How many tickets?

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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How many performance awards have you gotten since you've owned the FJR?

  • Zero (I'm a veritable angel on the road)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 1-3 (Eh, I occasionally get a little carried away)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 4-6 (I should either slow down or pay more attention)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 7-10 (I can't believe I still have a license)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 11 or more (Iggy is my "lawyer" and none of 'em stuck, so who cares)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Master of Random Thought
Jul 12, 2007
Reaction score
Down in the Bayou, BR
For all the talk about dealing with LEOs for "outstanding performance" awards around here, I'm wondering if I'm the only one who hasn't been pulled over yet. (Yeah, I ride like a weenie.) So, how many tickets have you gotten since riding the feej?

I'm participating in the poll, strictly as a fun exercise, and with the caveat that I strongly disagree with the statements beside each poll option.


why am i not surprised by the fact that 3 people have voted and only 1 has any tickets

looking at the 3 voters it really isn't that hard to understand :p

I propose to restate the poll in units of AwardsPerMile. My percentages would be much better that way!

:rolleyes: :unsure: :glare:

Just one when the bike was new, roll on from 60 is just awesome and the officer liked the bike. So I got awarded a 5 over.

Believe it or not I have not been pulled over on the FJR yet.........

Of course you what this means.


Believe it or not I have not been pulled over on the FJR yet.........
I think I would have needed Satellite Internet on the Zumo to have had ANY chance of making that post!


As soon as I fire up the Feej, the magnetic field starts sucking blue lights toward me, with Niehart bringing up the rear.


As tongue-in-cheek as one of the options was I, unfortunately, had to check mark the 1-3 box because of a misunderstanding with a WSP that eventually was rectified by the judge. However, a ticket doesn't really mean as much as being "convicted or accepted a ticket"....which is a far better measure IMO.

If the bike cover doesn't must acquit! :rolleyes:

HmMM.Liars poll maybe?
In Washington State can put a person's claim to a bit of a test with this spiffy website. My name does not appear. ;)

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Once. Only ticket in 20+ years, and I'm regularly 10-15 over.

Damn Montana trooper no less.

Luckily for me 10 over doesn't get a second glance in these parts. I try to keep it there... :mellow:

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Yeah, I'm the one who answered 7-10.

I have settled down quite a bit since my last ticket.....none in a long time!

For all the talk about dealing with LEOs for "outstanding performance" awards around here, I'm wondering if I'm the only one who hasn't been pulled over yet. (Yeah, I ride like a weenie.) So, how many tickets have you gotten since riding the feej?
How about two warnings?.....

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After riding behind you on the bridges tour Iris, I'm shocked! :rolleyes:
Gurl can ride! word.

SlapNPop said it best... "If you see what looks like a teenage girl on a stolen FJR riding like a bat-out-of-hell, don't call the cops! It's just Iris."


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