What would be your dream mobile app?

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Well-known member
Jun 1, 2009
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Okay so you got your new iPhone or Android device.

Right there in your tank bag you have GPS, Internet, 32 gigs of storage. What do you wish it would do?

I'm thinking of developing a mobile app for motorcycles... I think I have some good ideas and I think I could move 100,000 copies. I'm in the very first stage, two years before I could get anything to market. What you you guys like your phone to do wile you ride?

Okay, lets try this again.

The current Smart phones are able to collect and share a lot of data. They have accelerometers, GPS receivers, Magnetometers, and high speed data connections. You can plot routes, post information to social networks, track and share your location. You can record your last oil change, track expenses, set reminders. You can see who and what is around you.

I use a lot of tools when I ride. I plan out routes, track when my next oil change is due and how much I spend on gas. I post pics to FaceBook from the road and geo-tag them with my location, date and time.

So, my question is... What would you guys like to have the ability to do, as motorcyclist, on the road? What are you already using technology to do on the road? Would something that was kind of like SPOT (not real time, cell reception dependent) with the added ability to track your speed, expenses and maintenance be worth using? What if that same tool could also receive route information the web and give you turn by turn directions. What if that route was rated by other users, would that information be useful? Would you like to be able to have a map of your route, your current location on that route, and any photo's or videos you took tagged to a point on the map where the photo was made, and have the ability to give out links to that map? Would you like to know the G-Force of accelerating out of a turn? Or at the apex of a curve? Would that be a cool ride report, a interactive map displaying your entire ride. You photo's are pined to the spot they where taken. You speed, elevation, G-load interrogated. Even weather conditions at the time. Of course you could share this on-line or mark it as private and no one can see it.

Maybe this app could also track your maintenance information, compile it with all other bikes like your's and provide reliability and total cost of ownership with real world numbers and riders.

All of this can be done on a freaking phone... is it worth me spending $50,000+ to do it.

Sorry for being such an :asshat: in my previous post but I'm surrounded all day by people that can't let go of their cyber device for a second. I'm becoming increasingly annoyed with them because the device generally takes precident over normal, human conversation.

I like your idea if it can be done. If you can do all the stuff you listed above, it would be uber-cool. It could consolidate a number of devices that clutter up our farkle shelves right now and make it all, all the more efficient (assuming the reliability is there, nothing worse than having your magic box bail or reboot in the middle of a rally). I've heard some reliability complaints on the 'net about some of the new stuff, I'm assuming this is teething pains which will be worked out by the manufacturer.

I'd also suggest trolling the other boards like the Connie board, the BMW board, and the Sporttouring.net board as there is probably a great deal of interest there for a new device application. I'm just old and cyber-paranoid (although I'm pretty good at it when pressed).

Good idea, good luck

Integrated route planning, with detours, distance between gas stops, and speed traps.

Lettering big enough to see.

While underway, autozooming on/off should be a one button push.

Visible in daylight and dimming for night, with an manual intensity override.

NOT requiring hunt & peck button pushing while riding (a few may be necessary)

Location from phone can be really wrong, especially where we like to ride these things, so that would have to be secondary to GPS.


Playing MP3 or streaming stereo.

And for $9.99

Here are some additional ideas for you: https://icub.aero/?p=368

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I would love "IChing". Basically like IFart, it emulates a series of noise makers, from the "ching ching" bicycle bell to a loud italian sports car air horn, with maybe a back up chime too.

I'd use when stuck behind slow walking "grazers" in places like Costco, like a gentle reminder to "hurry up" or "move aside".

Damn slow walkers.

I have a RAM mount for my iPhone (luckily the iPhone 4 fits even though it was made for the 3G) and I use it all the time when riding. The main two apps I use are Navigon for GPS & routing as well as iPod pass through so I gets mah tunes. The other app is RoatTrip which tracks fuel mileage/cost, expenses and maintenance -- you do an oil change and enter the pertinent info and it will remind you when the next change is due at an interval of your choice. At a glance I can tell you that since I started riding my FJR it's cost me $.64/day or $.114/mile to ride and maintain, also all the data can be exported to a .csv which makes for a nice log when it's time to sell.

What would I want? Rides rated by other riders would be nice. You mention GForce data etc. This would be interesting and now that the iPhone4 has 'multitasking' and apps can run in the background it might be nice to have this data being collected in the background for later stats nerd fun but I wouldn't want it as a foreground app all the time unless I was trying to determine a performance metric.

If I had to think the one thing that would be really nice, something that I wish for, would be a GPS/Routing app that has a true 'motorcycle' profile, Navigon is pretty good about this but I'm wanting something with some specific logic built in that would avoid the slab if I wanted but also smrt enough to keep me off gravel and all wrapped in a scenic route.
