Southeastern RTE?

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wohoo-leaving the house at 10:00 am. stopping at ray's house to either join up with him or remove the baffles from my cans and do doughnuts in his front yard if he tries to bail cuz he thinks he needs his beauty sleep.
think carla might want to tag along without him?

LOL !! ok....OK!!. I'll most likely go... Give me an excuse to run screaming for the door at work right at 8: AM so I can get home and take a short nap.

Carla probably would go if she were here. But she's in Hiram, GA right now working on getting the old house cleaned up. Trying to convince her to at least drive the car up from there to meet everyone. I WILL bring some of her home made BBQ sauce though. Who knows, might let the owner try it and see if I can get some special orders for a batch. Carla's been stocking up on the ingredients. Found a nice discount/salvage grocery store in Pelzer and she's been going crazy there. Bought enough stuff for about 6 batches of sauce!

hmmm....wonder if I could mount an old mower blade on 1911's rear wheel so he could mow my grass while he's doing doughnuts in my front yard?????

I'm following griff somewheres. I think he said Cherohala a couple times...then the Dragon...because it's Saturday and that makes it more fun.

See you at Cooters....

Of course I kid. I'll still see you at Scooters.

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Thanks for changing your mind, RayW, although I realize it was due to public and private threats. You've been added to the fer sher list.

Back home safe and sound. Great meeting all you guys!! Now it's bed time for me so can survive tonight at work.


Home. Awesome riding. Got a chance to ride with Eric..enjoyed that. Enjoyed meeting all the local and not so loco riders.

Good BBQ as well.

Warwoman...a new favorite. I have some crappy phone photos to share. Hud will provide the detailed report.

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Home at 5:15. Nice meeting some new old guys. Thanks for putting this together Uncle Hud. Ray - looking forward to seeing that awesome man cave.

Just walked in the door and into the pool!! Awesome riding, awesome meeting new folks and old alike! Thanks Wheaton for leading the way, had a blast!! Thanks Uncle Hud!!

crappy phone photos as promised...

ericboutin, Hud, Walter, and griff; eric and Walter not so sure of this wheaton guy, Hud saying who gives a feck, and griff going "not again!"

Some beautiful FJRs

Walter waxing all poetic like about BBQ and lovin his beautiful Cobalt Blue FJR...

Hud telling rbentnail, "Well, it took you long enough!" (Russ got the LD award from NC since Tony couldn't make it from a bazillion miles away.)

kurbennett64 and jblanken64 sharing their secret number.

A mess of FJRs at Scooters...

Also, some awards go to those nightshifters that got off of work, got a couple zzs, and headed out to meet some strange people they haven't met from the innernet. Kudos to them...

Great fun, great times!

The roads around here beat N. Illinois, I tell you that. I rode more curves today than many a year up in Illinois. It just doesn't seem fair.

But I'll take it!!

EDIT: BIG kudos to Hud for showing SC and NC how it's done! easy peasy.

And best wishes to someone who had to turn around for home because their wife went in to the ER. Prayers go out to you!

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Home safely.

THANKS to all who took time out of their weekend to be social. Ten FJRs in the parking lot: that's a crowd, ladies and gentlemen.

The ride home was warm, so I'm hydrating with

. (Link is assuredly NOT safe for work.)
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Home and still a big grin from a great time. Thanks to all of you especially Uncle Hud. And sorry no video, apparently while we were enjoying bbq the camera was rolling so after we got gas before we got on warwoman for some fun it ran out of memory... Guess we gotta go back guys and do a retake.

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As wheatonFJR promised -- and I am still trying to figure out how he can promise stuff on my behalf -- here's the Ride Report:

It was a nice Saturday. Folks got up in Asheboro (NC), Augusta, metro Atlanta, and Upstate SC, climbed on their FJRs and rode to Dillard, Georgia. Why? Because they like to ride. The food was good, but you can get good barbecue in any of their hometowns. They like to ride.

We rode there. We ate. We shook hands, and rode home.


From left: Uncle Hud, Griff, jblanken64, RayW, kurbennett64, rbentnail, wheatonFJR, Walter, ericboutin. HEY!?!?! How come 1911 isn't in the photo? Is he, like, a CIA agent and can't get photographed?

My route home included a 90-minute loop along curvy roads that looks really good on the map:


Brief description: middle left, Dillard, GA (red pin) ---> south on US 441/23 to Clayton, GA (pin); left on Warwoman Road to Pine Mountain, GA (pin); left on GA/NC 28 to Highlands, NC (pin); left for a few blocks on US 64 in Highlands then left on NC/GA 106 past Scaly Mountain, NC (pin) and Sky Valley, GA to US 441 about a mile north of Dillard.

Would have been a GREAT route, except silly Uncle Hud forgot how many tourists do the mountains in late August. Anyway, It's a good route for after the leaves fall and the retired folks go south to Florida for the winter.

Mentioned this to WheatonFJR: motorcycle in the ditch on Warwoman Road as seen by Google Street View. It's a deceptive little road with pretty views quickly upstaged by an "oh shit!" curve.

Do it in second gear and stay out of trouble.

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