Speeding - ticket?

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Rollie Reincarnated
Mar 3, 2009
Reaction score
Austin, Texas (Lake Travis)
I just bought an 05 ABS bike last week.

Today, I was driving my car when I noticed a motorcycle cop on the side of the road as I sped past. Looking up, I saw that my radar detector was off (stupid). I had forgotten to turn it on when I moved it from the bike to the car yesterday.

Sure enough, the shiney white cop bike pulled in behind me and lit up the red and blue lights. I quickly pulled to the side of the road and into a parking lot careful not to brake too fast as the cop followed close behind.

When he came to my window, I told him that my license was in my briefcase in the trunk and he let me out to fetch it for him. After handing him my license and waiting for the ticket (69 in a 55), I started to look at his police bike which was just behind me. It was an ST1300.

Me: Nice bike. I thought about getting one. But instead I just bought an FJR. Do you know about the FJR?

Officer Friendly: Really? I just bought an FJR as well.

Me: Yea? I got an 05 off of Craigslist. It has ABS

Officer Friendly: Me too, I also got an 05 ABS off of Craigslist. I bought it here in Austin. 2500 miles and I paid $8000.

Me: Wow, great buy. I had to fly to Midland. Mine has 7000 miles and I paid $7500. How do you compare it to the Honda?

Officer Friendly: The FJR is much better. Handles better, lower center of gravity, lighter weight. I'm going to put police lights on it and use it for my patrol bike.

Me: That sounds like fun. Have you done the heat fix on your bike yet? I did mine this weekend and it's not too hard (I explained all the Cromeit stuff to him while pointing to the tank and left fairing.)

Officer Friendly: Well, I'm going to give you a warning. Keep it slow on this part of the road. Goodbye.

See, having an FJR pays off even when it's sitting in your garage and you are driving your car. Score!


Haven't gotten stopped for speeding on it yet But, a six pack of FHP Harleys in West Palm Beach going to their shift change pulled me over just to look at it. They

all had that "look" on their faces of Holy Crap! That's beautiful!! We talked for about 10 minutes and now when I ride by them and we make eye contact, They

wave! Sometimes I'm over the speed limit! SWEEEEEET!! :yahoo:

Last year had a Mississippi state cop pull me off, after looking the bike over he said goodbye Goldwing, hello FJR. We had a nice chat beside the road. You meet the nicest people on motorcycles.

If your ridin your FJR and get pulled over for speeding, it does not help any. At least here in Arkansas.

You pups need to open your eyes when you are speeding above the limit. You can usually see them before they see you. Practice, practice, practice.

Damn! No such luck for me when I got nabbed doing 118 km in a 50 km zone! :unsure:

Edit: added "km" for clarification! :)

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In alberta? How did jail smell? What did it cost to get the skoot out of hawk?

In California, I have found that riding with the bags on is a great way to avoid unnecessary attention. I've been out with some buddies on sport bikes when the CHP's have pulled us over, but waved me away. They must figure that the FJR is more for touring and less for raising a little hell. My friends were pissed that I didn't get a ticket like them. :yahoo: Like Odot says, ride smart.

That's a great story.

I was pulled over in Nebraska during my BBG on the way to NAFO. It was almost the same thing -- the cop owned an ST1300 but had a buddy who had just bought an FJR. He was friendly, we chatted bikes for a bit, he called my stuff in, I was clean, and he gave me a warning ticket and sent me on my way.

great stories,

Whenever you get stopped, it just makes sense to be friendly and totally compliant. Any attitude and you don't stand a chance of recieving any grace or mercy. No real magic formula for getting off, just hope the officer is in a good mood and you hit it off with him/ her. Anyone given a reprieve from a female officer? I got stopped once and started crying and told her how bad my day was going and how my wife had yelled at me that morning and all.............nah, didn't work...................................

Nice job Texan...It may have had more to do with your ability to bullshit than the bike, but that was a good starting point.

Damn! No such luck for me when I got nabbed doing 118 in a 50 zone! :unsure:
Haha...Ya think. I almost think that's a guaranteed ticket, no matter where you go.

I got stopped once and started crying and told her how bad my day was going and how my wife had yelled at me that morning and all.............nah, didn't work...................................
NEVER cry. You might as well say, "Hey dumbass, thanks for stopping me. Now hurry up and give me a ticket." Heheh...

I did something like that when I was riding a 1998 GL1500 Wing.

Cop: Did you know I clocked you going 84 in an 80.

Me: No sir. Was it just after I crested the hill?

Cop: Yes.

Me: I'm sorry. I had the electronic cruise control set and it must have spead up some before it figured out it was going down hill.

Cop: A Wing? Okay, but be more careful next time.

Me: Yes sir!

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The scooter cops in my town are in the process of getting ST1300's. I saw one the other day and asked how he liked it to which he replied, "I can't wipe the smile off my face". When I told him I had an FJR he said "wanna race?". Cool cop.

Had an unmarked unit (clear windows and all) pull me over for doing 62 in a 45.

I got off the bike and explained that registration & insurance were under the seat. He took the registartion and my license back to his car, said he didn't need proof of insurance.

Came back a few minutes later and he told me "You bought this machine to ride and relax. You need to slow it down. Now go on and have a nice ride today".

Friendly officer even waited behind me while I geared back up (earplugs, balaclava, glove inserts, and winter gloves).
