Quiet Forum These Days?

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Well Don, we get winter in these parts. Not going to try and explain this phenomenon to you, look it up.

Anyway a lot of things need to be put away and a bunch of stuff needs to be dragged out.
Wow! Barry woke up. Good to see you're still an ass.
Ain't me Ray The ass you see is in your mirror.
Wow, just like old times!
Now then! That's what I'm talking about!

JSNS and

Hugs n' Kisses
Can I get the last 10 minutes of my life back?



Well Don, we get winter in these parts. Not going to try and explain this phenomenon to you, look it up.

Anyway a lot of things need to be put away and a bunch of stuff needs to be dragged out.
Wow! Barry woke up. Good to see you're still an ass.
Ain't me Ray The ass you see is in your mirror.
Wow, just like old times!
Now then! That's what I'm talking about!

JSNS and

Hugs n' Kisses
Can I get the last 10 minutes of my life back?


Nope....... Thems were the best 10 of your life!

JSNS and

Hugs n' Kisses

Now, lets get this "off topic" topic back on to its off-topic topic. (Can't believe I said that)

Most forums (motorcycle or otherwise) that I visit are experiencing senescence to one degree or another. This one less than others but does not appear to have the level of activity (or technical quality) it used to have four or five years ago. Perhaps there isn't enough new stuff going on and perhaps we have grown complacent. Maybe we have already said everything???

Possibly we need some serious technical issues with the 2018's. Nothing quite like a ticking engine, CCT failures, ground "spider" issues etc. to boost activity. How about all the stuff related to the discovery of suitable aftermarket suspension bits, Russell seats and mirrors that work better than stock. Since 2013, these damn bikes have just been too reliable - other than, perhaps, some hints of problems with some of the throttle position sensors. So, what can we wish for the new model year? - Matte paint that flakes off in Arizona sunshine? How about a run of ES suspension failures? A run of failed computer ECU chips or even a major factory recall for failing ABS blocks? That will get people back here!

Facebook seems to be wrecking many of the websites where the social stuff takes precedence over the technical. Unfortunately, even in a website (such as this) where technical has always been important, bleeding off readership into FB (and competing websites) may reduce activity to a point where the critical mass is insufficient to sustain the forum to the extent we might like. (Personally, I hate FB and will have nothing to do with it.) I have no issues with competing websites but multiple places available to get one's regular dose of FJR stuff will reduce the level of activity at all sites.

I wouldn't say that FJRForum is in trouble but it doesn't seem as interesting as it used to be - maybe I am at the point where not much FJR stuff is new anymore! I still drop by regularly but probably spend less time than I used to.

Now, lets get this "off topic" topic back on to its off-topic topic. (Can't believe I said that)
Most forums (motorcycle or otherwise) that I visit are experiencing senescence to one degree or another. This one less than others but does not appear to have the level of activity (or technical quality) it used to have four or five years ago. Perhaps there isn't enough new stuff going on and perhaps we have grown complacent. Maybe we have already said everything???

Possibly we need some serious technical issues with the 2018's. Nothing quite like a ticking engine, CCT failures, ground "spider" issues etc. to boost activity. How about all the stuff related to the discovery of suitable aftermarket suspension bits, Russell seats and mirrors that work better than stock. Since 2013, these damn bikes have just been too reliable - other than, perhaps, some hints of problems with some of the throttle position sensors. So, what can we wish for the new model year? - Matte paint that flakes off in Arizona sunshine? How about a run of ES suspension failures? A run of failed computer ECU chips or even a major factory recall for failing ABS blocks? That will get people back here!

Facebook seems to be wrecking many of the websites where the social stuff takes precedence over the technical. Unfortunately, even in a website (such as this) where technical has always been important, bleeding off readership into FB (and competing websites) may reduce activity to a point where the critical mass is insufficient to sustain the forum to the extent we might like. (Personally, I hate FB and will have nothing to do with it.) I have no issues with competing websites but multiple places available to get one's regular dose of FJR stuff will reduce the level of activity at all sites.

I wouldn't say that FJRForum is in trouble but it doesn't seem as interesting as it used to be - maybe I am at the point where not much FJR stuff is new anymore! I still drop by regularly but probably spend less time than I used to.
Well said Ross. I love no ads, no political BS, a fairly tolerant population (although I do miss the banter from the day), and most of all, the peeps. I've only dealt with one asshat in all these years and even that wasn't too intolerable. I think to some degree the desired technical focus for this forum may have diminished some of the 'fun' human factor. Then again, the forum is looking for new ownership and leadership and I haven't stepped forward so I have no room to comment on previous forum strength strategy.

Well Don, we get winter in these parts. Not going to try and explain this phenomenon to you, look it up.Anyway a lot of things need to be put away and a bunch of stuff needs to be dragged out.

Havn't you heard winter is cancelled, my roses came out last weekend as did the wasps.

Crazy weather here at the moment.


A lot of previously very active posters have left after snarky final posts. Too bad because some offered great content some of the time.

20+ years ago when Philip Greenspun created the software for open forums as part of his dissertation at MIT, personality conflicts may not have been predicted by the initial participants.

It became clear in a few years time that sociologists and psychiatrists had found a new playground for studying what humans would do when given the chance to interact with each other without the immediate chance of getting whopped upside the head with a two by four.

There are a lot of folks who want to lead. There are a lot of folks who want affirmation of their brilliance. There are a lot of folks who are sure theyre always right. And these are the least dangerous of the sociopathic classes in play.

Zuckerberg just figured out that FB is being used in ways he had not foreseen. So ... this idea of interacting online has its really great upside, a soft and fuzzy innocuous middle, and shades of gray leading to the black abyss.

