2003 FJR w 40k miles - opinion on $4,000 value

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New member
Sep 8, 2012
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Brevard, MC
Guys - looking at a first year FJR1300 that just rolled 40,000 miles on it. Here is low down on bike:

New skins front and rear

Handlebar risers (not on it currently)

Saddlebags only - no trunk

Corbin Seat with passenger backrest

Accessory larger windshield (not currently installed)

Bike never wrecked, but was dropped maneuvering steep driveway on left and knocked off the sidestand to the right. RH side has been painted to repair and only minor scratches on left. RH saddlebag made a trip down the interstate without the bike (came loose) as dealership did not secure saddlebag after rear tire change (ouch - how do you prove that).

Here is my question, bike has been well serviced with oil changes, valve services, etc... the cosmetic issues are not deal breakers..... but, being a 2003 with the heat issues how much should that play into purchase price? Know it will make it harder for me to resale down the line. Is $4,000 fair price? No heat mods performed at this time.


4K might be a bit much,, may 3k is better deal. Not sure of you location so I am not sure if the heat will be an issue. Good luck let us know what you do. If you need some idea on things to change send a PM. I have 90K on my 03. :yahoo:

. . . and $2K would be a better deal yet, but I think an '03 with only 40K miles for $4K sounds pretty sweet. There's lots left on that bike. The heat issue is way overrated and feared, IMO. If you've ridden it and loved it, I'd be thinking about making an offer. And don't hold out for $3K or it'll get away from you.

Thinking the comment from DJB that he's not sure of your location might have to do with your listing it as Brevard, MC. Is that Brevard, NC, or are you a member of the Brevard Motorcycle Club? :rolleyes:

By the way, go to the bank and get a pocket full of $100's. Go to your friend with 35 of them held out in front of you. That's a tempting sight. Have a couple more in your other pocket, just in case.

Seeing as how you know the owner of the bike,and the bike's history-sounds like a good buy for $3500-$4k. (Sure, less is always better).

With the accessories, if you like what they are, and the new tires, that's a plus.

Could ride it for a few years and not lose much money!

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Go for it. 40k is NOTHING on an FJR. I'd be concerned much more about just what's been done to the bike and what needs to be done in the near future... Maintenance is an issue we all get to deal with, regardless of whether the bike is new or used. As long as ya stay up on it, these bikes will run over 100 k easily. Besides, you know the owner. What more could ya ask? That eliminates a BUNCH of potential issues. If this was January, I'd say 4k was maybe a bit high as prices are a little cheaper then. But 4k seems about right for for that bike in that condition in early Sept. The fact that it was painted shouldn't be an issue as long as it was done right. I had my lower fairing painted a year ago, and it's perfect... a total non issue for me. I'll bet a couple hundred will get that saddlebag repaired/replaced/painted. There ya go.

You're concerned about heat issues. There are heat fixes that are well documented on this forum that work pretty well. In addition, the Baker air wings that I installed on my 05 suck in a lot of air and provide cooling from my knees down and make the issue... a non issue. Check out this thread for similar pics. CLICKY


darksider #44

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In todays world that's lots of bike for $4000 and low miles for an 03.

Buy it!!


I bought mine with 53,000 miles on it without bags for 5000 2 1/2years ago. Not a great deal but not bad either. Yours is a better deal, fewer miles and bags included for a thousand less. Of course the same '03 is 2 years older than when I bought mine. Currently I have 82,000 flawless miles on mine. I vote go for it.

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Don't know about your area but I just looked at NADA and they say average retail is 5424.00 here in Oregon. I would pay 4k gladly and you get the best year. I agree that the heat is overated. Mine has never been an issue. :)

Since it's a friend (who want's you to stay that way) I would offer up the $4k, and get every last bit of bike stuff out of him (filter, manual, screws, etc) plus the seat, new tires and other accessories = at least $1000+ worth of value. Now you paid $3k and added some farkles @ a fraction of original cost.

My '03 is sweet @ 55k miles. No problems (other than a side stand tip over) and I'd be stressed over selling it for less than $4k.

Work the deal, make both parties happy, and ride the best ride you've ever seen. This bike ROCKS! :yahoo:

Don't know about your area but I just looked at NADA and they say average retail is 5424.00 here in Oregon. I would pay 4k gladly and you get the best year. I agree that the heat is overated. Mine has never been an issue. :)

I moved from NY to the desert SW and had to sell my Gen 1 FJR for a Gen 2. The heat issue is definately more pronounced in a warm climate. Dont have any issues with the Gen 2 now.

A note about the heat issue: It becomes an issue when the temps are above 85-90 or so. No biggie from 80-85. When the temps are below 70, that heat issue is a wonderful asset on the Gen 1. It's wonderful when the temps are a little cooler. For a whole bunch of you guys, your riding weather is below 85 MOST of the time. Funny that nobody ever mentions that.

