Honda Pan vs. FJR Gen III

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Until its recent recasting, the Yamaha FJR 1300 was not either a model of equipment… It will have been necessary to wait this New Year 2013 to have of a speed regulator, a choice of cartographic of injection or a windshield which do not return systematically in low position when the contact is cut! An order with the handlebar also makes its appearance on the left control unit to control the various information displayed by the computer of edge.

Apparently, whoever wrote this graduated last in his class from the University of Mars.

Looks like a the author is from Pakistan. Seems more likely that some sort of automatic translator was used rather than it originating in English.

Ever notice how the moto journos never show pics of the ST1300 without the saddlebags?
The FJR looks downright sexy without them, but the ST looks like there's something missing because it looks unfinished.

The FJR is the best looking Sport Tourer without the bags IMOP.

One of my riding buds had a Connie 14 and he always leaves the bags on because he admits that bazooka of a can is ugly as Hell without the bags.......the bags hide it some.

-author="SkooterG"...being a total jackass rarely has its place.
And you would know...

I take issue with that! While I am most definitely an asshole, I am NOT a jackass!

I gotta say after that remark about the mother of the ST owner, Jackass pretty well covers it. And it has to be said...If you are not a Jackass why do you have the ears?

And yes, the ST1300 which has never been known for its beauty is indescribably ugly without the saddlebags. The only time mine are off is for bathtime or rear wheel/rear brake maintenance. I cannot say that I have ever seen an uglier motorcycle than the ST1300 without its bags.
I rented a ST1300 from EagleRider several years ago to ride the Smokie Mountains. The day we rode Deals Gap I left the bags at the hotel. The comments I got on how ugly the bike was caused me to put the bags on immediately following the Tail of the Dragon ride.

I conducted a test and comparison...

Cons out-weighed the Pros


Pros out-weighed the Cons


I never have liked taken a beating on a trade-in, but somehow, it wasn't as painful with the ST (even though it was still young). I liked the power-plant/drive train and fuel capacity but just couldn't find much else to love about it. I started trying to fix things about it I didn't like (McCruise, pegs, risers, heat management, instability issues, etc.) and finally realized it was a losing battle for me. If it had only been as awesome as I imagined it would be before I wrote the check... I used to proudly boast that I could adapt to any motorcycle out there...but the ST broke me from using that statement anymore. It just didn't feel right and nothing I did made it feel any better. If I hadn't have traded it in, it would be sitting in the shop collecting dust. I could have rode it...but I wouldn't have liked it especially in the summer. I didn't want a bike I had to doctor up just to tolerate it.

So I followed the sport touring bikes for a while trying to avoid the same trap I let myself in for before. Wasn't hard to keep up the the progress of the ST in the next couple of years...color changes. I looked at the Connie and there are some things I like about it but that was the same attitude that put me on an ST. The FJR was sounding better all the time. I started noticing more and more of them. Any place I went where LD rider were present, the FJR was well represented. It was the GenII I was leaning toward. While fantasizing about it, the GenIII was announced. Besides the list of upgrades on a proven solid platform, I still can't believe the price of the bike considering all the features.

Like the Wings, I don't think the appearance is any better or any worse than the other players in the same field and don't really care. Its what it does and how it feels that makes the difference to me. Its everything I hoped the ST would be and more. It just feels right to me. I don't think there is any such thing as a perfect motorcycle but this is as perfect as it gets in this category, IMO.


