SPLIT: Off-Topic Rainbows Somewhat About Seats But Definitely Not the OP

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Redfish Hunter

Gone Fishing
Apr 16, 2012
Reaction score
Prairieville, LA
Sorry Zilla. You know I always think of you when:

1. I am aggravated.
2. Gay Topics.

Yes, I am insanely jealous that your wife will ride with you. Mrs. Redfish is so gravity challenged that I would need a rear tire from a dump truck and a rear shock spring from the front of a '79 Ford 3/4 Ton pickup to support her.

BACK on Topic:

I do NOT advise the use of the Canyon Dancer Tie Downs. A good front end chock (the cheap tip over out of Harbor Freight is great) and tie to the lower triple clamp.

My Harley Cousin has a very cute little one bike trailer he built for the HD. He uses it to go to rallies when he is spending the weekend. It has a folding ramp tailgate and a Harbor Freight tip over front wheel chock that holds the bike very well. There is an aluminum BBQ pit he custom built on the side and a folding aluminum shelf as well. A very neat, very handy little toy.

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This is awesome! A good old my-dick-is-bigger-than-yours brawl! I wish you guys hadn't ruined it with apologies n shit. I was gonna offer up my Fat Max and settle this mess once and for all!

And I thought I was in a thread with MEN!
It's a tape measure. It's beefier than most tape measures so it will remain 'erect' with the tape further out. Comes in handy in my line of work and I imagine many others as well or they wouldn't make 'em.

But like anything, even the Fat Max gets droopy after a while. When mine needs a shot of Viagra to do it's job properly, I just trade it in for a new one. Just like... Oh wait, you didn't ask that, did you?

I think the LAAM seat is going to work well for the riding I do. Not planning to do more than about 300 miles in a day often, if ever.

But I have learned that the future is unpredictable. It is not impossible that I get hooked on long distance riding and that I will have to upgrade to a Russell if the LAAM does not cut it. But I think the chance of that happening is small enough to go with a LAAM

Off topic but we had about 5 inches in the Seattle area, a little more on Mercer Island. Hardly enough to make it interesting driving.

Ah the forum strikes again. Every once in a while, we dog pile on an issue. Sometimes it's predictable, sometimes not. This one is more the latter. Maybe our OP would be wise to use some of that leftover shrinkwrap on summa you guys. One thing's for sure, you'd not only have much less to say, YOU'D BE LOOKIN' PRETTIER TOO. Every package is exciting if ya wrap it up and put a bow on it...


darksider #44

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I have a Seth Laam seat on my genIII. I rode down to EOM last year with Cota 95 and THEAXMAN. George and I did 633 miles the first day and I wasn't sore at all, the seat is great. One thing I really liked is that the Laam seat is half the money the russell is and IMO just as good.

One thing I really liked is that the Laam seat is half the money the russell is and IMO just as good.

Vinyl Solo Dual

Laam $299 $389

Russell $480 $605

(181) (216)

(37%) (35%)


Laam $404 $494

Russell $605 $745

(201) (251)

(33%) (33%)

FWIW, I've bought both of my Russells during a winter group buy, and got a 20% discount, YDMV.

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Kind of splitting hairs now aren't we? When I had Seth do the seats for my ST1300 it was $256 to have the front customized and the rear recovered to match. Maybe not half the cost, but significant.

I was having a really hard time deciding between the Russell and the "cheaper" seats. I saw the Laam and loved the way it looked on the bike. I had to find out for myself. It is a great seat. Seth's customer service alone makes the price worthwhile. But I know it is not quite as IBR perfect as a Russell. Pretty damn good though.

The only thing that bothers me about buying the Laam is that I ignored the wisdom of the very best minds on this forum. I mean just because Ignacio, 101stPathfinder, and all the other really smart, top level IBR competitors say the Russell is the best does not make it so right? Just because Fred W is so smart, that is really no reason to listen to him is it? So, I feel like a doofus for not taking the advice of the folks who really know.

So, Fred, Ignacio, you can sit there with your smug little smirks of superiority. Because you are right. And I don't mind admitting it.

Seats are subjective.... Depends on the ass upon 'em.

I liked my sergeant more than a Russell, butt not as much as a Corbin.

All beat the stock seat though.

The Laam is probably a very good seat. It is also available at a nicer price point than paying full boat at Russell. If you don't need/want to have the absolute best available in comfort, it is a pretty good deal. If Laam had been making seats when I was searching for an answer I'd have been (sorely?) tempted to try one. What the hell, I tried a (butt) load of other seats before I found Russells. And I have the bills to prove it. ;)

I do get slightly annoyed when people say (over and over) that a Laam is half of the price of a Russell. It isn't. If you think that it is "close enough", just send me that paltry difference of $253 (which is the actual difference between twice a Laam and a Russell in Leather)

I mean $250 bucks here, and $250 bucks there, and pretty soon you're talking some significant money.

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It got up to 60, so I went for a nice ride this afternoon. Roads had some sand here and there, but overall, it was a great ride.

I had my Yamaha gel-touring seat on the bike, and my ass was very happy....


The only thing that bothers me about buying the Laam is that I ignored the wisdom of the very best minds on this forum. I mean just because Ignacio, 101stPathfinder, and all the other really smart, top level IBR competitors say the Russell is the best does not make it so right? Just because Fred W is so smart, that is really no reason to listen to him is it? So, I feel like a doofus for not taking the advice of the folks who really know.
So, Fred, Ignacio, you can sit there with your smug little smirks of superiority. Because you are right. And I don't mind admitting it.
Kind of splitting hairs, aren't you? How many of us really ride multiple 1000 mile days?


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