That feared time has come

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This hits close to home since my wife rides (occasionally) a Kawi 650r- same bike with different faring. I feel badly for the both of you and hope to never have that feel of seeing my spouse in a motorcycle accident.

Considering that just yesterday my wife passed her MSF, I won't be telling her about this quite yet.
Glad she is relatively well. Hope she gets back on again sometime.
If i were you i`d keep it from her , & until she gets some happy miles under her belt , try not to discuss crashing till then & body protection is a must. (just my .02)
Definitely. thx

Too slow of a speed can also contribute to low sides in tight corners.

Glad to hear it's only bones, they heal.

John sorry to hear about your wifes get off. At least she had on the right gear., I wish her a speedy recovery.I'm going to show this to my wife, she has her own bike also, Kaw EX 500, she doesn't ride alot usually to work. I haven't been able to convince her to wear more than good mesh jacket and helmet. She thinks it's a good idea but still has that "it won't happen to me" attitude.Maybe this will helpgood thoughts and wishes for your wife Peter

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Best wishes for a speedy recovery for your wife! I guess you'll be doing all of the house work for awhile.

Sorry to hear of your wifes getoff. My wife crashed her Vstar 1100 a few years ago on a gravel road and broke 4 ribs. She's was riding again the next year but still won't ride on dirt roads. Hopefully your wife will get back on and ride when the bones heal.

Best wishes. Makes me think aswell. The wife just did her training and is eager to get out. Our wishes go out for a speedy recovery.


Ouch, that is truly heartbreaking. I hope she heals quickly.

My wife got her MSF, rode about 100 miles and decided enough for her. She did well, but I didn't question her decision.

So sorry to hear about the lowside. Best wishes to your spouse for a speedy and complete recovery.

Re: an earlier comment: That short notice really is a bear.

I am glad she is alright. This is one of by biggest fears when my wife rides. I would much rather go down than see her down down but that is not always the way it works.

But- she has 3 broken bones, 2 in one leg and the other in the thumb.
Did she break her right thumb? I crashed in July '09 when I hit a deer and broke my collarbone, shoulder blade on my left side and my right thumb from two finger braking and holding onto the handlebar with my right thumb. What I received is called a "Bennett Fracture" which is common with atheletes that hit something with their thumb that bends it backwards. I have double jointed thumbs and when they set my right thumb the second joint fused and is now a lopsided single jointed thumb. :dribble: It has definately been more severe than the other breaks.

Hope she heals to like new!

