I Hate People!

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this happens all the time in the city (N.Y.C.) thats why i cant wait to leave the city limits whenever i can

If she flipped you off then you probably pissed her off and that should ruin her day. The trick is to not let it ruin yours. Deal with it by avoidance, exactly like you did, and either ignore her flipping you off or give her your nicest smile. Let her be the one who has to go home and kick the dog.

I always ride with the thought that everyone is trying to kill me. Helps me stay out of trouble on the road (usually).

Here are some other rules you might find helpful (number 5 is my personal favorite:

USMC Rules for Gunfighting.

1. Be courteous to everyone, friendly to no one.

2. Decide to be aggressive ENOUGH, quickly ENOUGH.

3. Have a plan.

4. Have a back-up plan, because the first one probably won't work.

5. Be polite. Be professional. But, have a plan to kill everyone you meet. :D

6. Do not attend a gunfight with a handgun whose caliber does not start with a "4."

7. Anything worth shooting is worth shooting twice. Ammo is cheap. Life is expensive.

8. Move away from your attacker. Distance is your friend. (Lateral & diagonal preferred.)

9. Use cover or concealment as much as possible.

10. Flank your adversary when possible. Protect yours.

11. Always cheat; always win. The only unfair fight is the one you lose.

12. In ten years nobody will remember the details of caliber, stance, or tactics. They will only remember who lived.

13. If you are not shooting, you should be communicating your intention to shoot.

It's why I don't own a handgun. I'd need a trailer to haul enough ammo. I get a fatal, "ya gots 2 months to live" disease, watch out. In the words of the immortal WC Fields, "ROAD HOG!!!!!!!!!"

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Stories like yours are all too common.

I have that sort of thing happen to me all the time.

I learned a long time ago to always try to anticipate that the person driving next to me is out to make road kill out of me. I try never to ride next to a car or worse yet, any type of truck or SUV.

One very important piece of information that my father told me when he was teaching me how to drive when I was sixteen. He said that every time you get behind the wheel of a car, the first thing you do is realise that every one on the road is an asshole, including yourself. How true it is. God rest him, what a wise man he was.

Good luck out there, and be safe. :D


Drivers suck. I have an issue with all those peaceniks that want to save world from [insert righteous cause]. My retort to them: "if we can't get people to use turn signals, how the fuck can we solve [insert righteous cause]". Let's try to solve the easy stuff first before we go for the hard stuff.


Older and wiser now so I don't carry the nuts anymore.........
Me neither since I got married.

The sad part about the crazy cagers is that you can't even follow them until they get off of the highway to explain the error of their ways, or you get in trouble for road rage. Having people give me the finger for their driving pisses me off to no end. Same thing happened to my neighbor down the street. As it turns out, the kid giving him the finger lives on the same block. You never know...

marbles are better they shatter so no finger prints, but would be fun to use if I had the nerve :clap: Been there done that with cagers they just dont care.

rogerfjrfaster :D

Of course you can always get the license plate id and pay them a visit at home ----- no, no, never mid, I would never even suggest that.

Every time I have to get the 4 door one ton pickup out to haul something it's payback time. I treat all cagers like they treat me whin I'm on the bike.

What goes around, comes around.


Returning from a fishing trip, a friend and I were cut off by a couple Britney Spears wanna be's. A big gob handfull of leeches tossed at their windshield made our point nicely. Imagine they still throw up at the memory..... :D

I treat all cagers like they treat me when I'm on the bike.
I understand what you are saying but I don't think that will help. Probably not a good idea either because they will go through a bike (if there is one around) to avoid you.

Make the initial test for a license harder and retest people starting at age 65 or 70 or something every 5 years or so. That may or may not help but so many elderly are clueless as to what is around them, and that will come to light during a retest.

I have travelled the world and driven all over North and South America, Europe, Middle East and Asia and I guarantee that North Americans are terribly stupid, complacent, inadequate drivers. I know that most of these idiots are only tough inside their vehicle. I have called a few on (because I just get sick of it) and they shyly drive away, of course.

Like others have said, you almost have to accept it and move on, but that sucks.

I find that waving back or smiling at someone who just flipped you the bird will have them steaming in their pants and grunting for the rest of the day and you will feel better.

Just ride like you are invisible, as for all intents and purposes you are. And remember, if they ARE all out to get you (and they are when you're riding), then you're not paranoid!

(A 25 year old here in Regina got knocked off his bike by an emerging pick-up facing a yield sign yesterday. Kid has a broken leg and a new appreciation that he is not invulnerable and that he's invisible - I hope)

Make the initial test for a license harder
Getting a license is somewhat more difficult. The basic driving test is the same, but a lot of states require beginning drivers to log a certain minimum number of hours before they can get a license now.

and retest people starting at age 65 or 70 or something every 5 years or so.
I'd suggest that to renew a license, you must submit proof of successfully completing a given amount of driver training since your license was last renewed.

I didn't even do anything but honk to keep her from running me over, and SHE'S FLIPPING ME OFF?!?
You scared her and made her angry by showing her what a bad driver she is.

Do yourself a favor and try not to get too attached to these events in the future- because while you're busy (and distracted by) being upset at this bimbo, someone else may be about to do the same thing.

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Do yourself a favor and try not to get too attached to these events in the future- because while you're busy (and distracted by) being upset at this bimbo, someone else may be about to do the same thing.
True statement - I used to take these kind of events personally until I realized it was ruining MY day!

Remember, you were alert and did what you needed to avoid getting hurt or killed, and you'll be alive to ride the mighty FJR another day. :good:

Getting in a truck and working at pissing other cages off is not productive. Now they are PO and might take it out on a bike. In WA flipping people off comes down as Road Rage. They have under cover cars looking for that schnit. Throwing things might get some bystander hurt or killed. I try to restrain myself and point my finger at my head. Tell them to 'use their brain'. TJ

I agree with FJRottie about the need for regular testing. However, waiting until 65 or so is way too late. Renewal time, every time, should be a required written AND a driving exam. The only way around this requirement would be successful completion of a driving school with an approved certificate!

In my mind, obtaining a drivers license shouldn't be the end of the formal driving education! While our national average fatilities per million vehicular miles has gone down, it's due to automobile improvements that enable you to survive the crash and is not due to improved driving skill!

Good idea Grumpy. We should have a refresher test every once in a while. Between 25 and 30 would be a good place for the first test. Then maybe 50ish. Guess we better get after our state DOT's and get them on the ball. :blink:
