I Hate People!

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Rest in Peace our Forum Founder
Jun 6, 2005
Reaction score
Vancouver, WA
Sorry for the following emotional rant, it had to go somewhere, and I figured some of you might be able to sympathize.

Ok, so, I'm coming home from work on the highway, behaving for once, doing 60 in the 55, in the right lane, with no traffic. I get to the weave lane of which the exit is my exit. Two cars are coming up the onramp of the weave lane, a pickup in front and an acura in the back. When they get up to the highway, the acura is right beside me. Without looking the young female driver decides she wants to gun it and jump out around the truck. Only one problem, I am in this lane. I lay on the horn and swerve into the far lane to keep from getting run over. I get around them and back over to my exit, and look back to see what just happened. SHE IS FLIPPING ME OFF! I didn't even do anything but honk to keep her from running me over, and SHE'S FLIPPING ME OFF?!? I look one more time just to be sure... yes, she is definatly FLIPPING ME OFF. I just about took the 1 quart glass bottle out of my tank back, and not-so-gently placed it in her windshield. I should have in retrospect, but restrained. I mean, really, wtf people. Learn how to drive, and get your head out of your ass, and DON'T FLIP OFF THE GUY YOU JUST ABOUT RAN OVER.

*Please forgive any typos, writting while literally shaking with rage*

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I figured some of you might be able to sympathize.
Oh I can sympathize all right .

Unfortunatly I can offer no advise or solutions.

Maybe that bottle was needed so she would have stopped and you could have explained her errors in a manner befitting the occasion.... but then you would have been wrong

Thanks for the rant ( your entitled ) and hopefully it will make us more aware of the morons who are actively trying to kill us

Most of all glad your ok


Guess I've just learned to live with the fact that this will always happen until they put object sensors on the sides of cars. I just expect them to do this and try my best to keep out of harms way.

That being said, it still doesn't stop me from flipping them off and yelling at the dog when I get home (a lot more forgiving than the wife).

You're entitled to the rant. I dare say, since most of us have been riding a long time, fully expect cage drivers to fuck up and try to take us out.... but then to flip you off? People in cages are like some on the Internet... they say/do shit that they would'nt say/do to your face.
Had a similar thing happen to me... while driving my cage a while back... guy comes off a clover leaf, merging into my lane... while I'm trying to exit... he looks back, sees me while he's still about 2/3 into the cloverleaf, then I'm in front of him when he begins to merge, at which point he guns it to the inside, and swerves across my right front corner, while sticking his arm out of the window and flipping me the bird. Was very hard to control myself, and not drive his rusted out piece-of-turd econocrap car into the overpass pylons. :angry:

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Well, if I was younger and that happened to me, the bottle would have been through her windshield.

But now I am older and wiser, I just write it off.

Kind of like getting into fights, it is not if you win the fight or not, it is forever looking over your shoulders waiting for someone to take you out when you are not ready that gets me.

In this case, a lawsuit would have not been worth the joy of taking care of her right there on the spot. ;)

I guess I have grown up some, but I still think about doing stuff like that sometimes. BAD... :assasin:

Sorry, but I am short on sympathy for you. In fact here's another one :fuck: for you.

Where is your head??? Don't you realize that in today's society no one ever makes a mistake except you??? When something is done wrong, it is never the fault of the one committing the act. Somehow the fault lies with the recipient of the wrong doing. If you are robbed it is your fault for having something someone esle wants. It is their right to take it. If you don't believe that, just follow some court decisions and you will discover the error of your thinking.

First rule for a jurist is you must remove all logic and common sense from your thinking process and have sympathy only for the perpetrater.

In your case, you were at fault because you had no business at that place at that time. It was hers to control. When will you cyclists realize that owning a bike only entitles you to use it as an ornament in your driveway while you sit in your Lazyboy.

P.S. In today's world I would advise you to keep a .357 within reach while in your Lazyboy.

