Dogs Who Talk

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Well-known member
Sep 5, 2005
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Creston, CA
Ok Dog Lovers...

I have a Black Lab/McNabb mix. Mom was a full AKA certified Lab who refused to stand for stud 3 heats in a row after deemed suitable for breeding. Then came Mr. McNabb who refused 'No' for an answer and 'done the deed dirt cheap' :unsure: on Miss PrimaDonna-fully-registered Black Labbie.

Well, the result was the best dog I've ever had the joy to spend time with.. Loyal, protective, loves to ride in the truck, easy with children, and maintenance free. Doesn't stray the property, never complains, and best of all, he is very expressive.

You see, Harley is vocal. If you rub his ears, he talks back to you, grrr, grrrrrrr, grrrrr. When chewing on a fresh bone, he 'talks' in a totally different voice, GRRRR, grrrr, GRRrrrr. When he settles in for the night, it's a vocal 'Phewwww'. If he senses a threat he's not sure of, that's expressed as a very soft woooof, Woooooof, almost undertone, as if whispering. If the threat escalates, it becomes a Woooof, Grrroowwwllllll, Woooof.. then you had better get your ass outta bed and see what's up...

and if Harley ever shows teeth at you, you will never be allowed in my house; he has NEVER been wrong in judging the human element. Three times he has been correct... Me? I can never get it right.

Harley has at least 6 different voices he uses to express his views of life. I've never had a dog this vocal before... and I love it. Right now he's under the desk while I type this.. if i reach out with a foot and touch him.. Arrrrr, grrrrrrr, wheeew from the nostrils..

And snoring? My goodness, this dog snores louder than what TWN reports Rouge's dba levels to be.. I often wear ear plugs so I can sleep, and YES, he sleeps in the house... :rolleyes:

I hope he lives a long time. He's 6 people years old and still going good.. can load up in the bed of my high lift 4x4, run free on the property up an down hills, and, most importantly, still snore like a big dog should.

I hope you love your dog as much as I do mine. :rolleyes:

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My dog is a cat! or rather, a tribe of cats.

When we lived in a small condo with no yard, it didn't seem fair to coop a dog up and we didn't have the time to devote to taking a mutt for proper walks. By default, we acquired a couple of kittens. The word got out that we were a soft touch and another kitten arrived a few years later. Just before we moved into the house, we added two more kittens.

My Dad once said that if we ever got a cat, he would never ever darken our doorstep again. We got five, and he still comes to stay, twice a year. He observed that these beasties all have different personalities. No shit? They are all individual critturs that do their own thing.

I believe that we've given them a good home, and in return they have brought us a lot of joy. They have also brought us a lot of dead, and nearly dead things too.

We'd both like to have a dog, one day but it wouldn't be fair to the cats right now. Also, we have the luxury of being able to leave the cats to fend for themselves when we go away for a couple of days.


Love hearing about great dogs. Had a cat once. Just wasn't the same!

This man's best friend is Buddy. Half Border Collie, half Australian Shepherd. Great dog!

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Buddy in college had a sheltie who talked. About 4 or 5 distinct voices for making conversation. Looked like one of those currently-fashionable little yip-yip dogs, but with a 1970's haircut. For weighing a grand total of maybe 8-10 pounds, she sure had the cows baffled :stunned: . Little black dustmop could push a corral-ful into a loading chute quick as you like (or gather all day on what looked like 3-inch-long legs), knew to stay out of the way of the horses and, most important, would back off instantly as soon as she heard the command to do so. Put her in the pickup and she'd convert from a vicious, snarling, take-no-prisoners cow-mover into the friendliest, safe-with-kids, charismatic critter you ever met - and the conversations would commence. You were never in any doubt about her opinions - most of which concerned your ability to provide a proper place - preferably on or near your person, certainly within petting distance - for her to curl up and be spoiled...

