Doggie Down .. Cdog sez.. I fell of the bike!! ARF!!

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I have made a decision..

This will not rest.. I have had fellow riders tell me, and I should have come to this conclusion on my own.. This road needs to be fixed!..

now,, they are being chased by a dog.. a Cdog.. and I will keep everyone posted.. The quest begins..

Turns out Utah is on 4 - 10ns.. Closed Fridays

interesting is that I also have the UHP report that will say 45mph in a 50, oily conditions on the road (I helped him make the selections from the drop down box so I know)

You know, I was just gonna let this go.. But Ric in Sac has sparked some interest in pursuit..
I DONT want this to happen to someone else.. May have to get after this one..

Ric, How do I find the appropriate people to start this trail with?

I have a TON of pictures.. out of habit for ass covering


I have need to a stock shock IMMEDIATLY.. THIS WEEKEND.. I have a Penske triple Clicker that I do not want to send back with the bike (that is now sitting in my garage)

Robin, look around on UDOT's website, there should be something or someone you can contact about how to file a TORT claim or the process. Also should be some info on how to file for public disclosure to get information.

I agree after reading Rick's advice, I would get on it pronto. This also preserves your right should you decide you need to take more steps to get their attention and get the area addressed.

well poopy! i so wanted to see you guys at SW-FOG! But of course, let me go on with all the "glad your both ok" stuff, etc. etc. Can't believe y'all had another crash. I'm so sorry that happened. Give Kenra a hug for me and a nod to the heavens for the safe body surfing down the road. Hopefully you won't have to go through something like that again.

We have a similar problem down by my house and further south. We live in the Barnett Shale which is being drilled for natural gas. They use water and drill down, then horizontally under neighborhoods. The water is pumped back out and put in a tanker to be taken away. My BFF was out in the country cruisin around back in November and came up to a curve that had this sludge spilled all through it. He couldn't readjust his line in time and went down hard and then off the other side of the road. Broke his ankle badly, 2 surgeries and plenty of titanium. Those tankers don't have the overflow spout capped off and when they take a corner, they spill. This sludgy crap has already killed someone too, back in 07 I think. Ryan recently testified at a hearing down in Austin about getting those trucks regulated. So do persue this! It will save lives, no doubt.

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Nothing to add except happy folks I've not met yet are OK. Also very cool to see the support and sound advice given.


Sure glad you and your SO are ok and escaped this mishap without any significant injuries!

The bike looks like hell one just looking at the scooterwould think that the rider(s) of this bike got away in one piece.

Wishing you the best of luck to getting a new bike with the help of your insurance and the state.


Robin, I just replied to your email. The short of it is: I might have a buyer for your Penske, but he has to consult w/ the other half first. (I think technically it's her bike).

That still may not help you with the issue of getting a stocker by the end of the weekend...damn. I'm trying.

EDIT: Hell, I should have him ride up to your place and swap. It's only like 700-ish miles one way. :blink:

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Just another squishy "Glad you're both OK", your description puts me right there with you, scary.

Also a big thanks for posting, it helps us all realise that there are very unexpected dangers out there, that none of us "knows it all".

Best of luck with chasing the responsible parties, hope you get a knew ride real soon.

And hang on to wifey, she's the best.

Robin, I just replied to your email. The short of it is: I might have a buyer for your Penske, but he has to consult w/ the other half first. (I think technically it's her bike).
That still may not help you with the issue of getting a stocker by the end of the weekend...damn. I'm trying.

EDIT: Hell, I should have him ride up to your place and swap. It's only like 700-ish miles one way. :blink:
Chaaa... What is he a pansie?? He can crash at my place..

Howie.,, If I get that bike back (salvage) I am gonna put that motor in a golf cart.. It is a yamaha cart and it should bolt right in :yahoo:

Hell, I should have him ride up to your place and swap. It's only like 700-ish miles one way. :blink:
Chaaa... What is he a pansie?? He can crash at my place..
Damn, if I didn't have to pick up my son at the airport I'd offer to ride my buddy's bike up, do the shock swap and then ride back. (With his gas-card of course).

Cdog I am sure glad that you and the Mrs. are doing well and did not suffer any serious injuries. It is kind of sad to see all the vultures circling the carcass of the FJR so soon after its demise. Hopefully you will both be up and riding again soon. I suspect you are getting a little pressure from some of the relatives to give up the crazy idea of riding a motorcycle. That is always a part of it. Take care and stay well.

It is kind of sad to see all the vultures circling the carcass of the FJR so soon after its demise.
But if we weren't vultures he wouldn't even like us.