So tell us drifter, have ya made a decision yet? We're impatient.


darksider #44

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I bought an 05 from a dealer for $6000, and that was 2 1/2 years ago. A low mileage 03 for 4k or less sounds like a good deal. And yes, the 05 was a fantastic deal (24k miles, never dropped, clean and properly serviced).

The heat issue is a real issue. In hot weather it's a problem. Not horrible but certainly noticable. I did a lot of night riding this summer, It was great. So...let us know if you make the deal, you won't regret it. I've never kept a bike this long before I sold or traded. Yea, it's that good. :)

"The heat issue is a deal breaker." "The heat issue is no big deal." So IS the heat issue an issue or not?

The big engine makes quite a bit of heat. Supposedly the Gen II bikes have a little better "heat management" system than the Gen I models. There isn't less heat, you just don't get as much of it pouring onto your leg. Unless, of course, you do something about it. All the heat "fixes," (for Gen I bikes) involve deflecting heat away or deflecting cooler air in; they all have some value, and you can combine them. On my '05 I have a heat blanket over the engine. Deflects heat back down so the tank doesn't get as hot. I also have a Bagster tank cover that insulates my thighs from the (still warm sometimes) tank. Those both help.

I also have some plastic deflectors that the PO of my bike had custom designed for the FJR by Mark at California Scientific (CalSci, the windshield guy). They mostly close up the open space at the back edge of the fairing over the pegs, ahead of my ankles. These also help a lot (which I really found out when I had to remove one on the road to adjust my idle speed screw.

Finally, I have highway pegs, and if the heat on my ankle and calf gets to be too much, I can move a foot or two up for a while to get a cool blast of fresh air. After some relief, I can move back onto the stock pegs. In fact, it's the best reason to have highway pegs, IMO. Changing positions is secondary to me.

Finally, Gary mentioned the Baker wings; I hear very good things about them, both for bringing in cooling air in the heat and for directing that nice warm engine air back around you when it's cold, as mentioned. They also can deflect a little more rain as needed. I've considered adding them, but really, so far I've never thought they were necessary, set up as I am now. And yes, it gets VERY hot in the Sacramento Valley. Like I said, heat issue--overrated.

I bought my '05 about three weeks ago. During the short period of time I spent shopping I rode a brand new '12, '06, another '05 and '04. The first '05 I rode was stock, no heat mods, ambient temp was 90+. That fvcker damn near blistered the insides of my thighs :eek: . I was wearing kevlar jeans so not much protection from the heat.

The '06 was up next. Ambient temp was 75 or so. I noticed some heat from the engine in traffic and a mild amount at cruise, nothing bothersome.

The '04 had a heat blanket, I didn't see it but asked the owner about it. Stock header, Staintune so's. Ambient temp mid 80's. Much improved in the crotch area over the stock '05, pretty warm on the left leg, I felt it was acceptable. I already knew about the cromeit mod and figured I'd give that a shot if I bought this one.

Next I went to a dealer and rode a spankin' new '12 on a 90* afternoon. While aware there was a large hot engine down there, there was no objectionable heat. There was heat, just not bad.

Same dealer had the '05 I ended up buying. Bike has Holeshot header and so's, no heat mods. Ambient temp during test ride was 85+. Noticed a slight bit more heat than the '12. Again, not objectionable. I rode it solo about 30 min, then loaded my lovely wife aboard for another 30-40 min, in traffic and cruise. Again, heat was not objectionable. More than the '12 but quite tolerable. With 19,000 mi and a few other farkles and hardly a scratch on her, we struck a deal and I took her home :yahoo:

I wore the same kevlar jeans on each ride and I was looking for the heat 'cuz I'd been lurking here and elsewhere doing my FJR homework. I believe a lot of the heat comes from the cats and a header eliminates a lot of the heat. I have since installed a heat blanket on the bottom of the tank just 'cuz I was under there and had the mat'l on hand. Took about 40 min. to trim one to fit nicely. Currently the only heat I notice is left leg, feels to be a normal level, nothing on the right leg and the tank is cool to the touch after an hour or more riding. These are my experiences, I wouldn't pass up a good gen1 based on the heat issue alone, YMMV.

In todays world that's lots of bike for $4000 and low miles for an 03.

Buy it!!

Exactly and the heat issue is bull. I have ridden first and second gen. No difference in heat.
THAT kind of inflammatory statement will get you lynched around these parts by the"Deny-ers". :p :p :p
Yep, there is definitely a Heat Issue.Your Chestnuts will be Roasting on an Open Fire and Jackfrost will NOT be nipping at your nose! :buba: :good:
