him and wanted the keys to the Bentley for a night out on the town.

OJ simply told him...

"Son, you gonna have to go axe yo momma."

What I read, the team is willing to sit him on the bench after the suspension, eat the cost of his contract by placing him on an inactive roster just to effectively bench him for the rest of the season. Sheesh, all he had to do was apologize when told to, not after he saw how serious the team is about f**king him in the wallet (his suspension will tally about $800,000 in lost salary)

I'm getting tired of watching a bunch of millionaires running around playing games...

I'm getting tired of watching a bunch of millionaires running around playing games...
Which is why I'm a bigger fan of College sports than I am of Pro sports of any kind... college players haven't developed the over-inflated egos (yet).

I think it is hillarious and the Eagles deserve every bit of it. They knew how T.O. was before they ever even started considering him as a WR.

They were willing to risk his personality for what they thought he could bring to the team and they lost the bet... So Sorry!!!

They also knew what type of QB they have and that the skill level of their QB was not going to match the skill level of T.O. and that he was not going to fit in with their type of game.

T.O. doesn't respect his QB and nothing is going to change that.

He wants to win at all costs and he doesn't mind voicing his opinion.

T.O. would do very well on a very offensive team with a very good QB and their are a few still around but not many.

I personally like watching him play very much. I was a big Deion Sanders fan in his hay day because he was that good but his mouth wasn't putting down his team mates so not really the same.

I think it is hillarious and the Eagles deserve every bit of it. They knew how T.O. was before they ever even started considering him as a WR.They were willing to risk his personality for what they thought he could bring to the team and they lost the bet... So Sorry!!!

They also knew what type of QB they have and that the skill level of their QB was not going to match the skill level of T.O. and that he was not going to fit in with their type of game.

T.O. doesn't respect his QB and nothing is going to change that.

He wants to win at all costs and he doesn't mind voicing his opinion.

T.O. would do very well on a very offensive team with a very good QB and their are a few still around but not many.

I personally like watching him play very much. I was a big Deion Sanders fan in his hay day because he was that good but his mouth wasn't putting down his team mates so not really the same.
I think you're absolutely right. They DID know exactly what they were getting when they signed TO and I think they're doing the right thing now by not capitulating to his whining and not paying him a dime more than they have to. I don't think there are many people that can argue about the man's skills - he is the best in the game. I know I will sound like an "Old Fogey" (I'm fairly young) but what I can't stomache is how arrogant many of the players have become. TO just pushed the limits of that arrogance beyond my "already expanded" limits of tolerance. I think the fans tolerated Deion and several other flashy players but TO is so far outside of the box that I'm glad he's being made an example of. On a side note I also hope his new agent ends up losing as much business as possible for encouranging (inciting?) TO to be a dumbass.

I used to think it was a trend relegated to American sports only (insert stories of parading US Olympic sprinters and Ron Artest here) but the more I see of soccer players and idiotic fans in Europe the more I'm not so sure any more...

By the way Sparky, it looks like Danica went and got herself hitched this weekend so your avatar might become a classic if the new hubby isn't a fan of bikini modeling :D

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