Dont neglect your face to face personal friendships. Most adults suppress their urges to throw tantrums or whine excessively when there is another adult present. 🙉🙈🙊

I agree 100% El Toro. I have never understood why asshats will say something under cover of anonymity that they wouldn't have the balls to say in public or to a person's face. This forum is far better than most although I have been surprised a few times - the offenders generally don't last very long. People whine and complain about excessive or what they perceive to be heavy-handed moderation and then I look at the huge number of "broken" internet forums...

I also don't understand the formerly active members who publically slammed the forum (and moderators) before picking up their marbles and going home. Simply rude and unnecessary - some respect for our hosts should be expected, whether or not one agrees with their actions all of the time. While a thick skin (and asbestos suit) is mandatory for some sites, this one isn't bad. I am amazed how easily some folks end out with hurt feelings. If one doesn't like the "tone" or content, they can try to fix it by appropriate contribution to the site or "vote" by staying away.

Drifted off topic again... Activity here is cyclical - picks up when there is new stuff to discuss and drops off as things get boring. Affected quite a bit by season, especially for those of us who live in places where motorcycling is (at best) an eight month per year activity.

Well, I think the internet started going downhill when people forgot that I AM RIGHT ABOUT EVERYTHING.

New wife keeps forgetting that, too, unfortunately.

Some major contributors have left or minimized their contributions. I do think they still lurk but refrain from commenting so as to minimize conflicts. I know I am trying to cut down on my internet presence. I don't even turn the computer on Sundays anymore. It may reflect society as a whole. There is life outside of the internet and I think some folks are catching on.


Pterodactyl wrote:

Yup.... the internet has gone downhill ever since they put it on computers.


I realize that nearly everyone here is old. Like me. I did not realize this in 2008 when I signed up.

We have all seen quite a bit. From the first email accounts through the advance guard universities over 35 years ago to the creation of DARPANET, creation of Mosaic, ARS Digital, and on to the present day.

I think it improved from the first efforts through the end of the 20th century.

Early in the 21st century its use for commerce really accelerated.

More commerce = more money in play.

More money in play = wider access and greater interest from traders and thieves than from idealists.

That is not to say that malcontents are traders and thieves. It is just to say that nearly every demographic now participates and so the personality permutations and combinations are seemingly endless. So there are new kinds of pathological behaviors than were known in pre-internet times.

The money and thieves do define the dark abyss aspect though.

This has been a nearly unique forum in that, as others have pointed out, there are no ads.

I really appreciate this commitment.

I can understand the frustration of the owner.

It seems like no good deed goes unpunished.

So ... please note that in spite of the lack of OCD posting, the efforts of those in charge are recognized, and appreciated.

Keep up the good work.

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+1, El Toro (you left out acoustic modems, or early electronic modems and their infernal screeching)

<edit: 60 mins later>

Also, +1 about admins and moderators: only their corrective actions are visible. All their other donated efforts are largely unnoticed and therefore unappreciated.

....... (And since I'm in a philosophical mood this morning) .......

You mentioned earlier that "Zuckerberg just figured out that FB is being used in ways he had not foreseen." Is this not the path for all new technologies?

Would Gutenberg have imagined his printing press being used by Hugh Hefner or Larry Flynt? Henry Ford have foreseen Bonnie and Clyde's use of the automobile? How about Orville and Wilbur Wright learning about modern stealth fighters and transglobal bombers? Albert Einstein's work was the basis for nuclear weapons, and everyone should read his opinions about them.

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You mentioned earlier that "Zuckerberg just figured out that FB is being used in ways he had not foreseen." Is this not the path for all new technologies?
Would Gutenberg have imagined his printing press being used by Hugh Hefner or Larry Flynt? Henry Ford have foreseen Bonnie and Clyde's use of the automobile? How about Orville and Wilbur Wright learning about modern stealth fighters and transglobal bombers? Albert Einstein's work was the basis for nuclear weapons, and everyone should read his opinions about them.

Along those lines......What about Grok, the inventor of the wheel? To be used 7,000 +/- 2,000 years later on Gen II FJRs. Or Kurt Stripper, inventor of the vertically-mounted brass pole? Think of what he's done for the exercise industry. We can't continue without mentioning Sven Intra-Uterinedevice, and his efforts to control the population explosion of the 60s. And don't forget Sergei Pornographii, and his contribution to the oppressed masses of humankind. One could assume that these innovative, motivated inventors had little clue as to how their creations would be used by miscreants yet to be born. Alas, they had no idea......

Oh, one off-topic question. My tires are almost worn out. What tire do you recommend?


As for tire recommendation, I only use the Grok super-round 195 on my FJR, but I'm not sure if they fit Gen2 models.

(Hey, dcarver, a little livelier now?)

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Seems to me the forum isn't 'popping' like it used too. Weeks old posts remaining at the top, fewer responses, replies.
Just me or have others noticed too?
Nothing stays the same.

I miss the old days. Dogpile Friday was always fun.

I joined this forum in March of 08, the day before I picked up my new FJR.

I soon learned that this forum was only about 20% technical. The rest was fun and games. I couldn't go for more than 15 minutes at a time without checking in, because I didn't want to miss anything.

At the time, I was a heavy drinker and this forum kept me out of the local bars because it was more fun. (And I apologize now to anyone I offended back when it was OK to be irreverent)

We all know and miss the class clowns that have either died or got kicked out or are quiet because the way things are, that kept this forum rocking.

Nothing lasts forever. The memories that I can remember, are all good!

(And it was always fun to meet people from the forum personally, and find out they were quite normal..

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too much work those days, so I have no more time to read the forum :( . but I ride my FJR every day to go to work:
