Yes they were not.

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Although I seldom use my bags, I'm glad I finally took the effort to purchase a Torx #10 security bit and red loctite, and look into this. My screws were very loose. I wonder how many other screws should be looked at periodically? I remember someone being concerned about windshield screws?

I took the lock-core out to get it re-keyed and reinstalled with hex head cap screws. Torx sucks. Used the red thread-lock (claimed to be permanent).

Are we talking about the two screws in the silver lock mechanism itself?
Wow, they were real loose! I could un-screw them with my fingers, there was no resistance.

Hey mods, can you put this picture in the bin-o-facts so future FJR owners will know exactly what we're talk'in 'bout when referring to "latch screws"? I've been trying to figure it out for awhile. I thought it was just because I'm kinda simple, but I know others have been trying to figure out which screws too.


Are we talking about the two screws in the silver lock mechanism itself?
Wow, they were real loose! I could un-screw them with my fingers, there was no resistance.

Hey mods, can you put this picture in the bin-o-facts so future FJR owners will know exactly what we're talk'in 'bout when referring to "latch screws"? I've been trying to figure it out for awhile. I thought it was just because I'm kinda simple, but I know others have been trying to figure out which screws too.

I just checked the ones on the FJR I bought last week, on one side they were both in, but loose, and on the other side, one screw had already fallen out and the other was loose. This is the kind of thing that the internet does better than anything! Thanks, y'all

One of mine fell completly out when I got to work one morning. Next day took one that was still there and went to my local hardware store replaced it with a philips head and locktite and all is well again. Great hardware store if they don't have it it doesn't exsist. :yahoo:

Yamaha should redesign the method for keeping those locks attached. :construction:
I just wonder why they get so loose so badly. I've had similar small screws in model airplanes, vibrating pretty damn hard, with no Loctite and no problem.

I bought my '06 FJR brand new last July from a dealer near here. I had them do the 600 mile initial service. Thanks to all you awesome FJR Forum guys, I included a rather extensive listing of additional stuff that they needed to do/look at. One of these things was to Loctite these screws. I asked the service lady pointedly "did you guys do that entire list?" She answered "yes". I was most happy.

A month later, I pull into the garage returning from work on the FJR. I go to take my little drink cooler out of the left side bag and, whoopsie.... the lock falls apart in my hand. I am VERY lucky this did not happen on the road, may have lost the lock. Upon inspection, absolutely zero Loctite on the screws. I called up and asked her "did you guys take care of that?" She again says "yes". I then proceed to tell her what happened. She continues to claim they did it. A load of BS.....

Oh well, no big deal for me to do it (as I did). But now I wonder what else they said they did and did not. Great......

The other day, I was tinkering with the FJR and went to remove the bags. The right bag had lost both screws to the lock!! Basically, the lock was just laying there. Wish I had read the forum earlier and may have prevented losing the screws.

When I purchased my 07 new, they gave me another lock just in case I purchased a trunk bag later. I just pulled the screws from the one and re-installed the lock with lock tite of course. The left side bag screws were moderately loose. Lock-tited them too. All is well once again. Need to pick up a couple extra screws for back up though.

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Hey Folks,

I was blessed to hear that the "boyfriend" where I have been renting some "Divorce Space" recently happens to be a truck mechanic...

Showed him the fasteners that you've been protecting the rest of us from - and Voila!! Tonight he carried in a beautiful set of Mac Tool Bits and a small tube of Blue Loctite!! YeeHaa!! What Luck!!

When he test fit the bit while I held the bag up in the light - it is TINY - and the Friggin' Security Pin is nearly invisible to aging folks that require reading glasses... Or at least to the guy typing this... <grin>

Anyway, perfect fit - I'm set! I could not believe how little finger pressure it took him to break the first one loose! Later tonight I borrowed his loaners and "corrected" my four screws.

Number Three of Four, on a 9-day old scooter, could have been broken loose very easily with a pair of Needlenose Pliers End-On - I'll Bet!! Holy Crap! More than that - there was evidence of a "microscopic" amount of Loctite (Blue) residue on the center of the tiny screw shank as I looked at each one. None of the three that I broke loose took more than a thumb and index finger grip on the screwdriver that would what be needed to deform butter at room temerature... Whoa!!!

Moral of the Story?

Feejer Owners - Read/Learn/Share/Protect your Ride and your Wallet!!! Even though that GD Security Torx Bit design selector at Yamaha should be SAPO...

Make the effort to check/loctite yours too!!

THANKS FJRForum Gang!!!

So Glad to have found this terrific resource!!!


It has been a while since I have been here so it surprises me this is still a problem. I lost the lock and a $400 Shoei helmet from the right bag on my 08 FJR 3 months after I bought it new. Yamaha's answer was sorry for your bad luck on the helmet and they replaced the lock under warranty. The lock screws on the left bag were also coming out with no evidence of locktite. Oh and by the way they could not furnish a new lock that works with my original key. Great bike, less than great customer support. :angry:
