Speeding - ticket?

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I wish we had real policemen/women to issue our speeding tickets here in the UK. These days it's all cameras. They are officially known as "Safety Cameras". The reallity is they are Revenue Raisers. Get caught by one of these, you only get off after a full court battle with some legal technicality.

I'd much rather have real police patrols that also will look out for bad driving as well as speeding.

And, no, I've not had a performance award (yet) on a bike, but I've seen a lot of bad driving (and riding), it's getting worse as time goes on.


You pups need to open your eyes when you are speeding above the limit. You can usually see them before they see you. Practice, practice, practice.
THATS WHAT I AM TALKIN ABOUT! I havent been busted for speding in 20 years. Its all about not speeding when you enter a community and keeping your eyes open the rest of the time

I wrote about my experience with a state LEO when I first got my FJR. It was 04, I was doing the commute and the LEO pulled up in the middle lane (I was in the

right) and bleped the screamer and hesitantly pointed to pull over. I was in commuter traffic and was like WTF? I pulled into a phone cutoff and the LEO got out and asked me right away

if I was late for anything and if so to just keep going...........

I told him, no just going to work have some time, he then told me he has read everything about the FJR and never saw one in person.

I went over the whole bike with him, talked for a good 20 minutes.

He even said he would call my boss if needed :uhhuh:

Add another FJR rider to the forum. I told him to take it for a ride if he wants! Said maybe another time....

I had NO problem with this! Another enthusiast wants to talk bikes I'll stand there all day, in uniform or not!

When I posted this back in 04 I received quite a bit of flaming. "That LEO was on-duty" and I should have got his badge and reported him....

Like I said, I had NO problem with what he did....

Back in 1981 I was trying to find out exactly how fast my just broken in Seca 550 went. In full crouch with my toes aerodynamically wrapped around the tail light I gave it all it had, on a beautiful summer night with no one on the road. It felt great until I saw the cop car way behind me and not catching up any too quickly. I pulled over but couldn’t quite get the smile off my face, and it was obvious that I was guilty as hell, and it was just too damn fantastic feeling to feel much in the way of fear.

It was an Oregon state cop and when he got out of his car he asked “Do you have any idea of how fast you were going?".

I responded, "No officer the Federal Government has mandated that speedometers only get to go to 85".

He laughed and told me he had been following me for 10 miles trying to catch up. So I asked him how fast I was going. He said at least 110. I told him that it was such a nice night and no one was on the road and I just wanted to find out how fast the bike went and that I was sane, wanted to live, and would never do it again (I don't advise this line of defense for anyone else, but in this case what harm could it do?).

He asked me about my bike and I told him it was a light weight 550 and that I just got because it won a middle weight touring test in ‘Cycle World’. He told me he had a Honda 750 and I told him how much I learned and enjoyed the free cycle training course the motorcycle cops in Portland had put on a few weeks before (this was back before the MSF courses, so the cops just did a show and tell in a parking lot with you trying to do what they could on whatever bike you owned). I mentioned how great it was that they taught us to brake really fast using lots of front brake (this was true I was afraid to use much front before that class). He wrote me up for 67 in a 55, what a great guy and excellent judge of character, as I never did do it again, well at least not that blatently.

Damn! No such luck for me when I got nabbed doing 118 in a 50 zone! :unsure:
In alberta? How did jail smell? What did it cost to get the skoot out of hawk?
Been to court 3 times (so far) to string it out. (Reserve Plee, Not Guilty-Set court date,Request Adjournment to retain counsel and set new date)Court Agent appeared for me set date for next month.

kms I presume.
LoL - Yes! Edited post to reflect that.

Haha...Ya think. I almost think that's a guaranteed ticket, no matter where you go.
Yeah, you're probably right... but I'm still pissed! :angry2:

[SIZE=36pt]HOLY F#%&![/SIZE]
I used several other expurlatives! :eek:
K, a little explaination...

Day 1 - Picked up my new bike at a dealership up by the lake and rode it to the lake.

Day 2 - Riding back home, daughter with a friend in SUV behind me, I was enjoying the sunny clear weather and light Sunday traffic. I was on a secondary highway that had a 100 km/h speed limit. I came over a hill and got laser tagged. I slowed down and pulled over hoping for a warning, expecting a small ticket. Turns out that they had changed the speed limit in that area in preparation for a construction project and I had been too focused on the new bike to notice the new sign. The young kid who pulled me over looked like it was his first week on the job and played "by the book". Showed no expression. I was screwed.

