Gerald and Motorcycle Larry Highway Peg Similarity?

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Well-known member
FJR Supporter
Mar 9, 2013
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Can't help but notice that the brackets for Gerald and Motorcycle Larry look awfully, awfully similar. The set of Gerald's pegs I have don't have any markings on them, so I wonder if there isn't any patent or copyright involved? And then I wonder which design came first?

Since you pointed this out you must have some. Since you are worried about the origin of the design of the ones that you have, I suggest you contact your vendor and ask them. Why guess, ask the source and if you feel you are the owner of a knockoff, you should be worried about the Feds knocking on your door to investigate. Especially if one of them crossed state lines our used a computer. You know that members here are law inforcement officers. Some even work for the CIA. Or maybe I am just stiring the pot. LOL

I think the bracket parts are the same as both of them copied a design that to my knowledge was never patented from "Wild Bill" who has now passed away. MCL uses a different slightly more expensive peg and spring, but Gerald's work fine and are rock solid as well. Gerald's are substantially less expensive. Also Gerald has been extremely helpful to everyone on this sight and is truly a great guy.

Isn't imitation the sincerest form of flattery...


Actually MCL's highway pegs were an almost exact copy of Wild Bill's highway pegs, then Larry sold his for just a few dollars less to undercut Bill's price. The original designer and sales person has now passed on, and so has Larry. Like many things, these were designs and workmanship from talented motorcycle enthusiasts with no patents or protections. There may have been some ethics questions about Larry's recreation of the pegs but now that both have passed on the concern has 'died'.

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Yes, here's the history. I basically "copied" WB's design after his passing when I was asked if I could make them up. I have an original set of his installed on my bike. In drawing them up in CAD, I remeasured the hole pattern and found his dimensions off a bit, which I fixed in my version. On a close comparison, one will notice that mine are a little bit different since they are cut out using a CNC waterjet machine instead of a band saw. WB sold his for $75 + S&H, I believe and were not powdercoated. Mine sell for $60 delivered and are PC'd in your color choice.

My goal in life is to retire soon so that I will have time to waste devote to pondering these kinds of things like redzgrider does.

My goal in life is to retire soon so that I will have time to waste devote to pondering these kinds of things like redzgrider does.
I always kept a baseball bat in my office. When asked why I said, "if I want to think like a manager I just smack myself in the head 'til I fall down. Poof! Now I think like a manager!"

Give it a try, works like a charm. Then you too can ponder the mysteries of the universe unencumbered by the sensibilities of the world.

I've got a set (not sure which version) that was on my bike when I bought it. Love 'em What I'd like is a way to get a little more leg extension sometimes. I know we can get into the realm of dragging the pegs, so that's a consideration. But sometimes leg room is a blessing on longer rides.

There's only one relevant producer of this design now (to my limited knowledge). I have these and several other accessories that Gary produces. Great products and a good guy with which to do business.

It's interesting to know the history of how some things (and products) have evolved over time. It's no easy task to set-up a production like to produce such high-quality products at reasonable prices. More love than profiteering in my opinion.....and wife drives a Subaru!

Wasn't trying to imply any impropriety anywhere -- sometimes multiple people develop extremely similar solutions to the same design criteria. Like jblanken64, I would like more leg room on long straight stretches of road, and don't want to step on anyone's design toes if I use a similar mount scheme. Probably never going to happen -- just not that much real estate to play around with -- but something to contemplate.

And I really apologize for letting spell check get me on Garauld.

Something brought this thread back to my attention and I felt that I should add one more thought. When I bought the current FJR on a fly and ride from Memphis back to Chicago I wnated my highway pegs in a few days so they would put them on for me while I was buying the bike and I'd have them for the ride home. I PMed Gerald and he busted his butt to help me out. If you have a choice on buying and Gerald does it be smart and buy from Gerald!!!
