Will Bertuzzi Play?

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R.I.P. Our FJR Riding Friend
Jul 5, 2005
Reaction score
Orangevale, CA
After Bertuzzi's attack on Steve Moore, he was suspended. Now the decision comes up about whether to let him play again, or not.

I'm an Avs fan, so I say no way even though I think he has probably learned his lesson. So What? He's a good player and I don't want the Avs to have to deal with that huge guy! Avs D is small!

I am definately in the minority, but I always sorta thought that they penalized the result much more than they penalized the action in that case. I mean, it certainly was a dirty play, but guys have done that before (attacking or punching a guy from behind), without causing such a serious injury and not gotten the kind of suspension he got. I think the horror everyone rightly felt at the result of the play greatly influenced the punishment, as did the league's recent desire to "clean the game up" to make it more appealing to families.

I mean guys have taken two handed chops with their sticks on other players, which is clearly an act with much more INTENT to injure and not been suspended as long. I mean they were willing to consider allowing Marty McSorely back after he whacked a guy upside the head with a stick. And if you are going to punish based on the result, there are a lot of enforcer types who have caved in guys eye sockets with their bare knuckles whos should have been banned too.

Also, let's not forget that the league, as well as the developmental leagues have encouraged this kind of action in encouraging players to police the ice themselves. Bertuzzi has never really been a dirty player, but he certainly has been tought to retaliate aginst guys/teams that are perceived to have taken shots on his team's skilled players (which Moore did in a previous game). Again, I'm not defending his actions, just stating that until recently, hockey in general has encouraged such things. That's why you hear people talk highly of players' grit, physical presence, toughness, and hard hitting.

Hell, I remember not too long ago the Blues had Tony Twist and Kelly Chase on their team at the same time, and I don't think they ever had more that 5-10 points between them in any season. They were there to kick ass when needed period.

I've hung around Twist a couple of times, and I guarantee you that between his size (he's still an avid body builder) and attitude he was often only a punch or two away from ending someone's career- in fact he was sued for doing just that to a minor league player. He used to hold his own rookie clinic to teach the youngsters the fine art of throwing punches on skates. HOw the league could condone that without realizing that eventually someone was going to seriously get hurt is beyond me.

I thought they already decided to let Bertuzzi back anyway.

Anyway, how is Moore these days? I thought I read that he looks to have some hope of playing again soon. I hope he recovers and gets to play again.


(A Blues fan banished to Blackhawk-land)

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I will say that your arugments are valid.

The league and game in general promotes self policing.

Bertuzzi is not just a thug.

Bertuzzi went through criminal proceedings for this incident, which was pretty astounding.

Other's have done blatantly more reprehensible attacks and been lucky they didn't end careers/lives. One could argue that Kariya's career was severely impacted by a clean hit. He hasn't been the same since. Oh well.

But....Bertuzzi is good so I don't think he should play because he will help the cannucks. We can't have that! ;)

I know, let him play, but only if he has a gold wing airbag installed in his gloves!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm just thankful we now have the ability to discuss hockey again!!!!

I just went and found an August article abut Moore where he is skating again, and doig okay, but still has lingering effects of the concussion. Sounds like he may start to work with the Avs medical team again soon, so that is promising.

Can you believe all the guys retiring now- My namesake (Big Al MacInnis), Stevens, Francis? I hope that, and the fact that so many guys are still choosing to sign with European teams isn't a commentary on what they feel the new rules are going to do to the game.

I'm just thankful we now have the ability to discuss hockey again!!!!
I just went and found an August article abut Moore where he is skating again, and doig okay, but still has lingering effects of the concussion. Sounds like he may start to work with the Avs medical team again soon, so that is promising.

Can you believe all the guys retiring now- My namesake (Big Al MacInnis), Stevens, Francis? I hope that, and the fact that so many guys are still choosing to sign with European teams isn't a commentary on what they feel the new rules are going to do to the game.
I think a lot of the one signing with European teams like the playing time, and the spirit of the game over there, nevermind the fact that intentional attempts to injure are pretty rare over there (milder game there).

I got to see Ron Francis in Raleigh before he traded to try to get the cup. I was lucky enough to get to meet some players of the Habs and Canes while there and Ron scored a pretty slick goal. It was amazing to see a 40+ year old keeping up with a 20 year old Vrbata. Francis is a class act.

