Cee Bailey reverse flip for 6 footer?

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Well-known member
Jun 5, 2011
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Northridge, CA
I am ready to pull the plug on a Cee Bailey reverse flip and want some suggestions on plus 2 or plus 4 for a 6 footer with 32 inch inseam, stock seat all the way up, and no bar risers. I have already settled on plus 2 wide.

I am NOT really interested in other windscreens, just the Cee Bailey, so can you all help a brother out?

One more question, dark grey or light grey?

I think you meant Pull the Trigger..

here's my +4 High +2 Wide Clear version which I generally keep all the way down as seen here:


Also mounted are the Two Headlight Guards from CeeBailey...Priceless...

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You've seen my +6 which is too much for me, I'm 6'5" so if you are 6' even (or thereabouts) a +2 should be fine. If I were buying again I would have got a +4.

As far as width, I went with +2 width because I did not want to take my hands completely out of the wind. It works for that purpose.

I have light smoke and am happy with it.

Go with the +4 height, light gray and you'll be a happy camper. Unless you plan on looking OVER the shield, do not go with the dark gray.

Here's my '06 with a +4, +3 flip, light gray.



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Go with the +4 height, light gray and you'll be a happy camper. Unless you plan on looking OVER the shield, do not go with the dark gray.

Here's my '06 with a +4, +3 flip, light gray.

Complete agreement. 6'4" with 35" inseam. The +4 lowers enough to allow wind on my upper chest, neck and face on hot days but rises just enough to eliminate all wind on my body and helmet without creating a back pressure. No fluttering from wind either in the up position, even as fast as 135. I think it looks as good as any stock shield too. The only drawback: it does not shed rainwater at any speed or position - even with a coating like Rain-Away and makes for miserable driving in the rain. Droplets at the top of the lip seem to atomize and fall on your helmet making them 'sticky' as well.

Light-gray too. It is almost completely clear. Dark gray is almost opaque.

I am leaning heavily towards a plus 2 tall and plus 2 wide. As I don't look through the screen much, but over the top, I am leaning towards dark smoke. It looks so much better IMO. As long as you can see through it I am fine. If you can't, then light smoke it is. As those with a Plus 4 screen did not mention their respective heights, it seems a plus 2 is a better fit based on the other recommendations.


5'-9" -- 31" inseam If you're looking for any sort of cold weather coverage, IMO the 2/2 won't do it for you. I use a 2/2 for my summer shield and the 4/3 during the winter wet season...for the PNW all but three months of the year! :blink:

The dark smoke is black and you can't see through it. I had a dark smoke 2/2, used it for one summer and then went for a 2/2 clear. Although I agree it looks good, the dark smoke reduces forward vision too much.

Good luck!


I'm 6' and have a Cee Baily +4 tall +2 wide. To me, it's perfect - I don't run it up all the way usually but just to where you can look over it. If you have to run in heavy rain then I put it up all the way for the protection.

If you do Cee Baily, get the headlight covers too; they give a break on them when bought together.

5'-9" -- 31" inseam If you're looking for any sort of cold weather coverage, IMO the 2/2 won't do it for you. I use a 2/2 for my summer shield and the 4/3 during the winter wet season...for the PNW all but three months of the year! :blink:

The dark smoke is black and you can't see through it. I had a dark smoke 2/2, used it for one summer and then went for a 2/2 clear. Although I agree it looks good, the dark smoke reduces forward vision too much.

Good luck!

I am looking for lower noise with the ability to lower it enough in the summer to get adequate cooling. Winter protection is not really an issue for me in So. Cal.
6' 3" here and I run the 4h 2w, I like looking over the screen and I do with this screen and enjoy a fairly quite ride until about 75. Running the 2 wide allows me to run the V-Strom Hand guards. We had such a crappy summer this year I didn't even put my 2 x 2 on. I don't think you can find a perfect all year shield.

My bike had this one on it when I bought it. I found it to be too big for comfort in the summer heat, not enough air on me, so I acquired a stock shield to use in the summer. And stock on the '03 is a couple inches shorter than the rest of you.


I'm not even sure it's a Cee Bailey, I've just been told that it (probably) is. The flip doesn't seem as severe as the other posted, though.

Anyway, it's awesome in the rain, keeps me dry and projects exactly the right air onto my faceshield to blow the water off. Keeps me out of the wind when it's cold, but like I said before, it doesn't give me enough air in the summer, so I swap out for a stock shield.

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I'm 5'11" with 32" inseam and I tend to ride in a more slouched position (as opposed to bolt upright). My seat is in the low position and I also have spacers installed on my windshield brackets that tip the shield back.

So with all those qualifiers, I have a +2 high/stock width flip CB shield that I love for summer use. I get decent airflow onto my body when all the way down and also still air when I raise it up. Even all the way up I can still see over it.

My winter shield is a Vstream, which is about 4 inches taller and probably 6 inches wider than stock. The Vstream requires further raising than the CB to get still air for my helmet because the CB flip seems to add a couple inches of effective height to that shield. But the Vstream has much better wind/rain protection for my arms/torso which is important for my daily commute that is often in 38 degrees and rain. And on those rare days when temps drop into the teens, the extra wind protection is really nice. :cold:

I'm 6'0". I have a +4h +4w with the flip. +4 is perfect for my height. When I raise it I am in a quiet bubble. But it looks like a freakin' barn door on an toolshed. Sometimes I think I would have been just as happy with a +2. But on the rare occasions that I put the shield all the way up, it is very nice to have the "quiet bubble". Also, when I take a passenger, she insists that I put it all the way up as soon as we get up to freeway speeds. She really appreciates the quiet and still air - not sure if that would happen with a +2.

I'm 6'0". I have a +4h +4w with the flip. +4 is perfect for my height. When I raise it I am in a quiet bubble. But it looks like a freakin' barn door on an toolshed. Sometimes I think I would have been just as happy with a +2. But on the rare occasions that I put the shield all the way up, it is very nice to have the "quiet bubble". Also, when I take a passenger, she insists that I put it all the way up as soon as we get up to freeway speeds. She really appreciates the quiet and still air - not sure if that would happen with a +2.
Thanks, now I am unsure of the size. How is the airflow in the summer when all the way down? How is the wind noise when 2 inches from all the way up?

Thanks, now I am unsure of the size. How is the airflow in the summer when all the way down? How is the wind noise when 2 inches from all the way up?
Airflow is fine when it's all the way down. Honestly, that's where I keep it 90% of the time now.

The wind noise is still there at 2" down from the top, but very little (maybe 10%, as a complete WAG?). On the rare occasions that I raise the shield during the summer, I usually stop about there just to get the extra wind.

FYI with my +6 airflow is poor even all the way down I don't get any significant amount of air on my helmet let alone my chest. A +4 is only 2 inches shorter than that. (I can do basic math, where's my cookie?).

FYI with my +6 airflow is poor even all the way down I don't get any significant amount of air on my helmet let alone my chest. A +4 is only 2 inches shorter than that. (I can do basic math, where's my cookie?).
I just pulled the "trigger" (Better?) and purchased the plus 2 high, plus 2 wide, light smoke reverse flip. It was hard deciding between the plus 2 and plus 4 with great arguments on both sides, but I decided to go with more flow, then ultimate quiet. Time will tell how good my decision ultimately was, but I will certainly post my results either way.

Thanks for all your help,

