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Aren't most of you glad you don't have to live with a few of these self rightous, alway right, never wrong, passive agreesive proor excuses for human beings.

Aren't most of you glad you don't have to live with a few of these self rightous, alway right, never wrong, passive agreesive proor excuses for human beings.
Oddly enough, I've been called most of those things, but I don't see myself that way. :rolleyes:
I just got home from spending a day with another FJR owner (he seldom looks at this forum, and I didn't bring it up - so there is no intent there).

I'm glad to see that the threads have not gotten any nastier since this morning.

I want to politely reiterate my stance. The one thing that I find to be taken totally wrong in my threads is that a few of you have stated that I expect the forum to change for me. Again, I would love to have you quote what words I used to imply that.

I think there is nothing wrong with stating my opinions on how I think something could be done better. If ya'll take that to mean I think the forum should change for me, so be it. But my intent is not to threaten to leave if I don't get my way, and it's not meant to imply that my way is the right way. I think if you read my words, you'll understand that. If I'm in the minority in my views, I'm the first to tell you that the forum should not change to my way of thinking.

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Is there a reward for reading every word?

In the end, after all of the emotions were exhausted, I think level of civility was pretty good.

I'm a sideliner most of the time but read pretty much everything posted. I've seen it all, the flames, trolls and good help from good people. The good help is what keeps me here.

Posting here is no different than interacting with someone in person - your approach usually determines your outcome.

my 2c