Hockey is may favorite game...I will being going to San Jose and possibly other places to catch games, and I'll have center ice. It sure seems the TV coverage is gonna be hurt by the year off. OLN picked some up, NMC coverage doesn't start until after the new year and I think they only have 18 games. Center Ice and local telivising will be the hockey fan's only hope really.

Forsberg back to his rookie team that he never skated for...the Flyers. Ouch. That hurt as an Avs fan. Foote going to Columbus was fine. I like Columbus and a guy like Foote can only help that expansion team.

LA seems to be going for more goal scoring than D...could be some exciting hockey to watch with the smaller pads and dif blue line rules.

I am stoked...can you tell? Bring on the coolest sport on earth! :cold: :drinks: :fans: :hockey: :hockeycheck: :hockey: :hockeycheck:

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO RANGERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:axerune: :clap: :cold: :drinks: :dwarf: :fans: :fan: :fans: :drinks: :dinamo: :cold: :clap: :rolf: :rolf: :hockeycheck: :hockeycheck: :hockeycheck:

AVS WIN! 4-2 First preseason game vs the Stars..


Oh...well why not have some rivalry between friends?


:hockeycheck: :eek:rc: :shab1: :shout: :coolio: :tease: :thumbup: :yahoo: :punk: :rap: :hockey: :fans: :fuck: :dinamo: :elf: :friends: :friends: :good: :guitar: :guns:

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Go Av's Redwings Suck

As far as bertuzzi the

Av's now have Brad May the one who said getting Moore would be fun

I have had the pleasure of watching the stanley cup being lifted in victory at Pepsi Center and will see it agian i'm sure

Oh did I mention




I don't get it. What is this thread about? Is hockey a real sport? :eek:

Seriously... I don't understand hockey. Played soccer as a kid, tried to draw parallels... but could not connect the dots..



Cliche as it may well be..........."if we have to explain...you still wouldn't understand".


I don't get it. What is this thread about? Is hockey a real sport? :eek: Seriously... I don't understand hockey. Played soccer as a kid, tried to draw parallels... but could not connect the dots..


Go DUCKS??  :D
go see a game, preferably within 8 rows of the ice, inside the blue line on the side. If you don't get it then, then you never will. Is is a real sport? OMFG...it's the MOST real sport you'll ever see.

The skill, the speed, the agility, the mental awareness at 35mph, the toughness, the teamwork...it has it all. Exactly what part of "sport" is it missing for you?

Tougher than football, but more regular season games than basketball.

Countless incredible things...from Peter Forsberg having a spleen ruptured in a game in the 2nd period, and he finished the game (and helped win it) to the Ottawa Senators playing half a season without pay to try to avoid losing the team before it got sold. Hockey players are articulate, respectful, team oriented and frankly have more class than most young golfers and certainly more than the pansy tennis players.

The entire sport, the entire world around can be criticized for its roughness, but those people are looking past the exceptional sportsmen and sportsmanship. This is perhaps mans GREATEST ACCOMPLISHMENT! ok...just kidding about that last part, but its COOL! Rivalries aside...no hockey teams suck...I respect them all. Except the Red Wings :haha:

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Is hockey a real sport?


Go put on a pair of skates and have someone just toss you a soccer ball and when your done picking your butt up off the ice, imagine a puck, just a couple of inches accross, and you can only handle it with a stick. The balance and agility that takes are only rivaled by gymnastics, figure skating and ballet (I know, all girle-sports, but read on).

Now imagine you have to do that with a 200+ pound guy breathing down your neck, pushing, poking, pulling (elbowing, cross-checking-thats whacking his stick accross your back, right around your kidneys) just waiting for a chance to put you through the boards, or lay you flat on the ice- and unlike soccer that does not result in getting some sort of colored greeting card. This is all happening at speeds greater than soccer, and on a playing surface that is much smaller. So now you've added the physicality of rugby and football, with similar if not greater speed and intensity (and you are still wearing skates, on ice, juggling that puck on the end of your stick).

Now you have to take that little puck, and fire it sort of jai-lai style past a goalie with pads, a glove and a stick, into a net that is what, 1/10 the size of a soccer net?

The reason hockey is not nearly as popular as other sports is that so few people can actually play it with any level of skill. The combined traits an athelete needs to play this game are greater than any other sport in my opinion.

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