Our dog is a 9-year-old black lab (non-working dog) we hope lives forever. More of a groaner and chuffer than a talker, but she has the wife and I pretty well trained. More expressive eyes, body position, and knowing her marks than speech for this one. And yes, she has snored since we picked her up at 7 weeks old and shows no sign of stopping, but it's not THAT loud.

Now if you want to compare house-clearing ability by way of farting rather than snoring, we could have us a little competition :eek:mg2: ...

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And snoring? My goodness, this dog snores louder than what TWN reports Rouge's dba levels to be.. I often wear ear plugs so I can sleep, and YES, he sleeps in the house... :rolleyes:
For a minute there I thought you were talking about ME! :p :p :p

I hope you love your dog as much as I do mine. :rolleyes:
Black Lab/Dalmatian/Great Dane/???? Mix, Yes I do!

I have one talking dog and one silent dog and they don't seem to care but we find it really funny that Digory talks more than we do.

My current companion is a Dachsund. Never had one before, probably won't have another one, but I love him

He mostly murmurs under his breath, though.


Don, glad you guys are over that nasty infection. No, I'm not talking about Don's STD- that's for life.

Retrievers ROCK!


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Yep, Barabus' pooch is indeed, the coolest, smartest dog I've ever met outside of my late, great Border Collie, Casey the Wonder Dog.

That hound sounds just to cool!

Now Rouge was my roomy at WFO and there's not a dog in the world that will out snore that man! :dribble:

Saving grace is that he's a good guy & the long distance ride. [left the room at 3AM]

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Yep, Barabus' pooch is indeed, the coolest, smartest dog I've ever met outside of my late, great Border Collie, Casey the Wonder Dog.

Cyg says, "Ruf Ruf Ruf." Thanks and could you throw the ball!

Maybe Harley should visit down South and come to Dog Beach? It would be fun.

I hope you love your dog as much as I do mine. :rolleyes:
When I get to design a Universe, dogs will have opposable thumbs, and there will be no chimp line. The world would be a better place.

Sounds like a great dog. Got pix?

Yep, Barabus' pooch is indeed, the coolest, smartest dog I've ever met outside of my late, great Border Collie, Casey the Wonder Dog.
And did y'all know that Cygnus can differentiate the sound of a Yamaha in-line four from other bikes? When Andy was dog-sitting (aka relaxing with a cold one, tossing a tennis ball from an easy chair for Cyg to fetch) several bikes passed by. The dog paid no attention until all of a sudden he stopped looking for the ball and started looking for the FJR. I forget what bike Andy said it was, but the sound was very similar.

Cygnus is one cool dog.

Since this thread is attracting the animal lovers here, may I suggest that you save this link, and click it daily. The sponsors will provide free food for animal shelters.


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I had a B&W Husky male puppy. We had a middle aged beta female 3/4 Tiber wolf 1/4 Husky. We got the Husky away from home. As soon as we got home (he knew) he backed the wolf into the corner & read her the riot act. Woo Woo Woo Woo Woo. He told her her rights started where his tale ended. She needed a strong male (older mix male passed) so she was happy. He was a talker & the Red Queen Husky later learned from him. That B&W had a couple of unusual traits. From the Dog Whisperer shows I relized how he kept out of fights. One time a Saint Bernard twice his size, another 3 dogs came out to attack him. At such times he remained cool as ice and didn't return the excitement. The other dogs calmed down & backed away. Simply Amazing! Another thing he did upon meeting someone. He would sit down about 5 feet away & look like he was reading their Aura. If he didn't like them I wouldn't have much to do with them either. TJ

From the Dog Whisperer shows I relized how he kept out of fights. One time a Saint Bernard twice his size, another 3 dogs came out to attack him. At such times he remained cool as ice and didn't return the excitement. The other dogs calmed down & backed away. Simply Amazing! Another thing he did upon meeting someone. He would sit down about 5 feet away & look like he was reading their Aura. If he didn't like them I wouldn't have much to do with them either. TJ
....and they say animals are dumb? We could learn a lot from a dog like this.


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