How many tickets?

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How many performance awards have you gotten since you've owned the FJR?

  • Zero (I'm a veritable angel on the road)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 1-3 (Eh, I occasionally get a little carried away)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 4-6 (I should either slow down or pay more attention)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 7-10 (I can't believe I still have a license)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 11 or more (Iggy is my "lawyer" and none of 'em stuck, so who cares)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I'm wondering if I'm the only one who hasn't been pulled over yet.
You DO know that you just committed yourself to getting pulled over, right? It's Murphy's Law...

I myself have gotten 2 tickets on the Feej. I'm normally a 10 MPH over kinda' girl but I guess that sometimes I get carried away.

Oh Fred, you actually kept Iris in your sightlines?


At the EOM in Boone, my group was stopped at Shady Valley Country Store. Iris & Jim came pulling up right behind us. After a rest, they were gearing up to leave at the same time as my group.

I asked Iris & Jim if they'd like to pull out onto 421 before us... or would they like to have the thrill & chill of passing us up the road. They laughed... I was serious.

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I haven't been ticketed yet, however, when leaving an Orlando Magic game last year a city PO stopped me(and the rest of traffic) at a crosswalk although there were no pedestrians waiting to cross, he just wanted to have a look and chat about the bike. The same thing happened on a Sunday morning on my way to work, stopped at Burger King for croissant,come out to see LEO giving my bike a lookover,turns out he wanted an FJR but was inseam-challenged

When Mike and I were married, we were pulled over at the same time and received tickets. :(

I was pretty mad at that, because I was just following.

The cop thought it was pretty cool to give two tickets to the same family on different bikes.

As soon as I fire up the Feej, the magnetic field starts sucking blue lights toward me, with Niehart bringing up the rear. :)
I think I found the problem Jeff, it's who your riding with. Have you ever got a ticket with Scab and I? Need I say more!

Not really sure how we haven't? The speed limit on the Cherohala Skyway is 110 right?


As tongue-in-cheek as one of the options was I, unfortunately, had to check mark the 1-3 box because of a misunderstanding with a WSP that eventually was rectified by the judge. However, a ticket doesn't really mean as much as being "convicted or accepted a ticket"....which is a far better measure IMO.
Roadside visits, Herr Shlickmeister! Not "convictions."

You DO know that you just committed yourself to getting pulled over, right? It's Murphy's Law...
In some twisted way, I like to jinx myself...

How about two warnings?.....
If you got it in writing, sure why not?

Yeah, I'm the one who answered 7-10. I have settled down quite a bit since my last ticket.....none in a long time!
So, you're the one skewing the insurance rates on the feej??? :blink:

I'm participating in the poll, strictly as a fun exercise, and with the caveat that I strongly disagree with the statements beside each poll option. :)
Umbrage??? :dntknw:

It's only been a little less than one year on the FeeJ, but.... I don't ride like a madman. :crazy: Now other bikes.... Well.... a couple tickets. :blink: Which is pretty good.

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As tongue-in-cheek as one of the options was I, unfortunately, had to check mark the 1-3 box because of a misunderstanding with a WSP that eventually was rectified by the judge. However, a ticket doesn't really mean as much as being "convicted or accepted a ticket"....which is a far better measure IMO.
Roadside visits, Herr Shlickmeister! Not "convictions."
If it's roadside visits...then it's then completely a different number than citations......and one again that really doesn't matter. 4 pullovers on the FJR -1 cititation -0 convictions.

I'm just glad you ask how many on the FJR.... which is a big ZERO for me! :p

Now, had you inquired about a CBR929RR, a YZF-R1, or a Blackbird, then.... I'd offer up a much different answer from me. :blink:

I haven't gotten a ticket on the FJR yet (in 2 years), but have been pulled over 2x. Both times I honestly believe the calm attitude, and full gear (and bags) saved me from a ticket. While I wasn't exactly Johny Rocket, I was certainly over the limit. I'd call bullshit on one stop though.

My record on the ZX11 wasn't as good.

Murphy beware.

I didn't read the whole thing.....

On my FJR I have not gotten any tickets. Does a warning or two count? I think not.

With all the sportbike and loud azz harley's in these parts the popo don't even glance at the "adult responsible" quiet feejer rider. :yahoo:

One warning in which I believe the LEO really just wanted to see my new bike. One ticket and it was a far.
