Another ATGATT For Family and Friends

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Alan, we both pray for the absolute best outcome possible for your niece. Your post should be mandatory reading for anyone considering leaving the gear at home.

Mike & Laura

Very sad news to hear. My hope is that she makes a remarkable recovery, not only for her, but for her loved ones too.

Such a tragic news for all of your family Alan, a parents nightmare for sure. We will be keeping Jen and the rest of your family plus the care givers in our thoughts and prayers.

I try to make a point with riders I meet that without ATGATT during my deer strike there's a good chance I wouldn't be talking to them now.

So sad to hear for her, her family, and the other rider. Prayers uplifted for a miraculous outcome.

Oh damn. We were just in Myrtle Beach the last couple of days and they are having bike week now. Setting asrk the pirates with NO riding gear or helmets got us talking about why they do this. At minimum, a helmet should be worn. This story is proof, tragic proof.

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Alan, I really hate to hear about a senseless grave injury like this; especially when it is a family member of someone I know. Sort of brings it home. The only good that can come of it is to serve as an horrific example for others.

Some people have an amazing capacity to bounce back but the scars (both physical and emotional) with be with her the rest of her days. I sincerely hope that she (and the immediate family) gets through this with faculties (and sanity) intact. Please keep us informed of her progress.

Very sad read, I truly hope the very best for your niece and a full recovery. It's just one hard ass way to learn a life's lesson :(

Your story tragically illustrates that a poor decision can do more than hurt the person involved in the accident. A young woman whose meaningful life hangs in the balance, a mother's anguish that may lead to many sacrifices to come and a family in turmoil. There can be no quick and easy resolution, but I wish your niece, you and your family strength and mutual support during the trials to come.

Soooo sad to read about this
, but it enforces my use of ATATT even when just going around the block....

My sister's husband had a similar experience last August. He laid in a coma in a Sioux Falls hospital for 30 days before he died. He was totally unaware. If he had been wearing a helmet, his injuries my have been quite minor. Ultimately his death was a blessing. My sister and the children suffered immensely and will always grieve the loss of their husband and father. I never imagined the toll on loved ones. Thankfully we know he is in a better place today.

I always wear my helmet and I smugly said to my wife that this experience reminds us that we should never ride without a helmet. Her response was I should never ride.
