"TWIST" get's high-sided...

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Duff, sometimes the laws of physics are incontrovertible . Ain't nuttin you can do about that.

Glad you're ok - and now you're a LIVING testament to ATGATT. Good on ya.

I imagine you're feeling like crap right now - so lots of fluids, ibuprophen, and whatever - it's gonna hurt even more tomorrow. And take my advice for what it's worth - if anything keeps hurting, get your butt to a doctor and get checked out. Ok?

Wow that sucks! Glad you are going to be okay....the rest can be replaced?

Our local fun road is very susceptible to surprises, deer, bear, rocks and the occasional tourist that stops their rented motor home right around a blind corner...it can change quickly. We scout it going up and then ride with more spirit coming back, but still have surprises.

Hope you're back in the saddle soon.


Sorry to read the account of your misfortune. Paying the consequences for someone else's carelessness really burns.

Thank God it wasn't worse. That guardrail looks menacing.

I'm glad your o.k.

I imagine you're feeling like crap right now - so lots of fluids, ibuprophen, and whatever - it's gonna hurt even more tomorrow. And take my advice for what it's worth - if anything keeps hurting, get your butt to a doctor and get checked out. Ok?
+1 on going to doctor if pains persist.

Don't be a hero, it's better to be sure nothing more serious is going on.

Besides if it's only contusions the Doc may perscribe Percocets. :yahoo: Yeah, now we're talkin'

Get well quick!

Glad to see you walked away from that one! Many haven't been as lucky.

Since that splatter :thumbsdownsmiley: is in the middle of the lane and appears to be splattered in the direction of the lane’s flow of traffic.
And exactly the reason I avoid the middle in turns. I figure where the car tires run is the cleanest place, harboring the most available traction. And the right side tire track tends to have fewer lane violators spending time in it. Once again, stay right, stay alive. Sorry for the soapbox sermon, but that's just how I roll.

+1 on your gear being marginal. I wouldn't want to wear that stuff for a slab-speed get-off.

The best part is, you get a do-over, and can start again with all new stuff and a good amount of experience to guide future purchases and adventures. :clapping: See you at NAFO? With a Black one?

Good to see another person walked away to ride another day. Sucks about the camera. It was time to upgrade anyway, right? Is there any way to fit the camera damage into the insurance claim?


Looks like it's all been said (injury, gear, bike, camera :-( )---- our thoughts go out to you also.

Rog n Debs

Damn latte spillin', radiator leakin' fools....

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DOOOOOODE! That sucks.

I'm certainly glad you're OK. You have to time to fix the bike and replace the camera before NAFO.

Nope. That's Starbucks. Starbucks' fault totally. That's latte dammit!<Snip>
Sure looks like a fu-fu-coffee drink thrown out the window!

You said the TOG "dug in"... what brand? Delrin or Aluminum?
Actually, these were plastic TOGS I bought off of eBay and they belong on a GSXR. No idea what brand they are. I bought them because of the extra length and had custom spacers turned by a machinist. Even had to have custom stainless bolts done up. Anyway, they have saved the fairing 4 times in low-speed/stopped tip-overs and they worked well in this situation too. I'm still a believer in the plastic taking shock away from frame and saving it for a rebuild.

Momentary threadjack here:
I used to live in Buellton and despised the place so cause there was not place to really work the CBR 954 I owned. Where exactly is this road? It doesn't look familiar to me and I would have been looking for such a place. Foxen Canyon was the only place I found decent for about 3 miles then it was over.
This is Harris Grade Road right north of Lompoc. It was resurfaced last fall and is an awesome ride now. Good rain this winter took a lot of the slippery oil off and made it a great play place, but it is patrolled heavily and that keeps the riff-raff down. I don't ride that way and I have passed the SB County Sheriff several times in various sections without so much as a warning. It's a fun road, but it can be very dangerous if not ridden with respect.

Did you find the cup?
I am going back up there today...

It REALLY DOES look like fu-fu coffee!

Is that road Harris Grade?
As stated above... YUP!

Looks like a Canon camera, boy that sucks because it looks like an EOS?
It's actually a Pentax K-10D with a Tamron Zoom on the end. Had the Battery Grip on it as well and it is cracked. About $1500+ at current prices. New model coming out in May, but I'm not sure I can wait that long. Besides, I believe this one is actually repairable. It's going to the shop first thing Monday for an estimate. The lens is probably toast... just going to have to pony up the $$$ for it and buy another. With a little luck, insurance will comp me for it as I am claiming it in the accident.

See you at NAFO? With a Black one?
You'll see me at NAFO... just not sure what color I'll be riding. I should know by the end of the week if it is repairable or a total loss.

