Phantom 3 drone POI shots of the FJR

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Nice job on those last 2...... Keeping them limited in length is good way to maintain the viewers attention.
People of the internet have very short attention spans these days....
Thanks. I've found that less than 2.5 minutes is about right. After that, attention goes bye bye. Same is true with cuts. !10 seconds usually before you change angles or scenes I think. The first video, I didn't cut at all. But I didn't have much else in the way of interesting footage and only had one battery at the time. I was 1/2 mile away and wanted to make sure I made it back with plenty of time to spare.

Here's the one you want to follow you on a bike or whatever your mode of transportation is.
I've seen this before. The Phantom has some of the tracking abilities, but it is somewhat sketchy. You can have it follow the remote control, a cell phone with a leash app, or visual tracking. Straight lines with those are about as cinematic as it gets. Top speed of Lilly is 20 MPH, Phantom is 35. Either way, you're not getting high speed shots. Mainly just passing by or slower speeds. You could do a high flyover of a ride for a little longer shot. I get nervous about trees and such in the follow me modes.

They say 20 minutes in the add. I think often the flight times are slightly exaggerated though. (This is for the Lily, not the OP's drone)
I get 20 minutes easy on the Phantom and that is pretty close to what they advertise. I have 3 batteries, but I've only used up to 2 on site. Currently working on hole flyovers at my golf course.

I did a quick demo. Really needs to be played back at 2x speed since it is too long as is. But it was a quick demo to show the guys at the club why I was buzzing around the course. There was only one girl that flipped me off. But she was the head bartender, who was trying golf for the first time. She knew I was just messing with her.

The nice thing with the Litchi app is you can preprogram the routes on the web. Get your height, speed, heading, gimbal angle all setup. Then when you get on site, just hit the play button. A bit nerve racking on the course. The Phantom flies faster than the cart can go. A bit of cross your fingers and paying attention with Line of Sight, the FPV, and the GPS screen.

Also made a case for mine so it fits in the top box. Layered 1 inch thick foam. Not the most professional look, but it works.




It's a little snug and takes some care getting the lid to close, but it does. I originally did it in white foam, but it was apparent it was going to get dirty in a hurry and look bad. Dyed the foam using some fabric dye. I wouldn't recommend it as it was a pain in the ass, but it got the job done.

Sorry for the threadjack
Bellerophon. Just wanted you to see what else is capable. And to be an enabler of those that are thinking about getting one.

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This in intriguing. The video quality on the cameras is much better than I expected. Having one of those puppies chase me on a twisty road would be neat.

Just FYI, take off the ads on any vids you do with your drone until you have the proper commercial clearance. The FAA, as stupid as it is, has been going through YouTube vids like that. Ads are payment and considered commercial use right now. It's ridiculous.

How long does one battery last per charge? My entry level is about 7 to 15 minutes.
I get about 20 minutes on my Phantom 3 Standard.

Sorry for the threadjack
Bellerophon. Just wanted you to see what else is capable. And to be an enabler of those that are thinking about getting one.
No worries, these forums are about collaboration.

Just FYI, take off the ads on any vids you do with your drone until you have the proper commercial clearance. The FAA, as stupid as it is, has been going through YouTube vids like that. Ads are payment and considered commercial use right now. It's ridiculous.
I hear you, although there are about 20 gazillion drone videos on youtube that are monetized. The FAA will be really busy going after all of them. Guys like Casey Neistat get millions of views on each of their posts and don't have a problem. If the FAA wants to get after me for 300 views, I guess they can.

And to be an enabler of those that are thinking about getting one.
And an enabler you are, however my riding boots blew out so new ones were ordered today. Sheesh, that'd have been a nice transmitter and a good number of parts I'd need for the build I want to do. Later, definitely later.

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I like all the features of the Phantom and higher tier models. I just can't justify the price difference between my $50 one and a $1200 one.

I like all the features of the Phantom and higher tier models. I just can't justify the price difference between my $50 one and a $1200 one.
You can get the Phantom 3 Standard for about $350-$400 if you pay attention. That's the one OP has. If you want the GLONASS satellites, and visual position system, probably about $600, and $800 if you want the 4k camera.

The Phantom 4 gives you a higher top end speed (45 MPH) and crash avoidance. That'll run you $1200.

Cool! Next step, rig it with auto tracking so it can follow over you and record you while hitting the twisties!
Kind of what I was thinking, if it's doable, but maybe easier to do would be to have two people following you in a car so the passenger can watch and control the bird to get those action shots. That, I'd like to see. Especially of me.
Oh then y'all should see this video! Pretty trick set up this dude has!

You really do want full screen for this!

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