I Hate People!

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I've been trying for years to come up with a system that would "reward" bad drivers appropriately - something like an electronic version of paintball. Everyone who's got a license is issued three (3) paintballs per month. If someone does something really, really stupid, you shoot them with one or more paintballs. If you get more than 10 paintballs in a month, guess what? You lose your license for a month.

Silly, I know, but it makes me feel better to think about it.

I agree with FJRottie about the need for regular testing. However, waiting until 65 or so is way too late. Renewal time, every time, should be a required written AND a driving exam. The only way around this requirement would be successful completion of a driving school with an approved certificate!
In my mind, obtaining a drivers license shouldn't be the end of the formal driving education! While our national average fatilities per million vehicular miles has gone down, it's due to automobile improvements that enable you to survive the crash and is not due to improved driving skill!
Yea, also you'll run smack into the AARP lobby (if you think the NRA is powerful, you ain't see nothin') if you try and make it a test for only over a certain age. Much better to just require everyone to retest every 3-5 years. Maybe more often if you took more than one chance to pass or if you "only just" passed?

Woodstock, the AARP crowd is exactly why I want to see the testing start much, much earlier! If we'd do this, then they have no complain as everyone is being picked on, so to speak! You didn't know this, but I'm a 64 year old geezer who continues to take driving courses of various types........no track days yet, but that'll be in the near future.

In the US, the most common fatility occurs on a rural highway with the driver running off the road and running into a fixed object! Just think about that for a moment.....today's drivers can't even keep the damned car on the pavement!! For that reason, I'm also of the opinion that anything that detracts from the driving task should be eliminated from the vehicle being "driven". Now I know that'll get me in a great deal of trouble, but distractions are killing folks even with the better automobiles and their safety features.

I say we ban all safety devices (Seat belts, Air bags, ABS, Bumpers, Traction Control, Ect. ) :eek: . Then after the first 6-9 months after all the idiots have killed themselves off the roads will be much safer! :D

Everyone who's got a license is issued three (3) paintballs per month.  If someone does something really, really stupid, you shoot them with one or more paintballs.  If you get more than 10 paintballs in a month, guess what?  You lose your license for a month.
Downside...as someone already pointed out the other person always feels that he/she is the offended party so they give you the bird. Now with the paintball they have a "real" weapon and you end up with the multiple hits at the end of the month. :angry:

Do you think that inner city bicyclists carry a Kryptonite U-lock just for security? Their modus operandi is to yank the U-lock out of its quick release clamp on the top bar, insert the U-lock with some velocity into the windshield of the offending vehicle, and turn down the next alley as fast as possible.

Given that we are mature? responsible? individuals, marbles, ball bearings and nuts are not the solution, as satisfying as they may be. They'll get us into deep kimpshi we can't get out of.

The answer has been stated by several folks here. If you survive the incident, don't let the clowns and imbeciles spoil the rest of your day.

That said, here is the solution for tailgaters:


Ron (the calm, quiet one ;) )
