145mph with passenger yesterday

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I love it! Glad you had some fun and didn't have anything happen..like ticket or accident. There is nothing like a little burst of speed! I'm with you...I love this bike!

All my buddies who are CHP swear they will hurt me if they seem me do that stuff on a bike. I dont mention that I came off a mountain road and hit 120 with the wife on the back. -- really wasnt my fault......... I had to keep up with her dad.

Yep, 145 on mine with the bags on and I ran out of nerve before she ran out of RPM's. Quiet Sat morning, divided country highway with large aprons, not a car or deer in sight. As as safe as a runway, if you can call 145 safe. She was steady as a ship, no shakes at all, the tires rounded out nicely at about 120. And yes, I'll probably do it again. But not with a passenger.

I guess the saving grace is it might keep someone from trying to find out what she'll do with a pax on the back!

Now that it has been done!

What kills me is that every single time someone create a post about doing triple digit speed... they get gang slapped. I say if you go 145mph, keep it to yourself.

Just out of interest, did you have the panniers on the bike? A topbox?
Just the box
When you say "box", are you referring to an accessory, or the passenger? :rolleyes:
Top box:rolleyes:

What kills me is that every single time someone create a post about doing triple digit speed... they get gang slapped. I say if you go 145mph, keep it to yourself.
Actually I am surprised at the amount of supportive posts, and even more surprised at the rsponse in general.

And in reality, the physics of falling off at 145 aren't much different than at 70 if you are wearing the right gear for the task. Racers do it all the time.

Only difference I can see between going down at 145 vs 70 (If you have the right gear on is) at 70 you only need one box to be buried in, at 145 you need a scoop shovel, and two or three bags and 4 boxes.

Check out photo,! (had all the right gear on too!!)


One photo has a passanger. He faired no better than the driver.




So much for the wearing the right gear. At 145 nothing is going to help on the open raod. Your not on a track which is usually designed for safety. The road is not forgiving at all. Enough said!





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What kills me is that every single time someone create a post about doing triple digit speed... they get gang slapped
If there's a passenger involved, they should get gang slapped. How about a little consideration and responsibility for taking someone else's life in your hands? If you want to play around (130 myself yesterday), then do it while it's just you mounted up. If you're carrying someone else, leave the antics for later.

And in reality, the physics of falling off at 145 aren't much different than at 70 if you are wearing the right gear for the task. Racers do it all the time.

Only difference I can see between going down at 145 vs 70 (If you have the right gear on is) at 70 you only need one box to be buried in, at 145 you need a scoop shovel, and two or three bags and 4 boxes.

Check out photo,! (had all the right gear on too!!)


One photo has a passanger. He faired no better than the driver.




So much for the wearing the right gear. At 145 nothing is going to help on the open raod. Your not on a track which is usually designed for safety. The road is not forgiving at all. Enough said!





Anybody in the mood for some Lasagna?

If there's a passenger involved, they should get gang slapped. How about a little consideration and responsibility for taking someone else's life in your hands? If you want to play around (130 myself yesterday), then do it while it's just you mounted up. If you're carrying someone else, leave the antics for later.
I don't buy that argument. At 130, whether you knew it or not, there is still the very real possibility of putting someone other than yourself in jeopardy. They wouldn't call them "accidents" if they were on purpose you know.

If a passenger is telling the rider, "Go faster" or "Let's go 145!" or "Take me as fast as you can, then let's get off the bike and ...." that, to me, is no more irresponsible than speeding at that rate anyway. Yes, an extra life is on the line, but as long as the passenger is a willing participant, I don't see it as that big an issue comparatively.

Hey feej222, Felt good didn't it? :good: What's the sense in havin it if you don't explore a little. In my neck of the woods if your not cruising at or over triple digits you never get anywhere. It's 365 miles just to get across Wyoming. The FJR really chews up the miles and I love it.

This thread seems to have generated a lot of interest and varied views. The majority in favour of an occasional blast when things are safe I think. When I did the unforgiveable act, it was on a quiet 4 lane motorway, in good weather conditions on a virtually new bike, having checked the tyres half an hour before. I have ridden bikes for 30 odd years, raced and seen the consequences of high speed crashes. I have possibly lost more friends and aquaintances than most on here to racing accidents over the years. I was in as good a position as anyone to make the decision to do what I did. Perhaps the fact that all went smoothly and no harm was done is testament to that fact. This is not an appology to those who throw scorn on me, just a better explanation of the facts.

What prompted me to make this particular post is the sensationalism of the pictures posted in the post by Clarke Kent and the website from whence they came. I have viewed the website. It is shocking. So are pictures of war victims, and gang murders, and fire victims, and many others, If you choose to seek them out and view them. I don't see the point to creating a website full of this sort of image, nor do I see the point to posting it on a motorcycle forum. The accidents listed and shown will not deter anyone stupid enough to put themselves in harms way, by wearing shorts or traveling at breakneck speeds in built up areas.

I might well do a high speed pass again one day, but rest assured it will only be when I feel it is safe to do so and I guarantee I will be able to come back on here to tell all about it if I so choose.

Rant over.

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That's it! I'm going out to the outskirts of town for a fifth-gear-wide-open-haul-ass-run down a deserted highway.

I hope my idea of fun doesn't offend anyone.


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