Wayne (ExtremeMarine) and Annette Update

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Well, howdy there stranger! We missed you @ EOM this year.

Some update info:

I talked with Creta who had spoken with Annette yesterday. Apparently, things were a bit worse than they expected when they opened Wayne's back up to do the fusion. It sounds as if the surgury still went well, but it looks like Wayne will be spending a little more time in the hospital than originally expected.

Annette is being picked up by folks in the Marines & brought home on Wednesday.

Waynes folks plan to stay until they see that he can walk some, thus being ready for him to go home soon.

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Hi Heidi!

Indeed, missed you guys too! In a nutshell, I have been doing a lot of other things this year and just couldn't swing EOM. So many hobbies, so little time. Plus that weekend is my B-day and anniversary weekend, so suffice to say kind of a bad time.

Next year, I'll drag her down to Lewisburg if it kills me (or her). Ya'll won't piss in her VFR tailpipe, right??

+1 on Fencer's positive vibes....get well soon Annette and Wayne.

An update: I spoke with Wayne this morning. He sounds pretty upbeat. He told me that the docs found more damage in his back than expected when they did surgery... which we already knew. He tells me the surgery went great, though.

Yesterday he walked up & down the hall & sat in a chair for a few hours. He's telling me that now he feels less pain while being upright.

Annette arrived back in Michigan after midnight (this morning). The trip went well.

Great news, huh?

That is great news Heidi! Thanks so much for keeping everyone in the loop...... :yahoo:

Sherrie (Roys better half!)


:yahoo: :clapping: :yahoo: :clapping:

A whole new wave of get well vibes headed their way!!

Outstanding! Glad to hear that the situation is improving. Wonderful to hear that Wayne is vertical again. Prayers continue..


Greetings! Let me say from the start that this is Annette posting and not Wayne. I don't have a screen name here, but maybe I just might get one after this whole ordeal.

An update on us....

I am now home in Michigan. My injuries are healing slowly but surely. For those who wondered about how they could miss the cracked heel, it did not show up on xray. My foot did hurt those first few days, but it acted more like a sprain. I hobbled about with a cane. It swelled up and once I wasn't putting weight on it, it didn't hurt. After I was discharged (very much against my wishes) I ended up in the ER with breathing troubles. After they cleared me of that the doctor in th ER was very concerned about the swelling in my foot. He asked me if it hurt and when I said not any more. She then asked me if a sprain had ever just stopped hurting before, especially when my foot was rotated all about. With that the lights in my brain went off. I said no and she said exactly. So the doctor stared at my scan results an in about 10 minutes found a hairline fracture that ran all the way across my heel. It is not a deep crack, but enough of one that when I put weight on it, it could flex just enough to cause fantastic pain. When my foot swelled up it held the fracture stable and it didn't hurt. Had he not found it and I kept walking on it I would have ended up widening the fracture. Worst case I might have broken it all the way and needed surgery on that too. So, in the end discharging me and a series of really bad muscle cramps that hindered my breathing, found a hidden injury. The ER doctor said it was so hard to find, but that had they kept me in a bed someone would have seen my foot swell through the day and they would have ended up in the same conclusion. It worked out in the end.

Wayne is doing much better now. His surgery took longer than expected on Monday due to more serious damage than expected. In the end they fused his L3,4 and 5 vertebrae together with screws and hardware. His dad offered to g get stuff from the local hardware and do it up heavy duty, lifetime guarantee style, but we decided to pass. It got a laugh though. The night and day (tuesday) after the surgery was awful. The pain meds did not work right and he had a rough go. I was very worried what I would see Wednesday when I went to see him. I knew I had to go home, but did not want to leave when things were so tough. Luckily they found meds that did their job and I actually got a smile and was able to see a little flicker of the real Wayne. the therapist came in and informed us that the doctors said they wanted xrays and either she got him up or they would. Wayne, in true form, flipped a bird at mention of the doctors doing anything to him and told her to get him up on his feet. You all have no idea the smile that brought to my face. I waited outside and just before I left to head home they popped open his door and I got to see him on his feet for the first time since the accident. He gave me a thumbs up and that grin I love. I knew I was ok to go home. I wish I would have stayed a few minutes more because they walked him out into the hall. He is wearing his back brace and sitting up in a chair now. He has not admitted to it, but I think he is probably chasing the cute nurse aides when he walks the halls. He sounds 100% better when I talk to him on the phone. For now he is in room 1116 (my old room) at the hospital for those of you who might like to say hi. He is tired, but I know that hearing from all of you helps his spirits. He will be headed to the rehab place in a few days and then if we are lucky, he will be home after a week or so there. The hopeful goal is to have him home by Harleigh's 4th birthday at the end of this month. We will keep our fingers crossed.