I think it's a little bit bogus but am told to expect $750 fine and 14 day suspension. At least with the final court date set, I know when to book a 2 week vacation to a beach! :D

I do have a technique that I think is effective for my long days when I am trying to lay down some miles.

An example is a day when I was going to run home from an 8 day trip and I wanted to get there in one day. Not an IBBA day but long and boring.

I left the Sacramento area about 9.30am by the time I fueled up and got on the road. I wanted to be in Salt Lake City that evening as early as possible. I stayed at a fairly reasonable speed out the the metro area. Then as I hit the Donner Pass area I picket the fastest moving car I could find and stayed close.. That helped some but I was really waiting for the open desert before I played my rabbit game.

When I hit the Nevada Desert, I waited until a guy and a gal in a black BMW blew past me.. They were in the triple digits, say about 115-125 ish, there were times during the day I was running much faster when I found a faster rabbit but I was with them for a couple hours.. I offset one lane and dropped back to about 1500 Yards trail and let them run rabbit. I figured at that speed a LEO would see them, I would be 20-30 seconds in tow and have time to see the LEO come up for the traffic stop and be on the binders in time.

That day I hit Salt Lake City about 5.45pm ish, even with losing an hour in the time zone change. I stopped for gas and to refil my hydration pack.. I chewed beef jerky from my tank bag as I rode by stuffing it under my full face helmet and biting the end off.. 659 miles in 7.25 hours including 4 fuel stops, Each fuel stop consisted of refilling my hydration pack with a 50/50 mix of water and gatoraid for a total luquid consumed of 12 liters.. for an overall average 91 MPH, remove 1 hours (15 minutes for each fuel stop) for a moving average of 105.44 mph

This is a system that has NEVER failed me. I am sure ti is not foolproof in any way.. But I can tell you it beats the shit out of my $400 friggin POS Escort Radar detector that was on the last TWO times I got a traveling award. I have yet to get a speeding ticket while conciously practicing the above.. Who knows, could be luck too.

I have run the deserts like that 3-4 times or so to and from playgrounds and it has worked every time.

Just sharing

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I do have a technique that I think is effective for my long days when I am trying to lay down some miles.
An example is a day when I was going to run home from an 8 day trip and I wanted to get there in one day. Not an IBBA day but long and boring.

I left the Sacramento area about 9.30am by the time I fueled up and got on the road. I wanted to be in Salt Lake City that evening as early as possible. I stayed at a fairly reasonable speed out the the metro area. Then as I hit the Donner Pass area I picket the fastest moving car I could find and stayed close.. That helped some but I was really waiting for the open desert before I played my rabbit game.

When I hit the Nevada Desert, I waited until a guy and a gal in a black BMW blew past me.. They were in the triple digits, say about 115-125 ish, there were times during the day I was running much faster when I found a faster rabbit but I was with them for a couple hours.. I offset one lane and dropped back to about 1500 Yards trail and let them run rabbit. I figured at that speed a LEO would see them, I would be 20-30 seconds in tow and have time to see the LEO come up for the traffic stop and be on the binders in time.

That day I hit Salt Lake City about 5.45pm ish, even with losing an hour in the time zone change. I stopped for gas and to refil my hydration pack.. I chewed beef jerky from my tank bag as I rode by stuffing it under my full face helmet and biting the end off.. 659 miles in 7.25 hours including 4 fuel stops, Each fuel stop consisted of refilling my hydration pack with a 50/50 mix of water and gatoraid for a total luquid consumed of 12 liters.. for an overall average 91 MPH, remove 1 hours (15 minutes for each fuel stop) for a moving average of 105.44 mph

This is a system that has NEVER failed me. I am sure ti is not foolproof in any way.. But I can tell you it beats the shit out of my $400 friggin POS Escort Radar detector that was on the last TWO times I got a traveling award. I have yet to get a speeding ticket while conciously practicing the above.. Who knows, could be luck too.

I have run the deserts like that 3-4 times or so to and from playgrounds and it has worked every time.

Just sharing

The only time this will be a loosing proposition is when they got a bear in the air. Then the just radio down every car that is speeding and have 5 or 6 patrol cars just waving people over and writing tickets.

