Yet another example of why half-helmets suck

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... I prefer to wear gym shorts and t-shirts under the Motoport on a hot day. But when you slide a ways, the heat generated by the friction of your slide has to go somewhere. Guess where it transfers? Yep -your exposed skin.
And under such conditions, Motoport's mesh kevlar gear can leave a nice "waffle" brand on your skin that exactly matches the course weave of their fabic!
Even through a t-shirt!

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You guys still wear cotton? Dorks...Merino Wool or good synthetics. That's what I wear under my gear. Cotton is great for t-shirts, but get it wet and then cold, and your opinion of the material will change very quickly!

Ahem. This time of year in the Southland, wet and cold is appreciated, and I often wear cotton long-sleeve tee-shirts under my jacket or 'Stich.

I do wear the wicking stuff, too, as it tends to keep me cool in the summer and warm in the winter. The best: heavyweight and lightweight silk longjohns (ski wear) that work like a dream under protective gear year-round. Can't take off the overpants for a lunch break, however.

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Dang, it's freezing up on the Parkway! Burrrrr.....

It would help, for us ATGATT riders at least, to see non-subjective, unbiased, scientific results for abrasion, impact, etc..testing. At least have a litmus test of some sort to judge by. I know of the Euro CE standards, but I'd like to see it broken down into manufacturer and model results. Maybe there is one I don't know about, if so, enlighten me.

I don't preach ATGATT to strangers, but to family and friends I can go Southern Baptist preacher on them.. ad nausem. They might only wear gear to avoid a sermon, but they're wearing it.

You mean like helmet ratings, right? That's a good idea. Suggest it to someone in DC and it will happen ....

There is a site that allows you to see how specific helmets performed.

You can search by Helmet maker, and then model.

Sharp is funded by the UK's Department of Transport. Similar to IIHS, they do crash tests under controlled situations and report ratings on various aspects/criteria.

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I'll add I only buy FF helmets with a SNELL sticker in them. It would be nice if there was an independent testing group for other gear, like jackets, pants, boots and gloves.

Agree, Knifemaker.

Sportsguy on the forum here owns the domain and we've bounced around ideas on how to make it a useful resource.

Or their wife's safety. I love how pretty my wife is, and if she was disfigured in a crash, I would blame myself. Mine got the full magilla when she said she'd be ok to ride along - boots, helmet, gloves, pants and jacket. Funny, it does make her butt look fat because they haven't quite yet figured out how to make gear that fits women.
On the shorts issue - I prefer to wear gym shorts and t-shirts under the Motoport on a hot day. But when you slide a ways, the heat generated by the friction of your slide has to go somewhere. Guess where it transfers? Yep -your exposed skin. I wore bandages for about two weeks, but now I usually am wearing some of the very thin breathable cotton undershirts and thin cotton pants (either LD Ryder style or REI thin material cargo pants. No less hotter, but at least the friction burn can be easily prevented.

Good for you, Uncle H, giving your Harley pals grief. I still bug Mikey at the tavern, who actually has crashed his cruiser and still wears his beanie cap, but it won't change his mind.

I do a lot of activities with Steve McQueen's kid Chad. When he's out on the track, or even just in the canyons, no excuses. If you show up without proper gear, and if you ride like an asshat, you're done - dis-invited and not welcome. He's hit the wall at 175 mph, and it was the gear that saved him from death (plus some very skilled doctors). It's a driver's and rider's code and if you feel otherwise, you're welcome to ride by yourself. It's highly effective at changing group behavior.



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