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Good Lord man, you hit that car hard, or should I say that car hit you hard? Glad you are ok. Take it easy Evil and then get back out there.

Damn Evil!,

First of all, I'm glad to see you can type. Sorry to see the feej lookin' in such bad shape though. In-freakin'-credible timing! That sucks!! Get well soon and take it easy Bro. We'll quaff a few in your honor at WFO.

Come on, there's got to be another FJR out there with your name on it!!

Dude! NOT cool!!!!

Man, I am sorry about this misfortune. What a major freaking bummer.

Go rent an FJR for coming out to WFO, and charge it to the little princess's insurance company.

Glad to hear you're ok, but FUKE!!!!

You may find this cager's insurance company very willing to appease you in a rapid manner. My insurance company was looking for me (to give me money) before I even got out of the hospital. I think I had my replacement bike within 3 days of leaving the hospital. Still can't ride it more than 8-10 miles, but it makes me feel better just to go and look at it.

I sincerely hope they are properly motivated and they get busy trying to make this right for you.

Thanks for all the wishes foks. To answer some of the questions that have come my way. Yes I was wearing gear, my KbC helmet....some scratches on the back of it, an Icon jacket w/ damage to it for some reason,....Icon pants...again not a scratch on 'em and a new pair of gloves I just bought and my left palm is worn from pavement. When I came to(for 2 minutes) at the scene my visor was gone and my Oakleys were broken at the stems.

The accident happened so fast, I remember seeing her on the other side of a minivan as I was coming up to the intersection. As I was approaching, the van obscured her line of sight. I gave it some throttle just in case she took off as I approached the intersection. Well, she did just that, but floored it! All I remembr at this point is seeing her tire about 10ft in front of me. I grabbed all the front brake I could and hit her at about the front tire. As I hit the handlebar turned to the right and I went flying.

If I had slowed, maybe this woulda been avoided, but she stated NEVER seeing me even though I had my brights on and was riding where she coulda seen me up until 3 seconds before the accident. She was hysterical at the scene according to my medics, I guess she thought she killed me :rolleyes: .

The fight w/ the cheese tow company has ended and they just want the bike off their property w/o problems. Hpoefully the tow guys I contacted wil be there when they said they will!

Right now I don't care too much because I' mstill sore all over and don't have much strenght in my neck for some reason. It's a pain to get out of bed by lifting my head for some reason, musta been a hell of a strain on my neck for this to happen. Luckily I have a student w/ us for the next few weeks, he can lift all the stuff I can't :yahoo:

In the next week or 2 hpoefully I'll have another Feej in the garage, hpoefully another 2005, I've seen some out there, one w ABS from here may just be ny next one as I don't like the cherry too much. Galaxy blue is my favorite, sorry folks. Definitley next year for WFO! THANKS AGAIN FOR ALL THE WELL WISHING!

Three pages of replies and no one else has said it?

Then let me be the first!


Nice to hear you are OK. Heal up and ride again.

Hopefully insurance and everything will look after the bike and the broad will get what for.

Three pages of replies and no one else has said it?
Then let me be the first!


Already been done via PM. Don't get too excited though, hopefully I'll be buying another 2005 in a few weeks! :p I'd hate to lose all that stuff just to start over again!

You know your fellow members are confident that you are okay when they started bidding for your stuff!

Like everyone else has said, glad you are OK. Good luck

finding a good 05.


Hey Med,

After that stupid bitch pulled out in front of you did she hang up her phone, or did she run up to you still talking into her cell phone.

Idiots like that should be smacked!

Glad to hear you are going to be okay.

BTW there is a blue FJR, not sure if its an 05' or a 06', here at South Valley Yamaha, you could fly out here pick up the bike and ride half an hour to Park City for WFO. I'll even pick you up from the airport if you need a lift!

Sorry to hear about the accident. The neck issue doesn't sound good. What has the Dr. said? Hope you are up and about quickly.


dude, you're in chicago...

you must have 'friends' to check up on the other driver...

i'm sure your 'friends' will be sympathetic to her newly broken knee caps...

those bent forks would be a cool but painful conversation piece for your garage...


OK! everyone sing along with me. Chicago, Chicago That tottling town where no one can drive

Man glad to hear you've escaped one more time.

I have to drive/ride in Chicago sometimes, but I don't have to like it.
