Borderline dangerous epic adventure wanted

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Tell Connor to be sure and "wrap that rascal!"
RadioHowie: I offered to take Cav47 and Connor dirt bike riding with me but for some unknown reason they turned me down! JSNS, BOOM!


Tell Connor to be sure and "wrap that rascal!" :)
RadioHowie: I offered to take Cav47 and Connor dirt bike riding with me but for some unknown reason they turned me down! JSNS, BOOM!

OMG, C and I laughed our asses off.

We made here in great time. He was able to see some front range mountains about 80 miles away. He couldn't believe it was the same one we drive toward for 90 min.Averaged 71 MPH including stops. Amazing what open country and reasonable speed limits can accomplish. Connor drive for about an hour when I got tired across part of Missouri. Campsite is great. Highly recommend it. Bath house is clean and close. I will put up pictures when we have a real wifi signal. Ate some ramen noodles cooked over an open fire. Cleaned up the campsite so no food remnants are left for the Bears. Long day but so worth it and heading off to bed soon.

That is hilarious Don!! He would go. As we are sitting here, he just said he can actually see all of the stars.....well compared to what you can see at home.

We are boon dock camping just off the million dollar highway. North of Silverton. Along some river. Nice place with fire rings and soft campsites due to all the pine needles. Plenty of people around so we feel pretty secure. Only thing we can mostly hear is the river and the fire crackling. We went to pikes peak today. Pictures don't do it justice. Mesa Verdi tomorrow.

^^^^. Haha. . We have talked about that kinda. I remind him about washing up good at night and then not leaving food scraps around the campsite. We did see a bear yesterday on the side of the road. We snapped a quick picture but it was kinda far away. It was I. The north side of Ouray.

I also told him he does not have to outrun the Bear, just outrun me. I am getting a little worried I can't outrun him anymore. Lol. We both have standing orders to unload the magazine in the bear even if it is on top of me!! No chance of that tonight as we are in a Days Inn in Kanab. North Rim tomorrow. Wheels rolling tomorrow at 5:30 after hotel breakfast at 5am. We want to beat some of the crowds and heat.

Today is Friday. Tomorrow is Saturday in the rest of the United States. I know we spent a bunch of time in Navajo country today but I still think the days are the same. Gotta make it to the canyon and then to Vegas by nightfall.

Aw ****...Had just rolled in the door from our San Francisco trip when I posted that. I'm so turned around. No idea why I thought it was Tuesday. Jeeze!!

We are still on the road and one if the first days with some real WiFi that I was not too tired at the end of the day. We are in Port Angeles Washington tonight at the KOA. They were sold out but did not want to turn us away. Marty is the camp host and he is a good guy. Tomorrow we head for Mt Ranier and then maybe Glacier. My kid who is afraid of heights jumped off a cliff into Crater Lake a few days ago!! I will post the video later. Pretty cool. Been about 4500 miles so far. At least 2300 more before home.

Good to read you are enjoying yourselves. When you return, I shall be interested to know more about your campgrounds as I am planning a similar adventure very soon.

Safe travels.

Good to read you are enjoying yourselves. When you return, I shall be interested to know more about your campgrounds as I am planning a similar adventure very soon.
Safe travels.
Mount Rainier this morning was pretty spectacular. I hate crowds though.

We are just east of Coeur D'alene tonight in the Kahnderosa campground. No fires allowed because of burn restrictions, but Sherry the owner let us heat up our Ramen noodle water on her grill burner. This one fits in the good category .

Campgrounds .....Some good, some great, some horrible, some we left after realizing it was a tweaker heaven. Full report later Pants.

Best accommodations on the whole trip by far. Dinner, a personal tour of some area motorcycles, and meeting some other forum mates...... Couldn't be better. Thanks to the Mrs and John !!!

My son has had a blast. Be home in a couple of days. It will be good to be home, but the road is great too.

Going to start a new thread since this will mostly be pictures and less narrative about things I may not want his mom to see.
