Chrome Oil Filter Cover

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Makes me wonder how much heat gets trapped that would otherwise dissipate from the oil through the shell of the OEM filter casing.

What's the big deal with "chrome"? :unknw:

Are you guys allergic to it, or are you merely chromo-phobic? :fie:

I've put some chrome bits on my bike and nobody who has seen it has even mentioned it. I don't remember any major discussion about the modifications Karla did to her FJR when TWN posted pictures. Others have talked about chrome wheels....or is that the only acceptable chrome bling-bling deemed acceptable by the "FJR Forum Personalization and Customizing Committee"? And when was that committee formed and appointed to its task? :wackosmiley:

D'yew guyz wunna mek un list'a thuh thangs y'all seam tuh think'er 'sceptable. En bee shore tuh git postid uh list uh alla them parts en stuff y'all doesn't bee thinkin' we shude put onta are murdersickles. Summa usn's reely reely dern't wunna git y'all werked up 'cause we'ens bees usin' thuh wrong stuff. :rolleyes:

What's next...anti-carbon fiber, anti-billet, anti-given seat brand, anti-you-name-it? :glare: When did we become such snobs? :umnik2:

Personally, I agree with Bounce's thought line. I ride in very hot climates, and anything that hinders the FJRs ability to cool the oil wouldn't be my choice (though the loss of that radiant heat transfer is likely minimal). But it IMO, it has nothing to do with the "looks" or "character" of a person's bike.

C'mon, Spring, some of these owners need to take a ride! :yahoo:

Just on a side note..............

amsoil has a chrome filter for the fjr.

Are you guys allergic to it, or are you merely chromo-phobic? :fie:

Main Entry:




Function: noun

Date: 1969

: irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against 2 wheeled conveyance requiring chrome in order either function properly or appear adequate

FJR Forum Personalization and Customizing Committee

No chrome for you!

All "members" accounted for so far. I think the associate "members" will be chiming in soon enough. :lol:

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I have been looking for a billet and or Chrome oil filter cover. Some are listed to the Yamaha Warrior and Honda VTX, these are the correct diameter but I'm not sure about the length. Has anybody installed one on a FJR that fits decent ?? :blink:
Thanks for the serious and constructive replies. For the not serious not constructive ones STFU !!! The answer to my question ( Has anybody installed one on a FJR ) is NO !! :fuck:

I have been looking for a billet and or Chrome oil filter cover. Some are listed to the Yamaha Warrior and Honda VTX, these are the correct diameter but I'm not sure about the length. Has anybody installed one on a FJR that fits decent ?? :blink:
Thanks for the serious and constructive replies. For the not serious not constructive ones STFU !!! The answer to my question ( Has anybody installed one on a FJR ) is NO !!
Or, nobody is going to confess "in public, to the forum at-large" that they have done so. I'd assume in your Northern climate, heat wouldn't be an issue. You MAY be the first to do this. Let us know how it works out.

Don't you say I didn't tell ya.
And, yes, :red_bandana: did tell you. ;)
[SIZE=12pt]I damn glad to see someone else is taking the heat for the oil filters now, I thought I never live down the Yellow Purolator thread! :huh: [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]I damn glad to see someone else is taking the heat for the oil filters now, I thought I never live down the Yellow Purolator thread! :huh: [/SIZE]
Ewwww, a yellow filter on a blue bike!?!?!?! That's nearly criminal! :rofl:

[SIZE=8pt]I could have resisted, but then I thought, "Why?"[/SIZE]

Some people are far too worried about how they might be thought of by what another does. So what!

If you want a chrome oil filter, just do it. Most owners don't customize their bikes that way so any information is going to be minimal.

If you got/get a good deal on the Purolator oil filter and want to use them...go ahead!

If you want to embellish your FJR with carbon fiber or faux c.f., just do it!

If you want to paint your bike sky-blue-pink with orange flames...why ask for approval, its your bike.

Now...let's gor for a ride.

'sleddoc': I want a cover to make the filter look purdy
Crows have been known to pick up shiny baubles alongside the road and take them home....

Personally, I agree with Bounce's thought line. I ride in very hot climates, and anything that hinders the FJRs ability to cool the oil wouldn't be my choice (though the loss of that radiant heat transfer is likely minimal).
The temperature of the oil in an FJR engine is controlled by the coolant temperature (oil-to-coolant intercooler) which is, in turn, controlled by the thermostat and the cooling fan/s. Any insulation on the oil filter may help warm the oil sooner -- as oil warming tends to follow coolant temp as the stat restricts flow to enhance engine warming. If, by chance, the chrome plating, plated cover, paint, whatever? insulates the filter -- the cooling system will try to adjust to keep coolant temp between shut/open stat and fan/s off/on.

Now, if one where considering cooling the oil via the filter? -- nothing beats nothing (altho, there have been arguments pro flat black). In that case (nothing), aluminum wins hands down..... :) :rolleyes: :)
