2013 RubenRun

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Thanks Pop's!

I realize I push the envelope since I ride bikes other than an FJR..

and it sure seems not worth the effort to publish ride reports here anymore.

Overall, no one seems to give a shit - so I'm out.

I will continue to do it for me...

But I think I am done here.

At the rate you are racking up the miles maybe I should get a set of tires ready so you can get home.

I am seriously jealous of your trip. Must be great for the soul. See ya when you arrive my friend. Be safe.

At the rate you are racking up the miles maybe I should get a set of tires ready so you can get home. I am seriously jealous of your trip. Must be great for the soul. See ya when you arrive my friend. Be safe.
It has been a wonderful soul trip, my friend.

The luxury of time is woefully underestimated....

At the rate you are racking up the miles maybe I should get a set of tires ready so you can get home. I am seriously jealous of your trip. Must be great for the soul. See ya when you arrive my friend. Be safe.
It has been a wonderful soul trip, my friend.

The luxury of time is woefully underestimated....
That's inspiring, Don. No kidding, no BS...

At the rate you are racking up the miles maybe I should get a set of tires ready so you can get home. I am seriously jealous of your trip. Must be great for the soul. See ya when you arrive my friend. Be safe.
It has been a wonderful soul trip, my friend.

The luxury of time is woefully underestimated....
That's inspiring, Don. No kidding, no BS...
I've got all the time I want but I'm always seriously lacking on the funding part. Gotta fix that.

I'm really enjoying your RR's on this trip for Reubens Don. Rawk On!!

And you're only as old as you feel, not as old as you look. LOL

Continued safe travels, I wish I was out there too.

A short jaunt up the coast today, Brookings to Eugene, Oregon.

I kept seeing these markers about a scenic byway, and thought it might be a path, a route.
But no, all they do is go to beaches and what not.

Like this one.

I kid you not, that's an actual plant growing out of the top of the post...

Like a bridge, over troubled waters...
Just past Gold Beach, IIRC.

Riding the coast was a nice break from the endless green trees of the mountain regions.

The cockpit of Wabs. Notice the speed. That's been very typical on this trip. No radar detector really needed.

One of the better state parks in Oregon..

See why?


Eerily, the roads were practically empty, making for fun in the corners.
On a 650, you need to enter with speed, carry momentum - you can't torque out like on a liter+ bike.

The only thing missing is whales!

This is Port Orford.

I tried to eat here, but it was just too Fishy smelling in the little cafe. As in raw, dead, fish.

Very much a working port... Unlike Avila Beach near where I live..

I'd not seen this kind of dry dock transporter before..
Look carefully....

...and this is what is - on an old truck carrige with wooden beams.

Instead, I seredepitously stumbled upon the Paradise cafe, a local hangout.
The food, though, was just average.

So far, it's been a true Candy Butt Ass day.
I started to feel the pressure of making time, but quickly shook it off.
The luxury of time is woefully underestimated....

So I took a detour, the scenic route over the Beach and Bandon.

Pretty damn nice.

Peeps were riding horses, walking, dogs were romping, all is good in the world..

I like this pix best...

PIx to define location..

...and back to 101 Northbound.

Oregon has cool bridges too..
The view ahead..

To the west...

To the East.

and from behind!

Coos Bay..
Here are things I don't see in Creston...

Fresh Tuna Loins?
Sounds perverted, smells like???

And another motobike dealer goes bust.

The infrastructure of Coos Bay. Water transport, Land Transport.

Got wood chips?

Dozers are used to move the pile around..

So, how come there's no South Bend?

Yet another coolio bridge..


Finally, lots of water.

In NorCal, all the rivers and streams are dangerously low, the hills are full of dead and dying pine trees, the place is ready to ignite.

Not so here.

45% of all bridges in the US are rated as 'deficient' meaning if one element goes bad, the bridge is toast.

Looking at the age of some of these bridges, I can see why that's so.

Yet another example of a bridge at end of life span.

Hiway 126 west of Florence, headed to Eugene for the night.

Was going to try and make La Pine today, but that would get me in at 20:00 and make me cranky.

Me no like cranky..

These riders were 1 of maybe only 7 or so I saw all day long..

I miss not having cruise control, my right hand and wrist are sore from twisting the throttle.

WAAAH! My Mangina hurts!

