Rickey Rocket has a near hit.

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exact opposite of riding the Pace.

couldn't keep up in the corners,

accelerates like madman in straight

oh crap too fast in the corner?

d a r w i n l o g i c

Man -- I don't ever wanna see that kinda visual from atop my motorcycle. Guarantee his shorts are ruined, but he's lucky not to have ended the day with a helicopter ride.

Methinks Messr. Carver is right -- he was over his head and not riding his own ride as he tried vainly to keep up with whoever he was following.

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Ya know what bugged me in that video?

All the friggen tar snakes they were cornering hard over.

Those bastids give me the hee-bee gee-bees.

No way I'd be leaning hard over that mess on a warm sunny day.

Hi Ari! See you loooking!
Actually, prolly not. I just leave myself logged on a lot.

Interesting vid, though. I agree with the analysis - dood over his head, trying way too hard to make up lack of skill with HP - suffers the inevitable result. Well, almost suffers the inevitable, but what comes next seems inevitable.

My fav video of bonehead cyclist stunts includes the indelible words "they're going to beat our asses". Mannnnn I love that video.

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Big dummy. He wasn't really that deep into any of those turns. It looks to me like the car coming the other way surprised him and he ended up looking at it too long and went straight for it. Then it was just a cluster after that. He's lucky he's not a hood ornament.

I ride there all the time and the tar snakes are not that bad and the grip is good. Those turns can easily be taken faster on a sportbike, he just ran out of talent. Since I sold my R1, I take those turns at a measly 55 to keep from scraping. I upped my settings to 8/8, rebound to 2, added 15cc's of fork oil to each fork (I hate to bottom out), rear on hard, ordered some adjustable pegs (won't ship until the 29th of July!)and 5/8 inch smaller dogbones (won't ship until July 18th!) to raise the rear end. Then I might have the confidence to go faster again, but not right now. Oh, that 3,000 to 4,000 rpm throttle lag sucks also, so I guess a power commander is in my future.

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I ride there all the time and the tar snakes are not that bad and the grip is good. Those turns can easily be taken faster on a sportbike, he just ran out of talent. Since I sold my R1, I take those turns at a measly 55 to keep from scraping. I upped my settings to 8/8, rebound to 2, added 15cc's of fork oil to each fork (I hate to bottom out), rear on hard, ordered some adjustable pegs (won't ship until the 29th of July!)and 5/8 inch smaller dogbones (won't ship until July 18th!) to raise the rear end. Then I might have the confidence to go faster again, but not right now. Oh, that 3,000 to 4,000 rpm throttle lag sucks also, so I guess a power commander is in my future.
Are your riding an FJR? If so, Penske 3-way and GPS front are your answer.

One more reason professional racers don't like to ride on the street. And if they did they sure wouldn't push it. No extra chances with cars, rocks and drop-offs to nowhere. :unsure: PM. <><

.... Oh, that 3,000 to 4,000 rpm throttle lag sucks also, so I guess a power commander is in my future.
Watcha doin' down at 3-4k? Get up to 5-6k and let 'er rip. No lag there.
I find the FJR is harder to ride in the upper rpm range. It tends to lunge when transitioning from off throttle to on throttle. I think the injectors completely shut off with the throttle closed to save gas or emissions, and would benefit from a power commander. Maybe it is the drive shaft engaging and disengaging?

The FJR is not great with low speed tight turns and that is where the throttle lag occurs the most for me. You twist the throttle and nothing happens, then you give it a bit more throttle and it takes off like you just hit the afterburner!

This usually happens during a long hot ride and is very frustrating.

I can see how that would be very frustrating. That doesn't seem like a "normal" characteristic of the FJR. I would ask some mechanical types near you from the forum about that.
