FJR bashing

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Well-known member
Jul 6, 2007
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So I follow a link to the site called ST. owners to read about the FJR from there perspective and man....What a bunch of FJR bashers they have over there!

I was very surprised by all these Honda guys finding every way they could to say the ET is superior...blah blah blah.

It reminded me of another Honda site I belong to for VTX where a whole bunch of Honda guys make a hobby out of comparing Honda to harley and how much better the Honda is...blah blah blah.

Oddly enough I don't see much putting down of thee ST on this website, nor do I see anywhere near as much 'jap=bashing' on harley sites as I do on the Honda sites bashing harleys.

All of which inclines me to that FJR owners are very satisfied with their bike, just as harley folks are with theres and do not feel a compulsion to constantly dimsih another machine to elevate theirs.

Wow...I didn't know so many ST riders had a closet case of FJR-envy!


You are right! We do have to...we know what the facts are and don't have to be defensive about anything.

We don't need any attitude. We're motorcyclists first, FJR owners next. The differences between the current ST offerings are too miniscule to fret about.

The bottom line: Get the bike that makes your heart let's ride. I know those who are thrilled with their ST 1300, I love my FJR (as do most on this forum), I know one who owns a C-14, though we've yet to ride together since his purchase. Really, they all come to the table via different approaches and each is unique in its own way of fulfilling the design parameters that particular manufacturing company chose.

I don't see the need to bash another brand or style of bike to feel better about my choice or purchase. Its just a machine!

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Yeah but come on... we all know ST's are bulky and Harley's are just pretty chunks of steel with a wheel on each side :) ha ha ha

-your right 87 thats why this is a good bunch! we usually chase off of the really negative people.

I rode side by side with an st1300 to Big Bend Texas and it seem like a very good bike. The seat seamed larger for both rider and passenger, very dependable also. I just like my fjr better and seemed like I could always over take the st and the goldwings in the twisty areas. They may have just been holding back.

Let them bash. We do too, but mostly in jest. The main difference I see is, on this site, when we talk about the ST or the new Connie14, etc, we talk about them with respect. We prefer the FJR and point out areas we feel it excels, but we readily acknowledge the positives about other bikes.

A quote I first heard at WFO-6 that really rings true to show the difference between us and them is, "You meet the nicest people on an FJR."

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We don't need any attitude. We're motorcyclists first, FJR owners next. The differences between the current ST offerings are too miniscule to fret about.
The bottom line: Get the bike that makes your heart let's ride. I know those who are thrilled with their ST 1300, I love my FJR (as do most on this forum), I know one who owns a C-14, though we've yet to ride together since his purchase. Really, they all come to the table via different approaches and each is unique in its own way of fulfilling the design parameters that particular manufacturing company chose.

I don't see the need to bash another brand or style of bike to feel better about my choice or purchase. Its just a machine!

We maybe biased in our love for all things FJR, but we also understand what good machines are. There are other fine machines out there, although we don't need to make ours feel it's always the best. The FJR does what a nice sport bike should. Could it be better yes, couldn't any bike?

Also many FJR owners own more than a FJR, so we like riding different bikes. I liked my BMW K-bike a lot but I also didn't like things about it. Ditto on the FJR. I like the change and have no regrets.

Some day I may get another bike and unload the FJR, who knows. The difference is this forum and people on it really make a sense of community and that helps make owning a FJR that much more enjoyable.

Now I'm sounding all goofy touchy feely. I'm gonna stop this crap before I puke! :lol:

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And as for STN, you'll actually find a fair number of the members here are also members over there.

Man, I love this bike.

Yeah, we're such nice pups here. We don't bash anybody.............

Let them bash. We do too, but mostly in jest. The main difference I see is, on this site, when we talk about the ST or the new Connie14, etc, we talk about them with respect. We prefer the FJR and point out areas we feel it excels, but we readily acknowledge the positives about other bikes.
A quote I first heard at WFO-6 that really rings true to show the difference between us and them is, "You meet the nicest people on an FJR."
Finally I know where the uncontrolable urge to be nice to people has come from :p

I rode side by side with an st1300 to Big Bend Texas and it seem like a very good bike. The seat seamed larger for both rider and passenger, very dependable also. I just like my fjr better and seemed like I could always over take the st and the goldwings in the twisty areas. They may have just been holding back.
Twisty riding capability is more rider dependent than bike dependent. I know I love my FJR and will probably have it til it croaks, but I know a GW rider than can probably mash a vast majority of FJR riders at the dragon. (...paging yellow wolf) In the same way, an ST rider I was with in the Smokies and WV back in '06 was much more skilled in the tight stuff than I ever was.

That being said, the ST sounds like a sewing machine and looks fugly with the bags off or on. Otherwise it is a great machine. :)

'Course that's my personal opinion only and I will still ride with anyone and have fun with anyone that enjoys sporttouring and doesn't enjoy sheep or gerbils for playmates.

Honda owners can have a very jaded view of anything not Honda. Honda makes great, dependable everything. Customer loyalty is huge with Honda. I shop Honda first for every motor toy and find it easy to rip on other brands in comparison. IE, I own only honda Quads, They are purpose built from the ground up, what I mean is, the motor, drive train, just everything about there machines is pure quad. They dont take a motorcycle engine from one of there bike models and build a quad around it. Most of the manufactures do that, they end up with a quad that has a drive shaft sticking out the side, going to a belt, then redirecting power to the diffs. Honda, makes an engine that has the drive shaft that sticks out both ends of the block, one side forward, sraight to the front wheels and the other end back, straight to the rear. No belts, or chains or any other crap to break or slip, just direct shaft drive front and rear. This alone makes Honda unique in the quading world. There stuff is bullet proff as well and always seems on the cutting edge. I tell everyone to buy honda quads, apples to apples there a little pricier but your getting somthing for the extra $$$. There new bike, the automatic DN-01 is a good example. Its gonna be unique and I'm sure engineered to perfection. There will be nothing to compare and the guys who buy it will look at everything else as a POS. My Honda Rubicons are using that tranny now and have been for years. "BULLET PROOF" and just a great product in every way. You can use it in full automatic mode with or swithch to manual and have electronic push button shifting. It just very very slick and extreamly dependable. I know its no excuse for the ST guys to be slamming our far superior FJRs but chances are they have there HONDA BLINDERS ON. I know I do when It comes to quads, I can always find somthing wrong with any other brand.

seemed like I could always over take the st and the goldwings in the twisty areas. They may have just been holding back.
can't speak personally about the STs but wrt the GL1800's, even when my 03 was in it's break-in phase (keep it under 4k rpm's) i could take a Wing from a dig or roll. it's that whole power-to-weight-ratio thing. but that's probably a function of the 03's being the fastest of the production fjr's.

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Yeah, we're such nice pups here. We don't bash anybody.............
Except seals, but that is out of necessity....