Oregon is a pretty state with some pretty decent roads..

Road conditions are better in Oregon than in Kali, surface wise.

Another post office shot...

Nice, sweet, sexy, curvaceous road!

Located here!

Had to chuckle at seeing this tree..

All it needs are some full time Christmas lights...

Last pix. Didn't know Eugene is home of Oregon University and the Ducks..

The campus and stadium are really nice, much nicer than Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo.

Tomorrow, La Pine.

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and it sure seems not worth the effort to publish ride reports here anymore.
Overall, no one seems to give a shit - so I'm out.

I will continue to do it for me...

But I think I am done here.
DC, I'll tell you a story from my theatre days... having both performed on stage and choreographed many musicals... there were nights that you could hear crickets chirp... polite applause... nary a laugh... and yet at the end of the evening when the performers went out front to meet the theatre goers, they received such kudos and compliments on how much they enjoyed the evening... it's not how loud the response but how well it was received... and yours is always received well whether folks are vehemently vocal or not... it is always enjoyed by many... and I'm one of them... please don't stop, m'kay? :wub:

and it sure seems not worth the effort to publish ride reports here anymore.
Overall, no one seems to give a shit - so I'm out.

I will continue to do it for me...

But I think I am done here.
DC, I'll tell you a story from my theatre days... having both performed on stage and choreographed many musicals... there were nights that you could hear crickets chirp... polite applause... nary a laugh... and yet at the end of the evening when the performers went out front to meet the theatre goers, they received such kudos and compliments on how much they enjoyed the evening... it's not how loud the response but how well it was received... and yours is always received well whether folks are vehemently vocal or not... it is always enjoyed by many... and I'm one of them... please don't stop, m'kay?
Ahh Shux...

Thanks T.. :wub:

Ok, my mangina was getting the way of ego...

Added your blog to my blog list. This way I won't miss your posts, even if I don't come sniffing around here all that much... :)

STFU and keep posting pictures!
There, is that a vocal enough for you? Fer christ's sake! Less whining and more picture posting!
+1, Gunny; keep up the good Ride Report work mi Hermano Donaldo, I am enjoying the Hell out of your Wabs Adventure! I do know what you mean about posting pictures here though, it is truly an impossible task! jes' sayin' and nuff said!

Wow, that centerstand is designed to hold up the bike, a 200lb+ rider and all the gear that goes with it. It is not designed to also hold up the additional 200lbs of crud and dirt I see on that bike!

Carver, your brother from a different mother, Kevin [Panman] is on the top of Beartooth Pass already this morning.

I will admit he has a few more miles to go than you and is not posting pictures but .....

Fuck you Wheatie!

2013-09-17 Eugene to La Pine Wet DayPermalink Submitted by dcarver on Tue, 09/17/2013 - 20:07.

Today, a wet day riding day for a Summer Dry Rider not really prepared for the wet..
Rain? WTFO?

First, the hotel, Best Western, in Eugene... They asked... I responded..

Ducks on the pond, or 'river' from the hotel room.

Ducks of a feaather?

Ducks are BIG in Eugene..

And, then, rain. RAIN. Wet. Lots O' Wet.

Had to stop, I give up.
Summer ventilated boots drenched.
Gloves? Wet. Soaking Wet.
Frog Togg rain gear?

Still, though, and of day..
A great day riding, not at work, healthy enough to endure.
No Complaints.

I love this pix of the leaf on top and apparent Soltek water leak.
I loosened the Solted vent, it later fell out, only to find the water leak was between the outer lense cover and light.
In other words, no problem.
Of course, the loosend vent later fell out, requiring purchsing new one.

I will endure rain to enjoy scenes like this.
Only MotoBikers fully appreciate.

At the hotel, safe, wet, and happy.

Drying the boots..

And so-called Rain-Gear...


From here, went to FjRay's and he fixed the broken chain guard, I got wet again, dried the boots again, and wondrered about alot of things.
Many things to wonder about, a confused and cluttered mind..

Don, thanks for taking one for the team.


Mostly Sunny Partly Cloudy

67° 52° 77° 55°

WedSep 18 ThuSep 19

PS: she was a good looking young lady, laughed at your joke and let you right trough. You should have stayed.

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Somebody needs to renew candybuttorg's ssl cert so that those of us who've never been to the site will stop getting red x's.