I know this is a novel of a post so please forgive me, but I have a little more to say. I want to say that coming to EOM was the best trip I have ever had on the bike. Meeting all of you was amazing. I realized, even though I had my suspicions, that all of you are so much more than just an online community. You are all a wonderful family. I sometimes feel awkward in new crowds believe it or not, but I felt at home from minute one with all of you. I loved everything from registration night with Jason and his poor computer to dinner with my lovely Hooters t-shirt which fits well thanks :p Thanks for letting my have a wonderful time with the 50/50 raffle. It was truly the most moving thing I have been part of in a long time. The family in that room at dinner Saturday was something I was so proud to be included in. I loved to ride with everyone and to hear all of the stories. To watch Wayne squirm a bit with all the teasing was a real treat.

On Monday I truly feel like there was someone truly watching out for us. We had Charlie with us and an angel of a woman named Shirley was at the scene with us. Events unfolded in such a way that we were given what we needed. Without Charlie and Shirley I do not know how I would have gotten through. I do not remember the actual fall, which is a blessing to me. When I did open my eyes though the first thing I saw was Charlie. He was a rock for me. Shirley talked me through everything and was my connection to Wayne. I could not see him except for a tiny bit of black to my left and I could not reach him due to my wrist being broken. I could barely hear because of my helmet. Thankfully she held a hand on us both and that was all I had. After we were settled in the hospital and Charlie had to leave I was so afraid I would be in that room alone. I could not get to Wayne without help and the thought of hours by myself terrified me. This is where all of you stepped in. My newfound family was there for me. Someone was always there when I needed them the most. Jim and Creta, there are not enough words to thank you with. One day when Creta left one of the nurses asked if she was my mom. I smiled and said,"She is for today." That is how I felt. Everyday someone would call and some of you even called my mom who had the difficult task of staying with my children when every part of her wanted to come see me. Heidi, Ingo, Jason and everyone else who came by with books and the all important healer ... chocolate, were so appreciated. All the posts here, yes I read them all, kept me going. For that I thank all of you and send you all hugs.

As for riding again, I hope that we will be with you all at EOM next year. I am not one to tell anyone how to ride or what to do, but you all have certainly heard the story of my buying new riding gear before this trip. I had my fabulous jacket and pants on and they did their job. Without those things I was told that I would most likely still be in the ICU instead of talking to all of you. Absolutely the best $300 I have ever spent. They actually would still be wearable had that not been cut off me. Those of you who know how much I love my boots will laugh at how I pleaded with them to just unzip them. They did and then said they were afraid to pull on them, so I pushed them off myself. There was no way they were going to damage those :p

All in all we are well. We are battered and a wee bit broken in parts, but the important parts, spirit and determination, are intact. We will do what we have done for the 16 + years we have been together, we will overcome. He will pick on me, and I will heckle him, and we will be stronger on the other side. The bonus is that we will also have all of you for support. For me there is no better motivation to get better than to meet up with all of you again next year and enjoy whatever place we end up. Don't be strangers. If you have our number at home give us a call. If you are in our area or want an excuse to be, let us know. Visitors are always welcome.

Thank you again. I love you all like family. No one gives better get well hugs than all of you. I'll keep you updated as to when Wayne gets home and so on. I am not sure where to post an address for those who like to send cards and notes so if you let me know, I'll post the house address for that.


It is sooooo good to hear from you! Shasta & I are glad to hear that you are doing well! You and wayne have been in our thoughts and prayers everyday. Please don't be afraid to let ANYONE on here know if you guys need anything at all!


Annette - Glad to hear that both you and Wayne are moving forward and that you back home with the kids. I know from personal experience that the only people tougher than Marines are Marine wives. I'm sure you know you're what holds the family together and you're the one who will beat Wayne back into shape. If Lorie and I can help out, even if it's just as someone you can spout off to, let me know. God bless you guys.


I am so glad to hear that you are both doing better. If you need anything please do not hesitate to call on me, I am just a few hours north of you.

Let Wayne know I wish him well, and hope to see you guys again soon.


I haven't met you and Wayne, but you both have been in my prayers. We pray for a speedy full recovery for you both. All I think of is how awesome Wayne looks on that EOM '07 picture. By far the best FJR riding picture I have ever seen.

The best from our family to yours...


It is great to know you are home. If I can get you anything or you need anything let me know. To bad we can not get a 53 to bring Wayne home. Maybe the ride would make him feel better.


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