"TWIST" get's high-sided...

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... I'm not sure "how" I will change, exactly, but I have tweaked my riding everytime I went down on my dirtbike. Just seems that I get a little wiser and a little more cautious. This is the first time I have had a major spill on the roadbike. I just assume I will adjust my riding a bit when I get back on.
Ya'll are giving me flashbacks.

Of course things will change. To what degree...has yet to be seen. The ghosts that will take up residence are an unfortunate effect of these things.

I am just glad you are still around to get another shot at the ride. Bikes and bike parts can be replaced.

Heal up quick! Best wishes and good karma to you.

And the rest of ya'll: Be careful out there!

The more I read these posts, the more I want to get into track riding. <SNIP>

Hate to see a camera like that. Was it around your neck or on a techmount?
First, I would love to ride track, but I am afraid of damaging the bike! I know I would push myself and end up on my lid. I ride the street for two reasons: It keeps me slowed down so as not to be so likely to hurt the bike and I LOVE the scenery. I ride for the enjoyment and exploration... to me it's all about the experience.

As for squidly behavior and pushing the limits while riding... I couldn't agree more: Keep it on the track!

The camera was in my tank bag. The bag was dislodged when the bike slammed on its right side after high-siding and it rolled under the bike. (I think... not completely sure) It was ripped open on the zipper and the camera came out. I'm sure it was broken before it ever left the bag though. I'm glad it was not around my neck... hate to think of where it would have been when I landed and what damage it could have done to me!

This really does suck and we truely are glad you are okay and will live again to twist that right grip. I do have a question. Did you use the phone to take those pics? Your phone looks pretty thrashed also. Just curious.
Phone still worked... just cosmetic damage. The photos were taken with my pocket camera that ALWAYS goes with me. Did I mention I am a bit of a photo junkie?

Now that you have had this experiance let us know what you decide to replace your riding gear with..You never mentioned if your helmet saved you any real problems.. and how hard of a hit it might have taken or what brand too..

See you at one of the rides sometime soon I hope.. and keep the pictures coming when your able.. they actually look like some preaty good pics.
I'm not sure how, but it appears I never hit my helmet. I have an HJC CL-15 (full-faced) and there is not a mark on it. I told the insurance company the same thing, but I also to them this: I don't know if I hit it or not, but I want it replaced! Damage can go undetected and I won't chance it. Good news: They are going to cover it. (So they said today)

Bad news: They are not covering the camera under the bike policy. I can file another claim on my renters and pay that deductable. That will depend on how much it is to fix or if it is a replacement situation. If I make THAT claim, I'll claim the phone as well. :angry:

Thanks for the compliments... I am hoping you looked at some of the other pictures on the website and not just the snapshots of the bike accident. They are not my best work. :(

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WOW Duff, sorry for your wipe out! I am really happy that you can tell the story. Hopefully your bike will be fixed (or a new one will replace it) soon.
