Doggie Down .. Cdog sez.. I fell of the bike!! ARF!!

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So glad everyone is ok, unlike you or your wife, they are still building new FJRs. Still, it sure is sad to see your FJR like that. I Love that road and will be riding it again next month. Never been on it in the rain but if I am, I sure will keep your experience in mind.

One hell of a get-off, glad you're OK.

I don't think there is really any way to have avoided this or at least corrected for it once into the shit. That shit in the road looks deep enough to not wash off, even after it's been raining for a while, correct? I'm suprised that cages make it around the curve, did the LEO mention if that was a local "dead man's curve" type of thing? About the only way to have avoided it would have been to magically some how understood what it was and move to the left some more. But then of course you'd be either on the paint (not good) or possibly into the oncoming lane (probably worse).

This is oddly appropriate as I was just sitting here looking a a planned ride on S&T that will take us very near this location. I really really appreciate the report and thanks for the heads up. Like exskibum said, sort of an expensive public service announcement but it has definitely hightened my awareness for those roads. Didn't know there were coal mines there.

Looking forward to which new AE you'll get.

Thanks for surviving and then posting with pics. These type of posts are always the most helpful and useful. As we can always learn new things.

Gear looks like it held up very well. Is that Olympia gear? I assume you were wearing rain gear on the outside of your regular gear, correct?

How does your helmets look and what about the pants, other than that stain?

Glad you are inury free. They make new bikes every day. Great report on the accident. Should help everyone who reads this.

Robin ~

Thanks for the heads-up, although I imagine it's painful to post it!

I agree with the others that if both ends lost traction at the same time like that, there wasn't a hope of saving it on pavement with that little grip.

So sad to see pics of a bike torn up like that, but the best shot of all is the one with Kendra standing there, fully geared-up, and all in one piece! :clapping:

Right now the most important thing is to give your loving and supportive wife a huge hug and kiss, and thank your lucky stars that you were smart enough to be prepared for this possibility.

Glad you both came through with only minor scrapes and bruises... I work in public safety and spend a lot of time on the highway. This time of year during prime riding season here, I must see between 100 - 300 bikes a day on Interstate 90, probably a third of which are two-up. I shudder each time I see rider and/or passenger with bare arms, legs, cheap-ass helmet, etc. ride by. They don't have a damn clue!

Please keep us up to date on developments on the search for a replacement bike!


I'm still stunned..... I know you are a good rider!! I followed you for many miles,.... just gonna let this soak in for a while

glad you all are okay.


Glad you are both ok.

Definately an impressive get off, and just more evidence to support ATGATT. Great attitude as well, although it's got to be tough posting those pics.


Glad to hear your all OK.

Probably a bit soon...but is the wife willing to ride again?

Dude! That slick surface reminds me of those slippery turn arrows painted on the road (only with invisible paint in your case). No defense against that except send someone ahead of you to check it out. :D Looks like the wife is a really good sport, modeling the gear, hope she'll be back on the bike with you soon. Glad you both are ok, sad to see the bike chained down like that, but better it than a helo ride for you or the Mrs. I've seen many of those so as bad as it looks you'll ride again!

Glad to hear your OK, I'm getting ready to go to CFR next week and we might get some rain, living in Seattle riding in the rain is the norm, but we don't have bubbling crud coming from up from the ground, DOT needs to put a sign on that road to warn Motocycles of the hazzard when wet. this brings back BAD memories of my get/thrown off, I got rear ended last August in Seattle on I-5 clear sunny day, young girl texting/talking/not paying attention. anyway get better and good luck getting your new replacement bike.


Wow! By the looks of the bike you would think that someone would have been seriously hurt. I'm really glad you guys got through with only minor injuries....bikes are a dime a dozen (maybe a little bit more).

Holy cow! That's a tore-up bike for sure. It did more than slide. Glad you guys didn't tumble like the bike did, you'd be hurtin' a lot worse!