Is there any way to fit the camera damage into the insurance claim?
I am claiming it... we'll see if they honor that part of my claim.

Sorry about the long reply, but I wanted to answer your questions. Also, I KNOW I will ride differently now that I have had a major spill... it's just not the same as wiping out on the dirt bike. I have been injured much worse on dirt, but it's a lot different when it is on pavement with that much bike under, beside and coming at you. I refuse to ride scared. Cautious and aware of the dangers, YES, but not scared. Just because I ride like everyone else on the road is out to kill me, doesn't mean I ride scared.

I may not have been clear (or even vague for that matter) but this all happened Friday night. Thirty-six hours later, I am stiff in a couple places, but still feeling VERY good overall. Doctor's office will be my first stop the moment anything feels worse than a harder than normal workout.

Most importantly, this thread was never intended to scare anyone, just inform. I hate to hear that another rider has gone down, but I always want to know if they did anything wrong, if I am doing anything wrong or if there is something else I have not considered. After all, information is the key to being well-informed!

I'll keep you all posted and thanks for the words!

1 of a few.

Glad you got off safely (that was a good getoff from a butsted up body perspective)


Glad you did not have yer hot little chili pepper on board. Could be lots worse.


Good for you on ATGATT!!! Yes sire. In my getoff I looked at my gear and thought "That marginal crap is lots tougher that my skin..... thank got " I have decided olympia is no longer acceptable for me.


My bike is fixed and looked lots worse. You will have a steed, be it this one or a new one.

WAY!!! Glad you are ok.... Man!!

I'll join in on the "real sorry to hear about your crash" theme. Seriously.

It does change your attitude having crashed doesn't it. I totaled off an SV650 by trying to avoid t-boning a minivan that was pulling out in front of me, the driver looking for traffic coming from the opposite direction. I make an extra effort to confirm eye contact with any driver in a position to cut in front of me. I was pretty gun shy for the first while after getting on my replacement SV but you have to get back on your horse and ride asap in my opinion. Like you said, don't ride scared, ride aware. I hope this puts a positive spin on your negative situation. Your riding skills have now been bumped up a few notches.

Chin up man, it could have been way worse.


Sorry to hear about your accident, but looks like you were very lucky indeed: coming from a left curve, you should have hit the guardrail under normal circumstances, and you didn't. You also semed to be going at a pretty good clip to slide that far. And best of all, no oncoming traffic.

Finally, there's always something you could have done to avoid the accident, and recognizing what it was will make you a safer rider (riding on wheel tracks is an excellent suggestion, by the way). But yes, it's human nature to think it was unavoidable, and I wanted to think the same thing after my 2 accidents (they were NOT unavoidable). Some accidents are unavoidable at the moment, like when a deer jumps right in front of you after sunset (Larry Grodsky), so the answer is to avoid being there in the first place. Or at least slow way down if absolutely necessary. Glad you were unscathed. Take care.


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I'm sorry to hear about your accident and the damage to your bike and camera. Thanks for sharing your experience with us. I recognize that the longer I ride without incident, the more complacent I become, feeling in more control that I really am. What reading this kind of story does for me is that it helps me level-set and bring my healthy fear and caution back to where it needs to be. And I take encouragement from knowing that by wearing ATGATT as you do, I am greatly improving my chances of walking away than if not.

Right now it's Pat Hahn's Ride Hard Ride Smart that's cycling onto the tank of my toilet for safety-related library reading. I really embrace his "three degrees of separation" philosophy: 1. Good riding strategies (to stay out of trouble), 2. Good hard braking and swerving skills if trouble comes along, and 3. Good gear (ATGATT) if you go down.

See you at NAFO, with all your toes!


Glad the road angels were riding with you.

When I slid out, the low side became a high side due to sliders digging in, though fortunately Big Blu and I had already parted company. Are the sliders trying to tell us something? Just thinking out loud.

Heal quickly.

I make an extra effort to confirm eye contact with any driver in a position to cut in front of me.
Why? Unless you actually touch eyeballs, how do you know if they're looking at you or through you?

I make an extra effort to avoid contact with their bumpers, 'cause looks can't kill you. Click for a rant.

DUMBASS! Shouldnt be allowed on the road.

...I mean that jackass who tossed the coffee (or what ever that is) of course. you prolly passed them on way up.

Sorry to hear about your get off a highside can hurt!

Glad the road angels were riding with you.
When I slid out, the low side became a high side due to sliders digging in, though fortunately Big Blu and I had already parted company. Are the sliders trying to tell us something? Just thinking out loud.

Heal quickly.
Jim I didnt know you went down, when did that happen? sounds like your ok though...

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