The first time it doesn't work, it's going to be expensive! :grin:

Ever had your rabbit get nailed? How did that work out, were you able to get down to a reasonable speed without attracting too much attention. One modern challenge to using a rabbit is cellphones. Self righteous folks may phone the local constabulary because you blew by them at 50 over.

So, what king of fuel mileage does an FJR get at 100+ MPH?

The first time it doesn't work, it's going to be expensive! :grin:
Ever had your rabbit get nailed? How did that work out, were you able to get down to a reasonable speed without attracting too much attention. One modern challenge to using a rabbit is cellphones. Self righteous folks may phone the local constabulary because you blew by them at 50 over.

So, what king of fuel mileage does an FJR get at 100+ MPH?
I think it just might possibly be in the 28-32mpg range... but I'm not one to know anything about that :angel:

I wish I had the chance that the original poster had. I was pulled over recently in Arlington, TX.... 55 in a 40, handed the officer my license, informed him the insurance was under my seat. While getting my insurance he returned to his cruiser and presented me with a grocery store receipt style ticket. We hadn't really exchanged more than 5 words. My bad.

And it's not just the ticket too, insurance companies love to have an excuse to raise your rates.

In Oregon Insurance is supposed to be regulated by an insurance commission, yet it takes no great analytical skills to see that this is just BS. For example, I would love to see an insurance company demonstrate the statistical basis for giving a 10% discount if the insured also has homeowners insurance with the company? Yeah sure!

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Had to laugh when I found the right time to see where the FJR topped out. I happened to look at the gas mileage computer while traveling at an indicated 165 mph and it said i was making 12.5 mpg. About the same mpg as my F150 pulling a trailer. Not a lot of range out of that big fuel tank at that speed.

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I do have a technique that I think is effective for my long days when I am trying to lay down some miles.
An example is a day when I was going to run home from an 8 day trip and I wanted to get there in one day. Not an IBBA day but long and boring.

I left the Sacramento area about 9.30am by the time I fueled up and got on the road. I wanted to be in Salt Lake City that evening as early as possible. I stayed at a fairly reasonable speed out the the metro area. Then as I hit the Donner Pass area I picket the fastest moving car I could find and stayed close.. That helped some but I was really waiting for the open desert before I played my rabbit game.

When I hit the Nevada Desert, I waited until a guy and a gal in a black BMW blew past me.. They were in the triple digits, say about 115-125 ish, there were times during the day I was running much faster when I found a faster rabbit but I was with them for a couple hours.. I offset one lane and dropped back to about 1500 Yards trail and let them run rabbit. I figured at that speed a LEO would see them, I would be 20-30 seconds in tow and have time to see the LEO come up for the traffic stop and be on the binders in time.

That day I hit Salt Lake City about 5.45pm ish, even with losing an hour in the time zone change. I stopped for gas and to refil my hydration pack.. I chewed beef jerky from my tank bag as I rode by stuffing it under my full face helmet and biting the end off.. 659 miles in 7.25 hours including 4 fuel stops, Each fuel stop consisted of refilling my hydration pack with a 50/50 mix of water and gatoraid for a total luquid consumed of 12 liters.. for an overall average 91 MPH, remove 1 hours (15 minutes for each fuel stop) for a moving average of 105.44 mph

This is a system that has NEVER failed me. I am sure ti is not foolproof in any way.. But I can tell you it beats the shit out of my $400 friggin POS Escort Radar detector that was on the last TWO times I got a traveling award. I have yet to get a speeding ticket while conciously practicing the above.. Who knows, could be luck too.

I have run the deserts like that 3-4 times or so to and from playgrounds and it has worked every time.

Just sharing

The blocking diversion technique is very effective. I like the fact that you give the blocker a very healthy cushion. Those that do this technique

and basically tailgate at high speeds are just assholes. They think only the leader will be a tag... If your so close at high speeds you will just get

nabbed as a duo. Also, the second car in a tight placed duo..... always gets the reward (if you ask me), for obvious reasons. The larger cushion

is much more effective and safer to boot.


OK, Lets see. I am gonna answer without doing a million qoutes here

Yes, I have had my Rabbit get nabbed... It was from a LEO coming the other way.. The Leo lit them up before crossing the median. The FJR will haul down pretty fast.. Not as dramatic as from 65 or so, but impressive..