I see a lot of empty RAM balls. . . You lose some other toys in that besides just the bike?

Sorry to hear about your get-off. Glad everyone is okay. It's time to quit searching for an answer to what you could have done differently to avoid the crash. Sometimes shit happens. In my experience, when both ends go at the same time there is nothing you can do. In your case, it was caused by a road hazard that would have been almost impossible to avoid without prior local knowledge of the hazard. Somethings you just can't prepare for. I know we always want to understand what happened; that's how we gain experience, which you have lots of already. But sometimes we just have to say it was unavoidable and a risk we accept.

Holy cow! That's a tore-up bike for sure. It did more than slide. Glad you guys didn't tumble like the bike did, you'd be hurtin' a lot worse!
I see a lot of empty RAM balls. . . You lose some other toys in that besides just the bike?

Thanks all... No.. We were on a day trip running with IPODS...

My wife is MORE than willing to ride again... SHE said "I cannot imagine us not having a bike" on the trip home...

I did not panick... I went into "Automatic" mode my frustration was I could not find an imput sequence that was correct.. that was a strange feeling.. Drawing a blank trying to react.. I goes "Dont Panic" was the correct and best answer given the situation.. it was my only choice.. so....

Robin -

Again, so happy to hear that everyone is okay. Your decision to keep the speed down was, obviously, a wise one.

That was quite a slide for you both (three if you count the FJR). We tend to think of 45 mph as slow but we also all know that one can get seriously messed up at speeds well below that. Almost a football field! First and goal.

Time seems to be required in these things so, pour yourself a glass of good scotch sit down on that delightful patio of yours and savor it, and Kenra.

As with some of the other posters here, next week I am heading north to CFR and beyond and the forecast is for (at least intermittent) rain. I usually ride my own pace, anyhow, but now, with your kind permission, I will respond "CDog", if one of the riders who has elected to go faster asks me why I am keeping a slower pace. That stuff was nasty, nasty, nasty!


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. . ." 'Dont Panic' was the correct and best answer given the situation. . ."
Were you carrying a towel? That's about the only other suggestion I have. Sorry, obscure Doug Adams reference. Well, this is some scary shit, Robin. That curve looks like nothing. And like a lot of others here, just packing up for a Saturday CFR departure. For RAIN country. Ditto, Joseph. This will slow me down some too. And Robin, darn sorry to read about this, but, you know, glad you're still with us and all. See you back up soon, I hope.


Holy cow! That's a tore-up bike for sure. It did more than slide. Glad you guys didn't tumble like the bike did, you'd be hurtin' a lot worse!
I see a lot of empty RAM balls. . . You lose some other toys in that besides just the bike?

Thanks all... No.. We were on a day trip running with IPODS...

My wife is MORE than willing to ride again... SHE said "I cannot imagine us not having a bike" on the trip home...

I did not panick... I went into "Automatic" mode my frustration was I could not find an imput sequence that was correct.. that was a strange feeling.. Drawing a blank trying to react.. I goes "Dont Panic" was the correct and best answer given the situation.. it was my only choice.. so....
First, very glad you two bozo's are ok! :)

Second, I don't have a response to your basic question. Well, I do, but it's most likely not a good response. My dirt bike mentality would have had me sticking a leg out and attempting to tri-pod the bike until such time *some* traction existed when I would high side with resultant broken bones. I somehow know that's not the correct response...

Also VERY glad to hear you're both okay. You would think, with those kind of conditions present, someone would think to put a freakin' "PAVEMENT SLIPPERY WHEN WET" sign there :angry: (What are the chances your insurance company will agree and hold the state (or county) responsible for the accident and get them to replace the bike?)

Thank you for the detailed report and the sobbering reminder that even though you can't see or anticipate a dangerous situation, they're still out there. Just one more reason for ATGATT

Glad you're both okay. The gear worked; great. Sometimes you just can't see everything; I'm sure you learned from this (as I did and hopefully others, that even ever vigilant, stuff can happen).