P.S. #2 Please forgive for the above but it was in there and just had to come out. The same thing happened to me this morning. :super1: :stop:

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Can relate big time. Couple of weeks ago riding home from work I'm riding on a 4 lane road [2 lanes both ways] and I have the green. This guy turns right in front of me at the cross street. I didn't have time to look to the left [i was in the slow lane] to see if there was a car there so I went around the guy on the right on the shoulder. It was that or rear end him. He seemed oblivious to the whole situation! I wonder where they learned to drive sometime...

:angry: :angry03: :trinibob: :trinibob: :trinibob: :trinibob: :trinibob: :trinibob: :trinibob: :trinibob:

Been there!

They do it to other cages too. :eek:

Most of us can relate to your rage...

I am angry that I can not ride my bike to work. The few times I have done so, I have entered work so angry from the total lack of regard for my life. I have had cell-phone yappers riding within feet of my rear tire...if I stop can they?! Of course not - I would be dead meat.

I therefore do not ride to work but do my sat/sunday/evening riding. During those rides (in the country) I can generally choose the spacing of the vehicles around me - even if I can't choose the IQ of the drivers.

Just this morning, driving my cage, I witnessed a miracle. There was this woman on a moped on a 4-lane thorough-fare riding to work in her work clothes (no helmet of course - might mess up the hair) surrounded by cagers. She was in the left lane when this dufus in an suv speeds right up and tails her ass. I just about went ballistic watching this guy's actions. If I had a gun and the means, I would certainly have felt like popping off a round or two or three or... In the meantime, she has gone closer to the car in front of her so she has absolutely NO following distance. I figured that this was the morning I would be called to be a witness to a fatal. Well, this went on for about a mile before I turned off onto another road...I figured that she is one stupid and lucky woman. I was SO angry at the recklessness of the suv driver!!

I went into work angry...and I wasn't even riding my FJR.

No I don't ride my FJR to work. Not unless rear facing 50 mm cannon become standard equipment or optional farkles.

Damn those cagers to HELL >: (

First off, I'm glad to hear you were being vigilant and weren't hurt by this moron (moronette?). This is the kind of stuff that my kid, who thinks he's such an excellent rider, needs to read. It's not mainly about us, it's mainly about the stupid cagers.



You know, I'm just amazed at these women that get aggressive while driving. I mean, there's a lot of nut cases that have no qualms about bashing a woman's face in or worse. Virtually every man on the planet would be able to crush this woman. It's like..."I'm in my car, I'm safe. I can be an asshole"...stupid.

I wonder how she would have reacted if you pulled out one of those handguns they are trying to ban in your country and point it at her... how brave do you think the mole might have been then?

Bit extreme I know but fuckwits like that you don't need!

Next time casually remember her rego number and pass it onto your local friendly copper, you may need to emblish it a bit like she tried to run you off the road twice! etc you thought she was drunk and then she pointed a gun at you! I'll bet they pay her a vist then...


I've long thought about a hidden ball bearing ejector. If you dare get in front of them, a half a dozen stainless steel marble size ball bearings usually take care of the front of the car pretty well. :assasin:



That avatar really reminds me just how not gay I really am.

A long time ago, I used to work QA on construction sites, refineries, etc. You would thing that driving a big white Ford F250 4X4 with a big white darkroom on the back festooned with radioactive signs would get people's attention. Nope. :angry03:

But you know those big nuts that are used to join huge I beams together? The ones that weigh about 1/2 pound each? Belive me, they are useful when they find their way into the cab of your truck. Got sideswiped by a tractor trailer that managed to not see the previously mentioned big white truck. He didn't stop. One hard toss of a big nut at his drivers door sure got his attention though.....

Older and wiser now so I don't carry the nuts anymore.........

I used to know a guy that kept a cheap hammer bungied to his fuel tank. 20 years ago he went through (and threw) about one a month.