One run I kept track of the mileage was crossing the Idaho desert heading east into Idaho Falls.. I had no rabbit but could see for a billion miles in all directions and I could not imagine them wasting bear in the air time on that road.. I was in the 25mpg range.... ish. That was lying my chin on my tank bag and the throttle locked off at about 135 indicated.. Ran that way for about an hour and the fuel was gone.

During the run described in my above post there were a couple of times the fuel got scary. Adding another fuel stop would have been better.. Also, during this run I was resting my chest on the talk bag most of the time and my feet were on the passenger pegs to give me a little more room. I tried to reduce buffeting as much as possible to stay alert.. That means I was reducing wind drag as a result. I dont know the mileage performance on the bike. I remember dropping out of warp about 30 miles from Wells Nevada and coming into Wells with the last fuel bar flashing.. too close.

Funny thing about my insurance (3 tickets on record as of now. two from the bike) and one claim against the bike ins for my getoff. My bike Ins did not go up at all.. Now my Auto ins... that is another story.

WW, It would not make sense to run close in.. Not with that objective in mind.. It also creates a mental game to play.. At 1500-2000 yards or so it requires you pay attention to opening or closing rates with the rabbit.. From that distance it can be deceiving. When in the middle of "No Damm Where" it is at least something to roll around in your head when the ipod is playing a song you dont feel like singing to..

Yes,, It will be expensive.. I dont do this in traffic or busy freeways.... Few LEO's are going to be 40 miles out in the desert with the exception of perhaps somewhere like the road between Salt Lake City and Wendover (past the Bonneville Salt Flats) where it is known the PPL from Salt Lake haul ass on the 60 miles of dead straight freeway

*knock on wood*

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If your ridin your FJR and get pulled over for speeding, it does not help any. At least here in Arkansas.
I think the root cause of your ticket was you had TX tags on your bike :)

For those outside the region Arkansans hate Texans.

BTW we moved here from TX and my wife is a native TEXAN. We went to the UA and Texas football game in our car with TX plates. If looks could kill! Luckily we wore Razorback T-shirts.

Rick with no tickets...so far.

I do have a technique that I think is effective for my long days when I am trying to lay down some miles.
An example is a day when I was going to run home from an 8 day trip and I wanted to get there in one day. Not an IBBA day but long and boring.

I left the Sacramento area about 9.30am by the time I fueled up and got on the road. I wanted to be in Salt Lake City that evening as early as possible. I stayed at a fairly reasonable speed out the the metro area. Then as I hit the Donner Pass area I picket the fastest moving car I could find and stayed close.. That helped some but I was really waiting for the open desert before I played my rabbit game.....
Rabbits are/were great. It sees like they have been exterminated in this part of the country. Truckers don't even speed anymore ( I travel for business and try to do trips in the night time). So I am stuck driving my car at 5mph over. On the FJR I try to stay out of the left lane and use whatever cars in the right lane as "shields" from radar. The only advantage to a bike's low visual profile is I can stay hidden longer. I was making a run to OK, was doing in excess of 90 ( I don't look, I just go) in a 65 mph zone, Ford pickup in left lane and a car in the right lane, and got within 1/4 mile (I quess) of LEO in median without him having a clear line of sight on me. I don't think he ever saw me. BEFORE YOU FLAME me... no I don't tailgate and Yes I slow down as I approach traffic and Yes I gracefully only overtake slower traffic by 5 to 10 mph.


I aint gonna flame you.... I BLOW by some people.. even met some of them later... (guy on an HD) and Apologized. he said "No, scared the shit outta us but that was cool" I was at about 135 indicated on my idaho run, stopped for gas and they puled in "Hey, arent you that guy that blew past us back there"

It does not piss everyone off.... Jes Sayin

I passed 3 SCHP today on ST1300's today. I gave 'em a wave but they just grimly looked ahead.

Last year at Deal's Gap I got a ticket on my Husky for 52 in a 30 from the county mounties. One of easiest tickets I have received, no points, $27 fine.

I do have a technique that I think is effective for my long days when I am trying to lay down some miles....
We call that using "Bear Bait" up here.

Hmmm.... Guess that's what I was for by friend in the SUV behind me as he got waved past as I was pulling over. :(

(He was pretty close behind, but we were traveling together!)
