We Lost a Friend

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Like many others here I have never met Andrew but he will be missed. God bless his family through this tragic event.

Dearest Sherri,

Andrew touched so many hearts. I only met Andrew through his words on this forum and on a few rides, yet this drives home so hard that the cycle of life can be such a bitter sweet experience. And at its extremes there are no words to adequately share and express our joys and our griefs. But please know and remember that we, your friends and family, hold you dear in our hearts.

These cycles of life are driven by divine love. And the balance against the pain we feel in separation from a loved one is in keeping our hearts open to love, open to accept the precious gifts that life has to offer each of us.

I have no words I can offer you, only my sincerest condolences. And the hard earned knowingness that nothing happens by coincidence, and purpose is behind everything we experience.



In memoriam, as words fail me right now. :cry:
Umm, hey Radman, those are "some" markings on that there cow!

Andrew would have loved it!

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Devastating news. My thoughts go to Sherri and his family. The Forum is a lesser place today.

I did not know Andrew well, but I looked forward to knowing him better. We spent some quality and now-cherished time together in August during the Murphys-to-Calaveras ride, when we walked together among the Giant Sequoias and talked about existentialism (that is, when he wasn't darting around assuming awkward positions to photograph the stunning nature all around us). Recently we'd exchanged some PMs on the Forum to organize a Gold Country ride for a small contingent of the Sacramento group.

As I said, I did not know Andrew well. But based on my brief interactions with him, I believe I did know this much about him--that he was compassionate, caring, sensitive, a humanist, an intellectual, artistic, and loving. It was meeting and riding with people like Andrew that, for me anyway, transformed the two-dimensional Internet experience of the Forum into a rich, three-dimensional world worthy of investing time and energy. My interactions with Andrew began with the motorcycle, but were evolving toward a genuine friendship. I was looking forward to our Gold Country ride more for the opportunity to enrich that friendship than to ride together. I will miss him.


Lunch in Murphys, August 2007


Calaveras Big Trees Walk [L to R: Andrew, Ray (Silent), Mike (MadMikeII)]:


Andrew and His Art:


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Man, just got off the bike came in and saw this. Like many others, I never met Andrew, but read a lot of his posts. He seemed like a great guy and from this thread, it's very evident that he will be greatly missed.

Rest in Peace

I have no words. You'll be missed my friend. :(
Just heard from Trimmantom about Andrew, so sorry Sherri. Andrew passed thru here last fall and spent a few brief hours with Barb and I. You'll be missed greatly Andrew. gasman :(

I am stunned to say the least.I know many of his posts have touched me and made me wish I lived out west instead of flat Texas prairies.Some of the photos I saw were stunning,intriquing and made me desire for many a longer ride to explore this land.My heart goes out to Sherri and the family but if it is any consolation he led us with a life example with a heart of loving,giving and sharing his passion with others.What greater gift could anyone leave friends,forum members and loved ones?May God's grace and peace be with you Sherri.

I am at a loss of the right things to say here...

Andrew, You were an inspiration to me and many others here. You will be missed deeply.

Loss of words...


Just got in from a weekend of riding, I'm stunned!

My thoughts and prayers go out to you Sherri.


Greetings folks, like Steve Wright, who joined the forum this morning to express his thoughts on the passing of OrangevaleFJR, I've signed up to share my condolences with all of those here who are feeling the loss of a friend and fellow rider. I knew Andrew only as a forum participant on the Pashnit forum. Andrew was unquestionably special, in his posts and contributions to the community. He'll be missed by all those he touched over the years.


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I hope the WFO staff members and forum members that live near and ride with Andrew and Sherri regularly are hanging in there today. I know Sherri is surrounded by her family right now, but I want you guys to know that you are too. I hope you know that we are thinking of you too as you grieve the loss your special friend.

We are all in motorcycling for many reasons, but for me its all about community. The twisty roads are fun and the bike is very cool but the people are the best part. And this community is the best. period.

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WOW, what a shock. :( I met Andrew at WFO and he made me feel as if we known each other for years. What a NICE person he was. Condolences to his family and close friends.

I hope the WFO staff members and forum members that live near and ride with Andrew and Sherri regularly are hanging in there today. I know Sherri is surrounded by her family right now, but I want you guys to know that you are too. I hope you know that we are thinking of you too as you grieve the loss your special friend.
We are all in motorcycling for many reasons, but for me its all about community. The twisty roads are fun and the bike is very cool but the people are the best part. And this community is the best. period.
Well said.

Condolences to all!

Like many others, I never met Andrew, but through his postings and those of his friends, I feel like I was a friend.

Everyone dies, but not everyone lives. Andrew lived life and his life mattered! I'm glad he let us ride with him to the Lost Coast and with his daughter before she left for college!

Godspeed brother!

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