Walter Fooshee is ok in hospital

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Isabella is Lazarus
Dec 2, 2008
Reaction score
Metairie, LA suburb of Ole Nawlins'
he posted yesterday his story, symptoms, and warning to us all on FB

you can check it out there on his account wall

(the forum will not let me copy/paste into the body of a post, or allow an image to post after choosing the icon and pasting the url in. very frustrating and if someone can help me with getting the editor working, I'll be able to participate here)

maybe Tyler can put it here

I've already made the rounds with this to many of you, but I have a story. A story of lists, and feelings, and doctors, and sharps, and electrodes.....
I hit "The Wall" hard on my bicycle ride this evening, couldn't catch my breath. Slowed down, pedaled home slowly. Drank some water, waited a bit for breathing to get easier. It never did. A little ache right at my sternum, not really painful. Clammy skin, sweating. Oops, hands getting tingly now. Light-headed when I stood up.

All of those things are on THAT list....

Asked Ariel (daughter-in-law) to drop everything and run me to the ER. They wheel me right back, get vitals, do an EKG, tell me I did good to come in, I'm having a heart attack!

A HEART ATTACK????!?!?! No, that can't be right. Those are supposed to HURT!!! and this is just a little ache and I can't get enough air. Nope, they say, one artery blocked, they're gonna roll me upstairs and fix it.

Stuck a thing in my leg and slid it through that artery into the blockage and popped it open. 2 minutes after that the ache was gone and I was breathing better! Feeling fine now, but they've imprisoned me in ICU with bottles and tubes and a TV screen with wavy lines and numbers and stuff. Apparently there is no plumbing up here, as they gave me a plastic bottle for when the time comes. At least it has a lid.....

So apparently a heart attack. Just a little one. (Doc corrected me saying there ARE no kittle ones!" Said it a couple of times.)

Anyway, nowhere near as much hurting involved as I would have thought. Fair warning: find yourself experiencing any combination of those items on that list, get checked. It might be worse than you think.
I am glad that he is ok. With some rest and he will be riding soon. I have known too many that were not so lucky.


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Glad to hear he's going to be okay. Similar situation happened to a friend of mine about 3 years ago with a similar story and ending. Hope to hear you're out and about soon.

Glad to hear everything is ok.... Too many try an be the tough guy and don't get so lucky.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery and hawt nurses assisting!

Get better Walter!

Glad you were aware and made all the right decisions! Good job my man...

...looking forward to your next photo essay on the Blue Angels!!

Best wishes for a quick and complete recovery.

Be awry of pedaling bicycles and shoveling snow. Oh snow, you wouldn't know about that.

Dammit Walt!! Glad you knew enough to go to the hospital. With that artery opened up, you should feel better. Hopefully sooner than later!!

Walt, you're smart man! I'm glad that it worked out for you, and that you have a speedy recovery! :)

Walt, get better soon. You did good to go to the ER. Just a reminder to some of us more mature riders. If something doesn't feel right, don't wait. It's probablly not gonna get better on it's own.


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